Thursday, June 14, 2018

Blind Item #5

There was supposed to be an autopsy conducted by someone hired by the family. Apparently though, someone in charge in this foreign country said no and the body was disposed of quickly so no independent autopsy could be performed. 


  1. Bourdain/France and it’s creepy AF

  2. This is pretty outrageous!! Wtf??!!

  3. Ah. There we go. Wtf.

  4. Bourdains mother requested the autopsy perhaps?

  5. How in teh hell do you not do an autopsy on a suspected suicide victim?

  6. I found that to be so weird! I thought his ex wife was trying to get his body flown back to America. It’s awful because his daughter didn’t get to see him one last time

  7. When Hillary's henchmen get to the officials and they use the old "shit happens" routine after they murder someone.
    Just like many others. Truly amazing how these fucks get this done and ghost the trail behind themselves.

  8. Even this skeptic found this to be a very strange turn of events...

  9. At what point does this raise flags to the most skeptical? Was there any family present at all to the cremation?

  10. Within moments of hearing the news(his “suicide”) and where it happened-I thought the investigation will be fucked. I know that are fairly well(Alsace Lorraine); very sleepy villages where things can easily go down and then get buried. Similar to the town in Italy where Amanda Knox was... and we know how that went

    1. I still think she was involved. She has the creepiest fucking eyes.

    2. She is definitely damaged ...... and that does a lot to a person. I just hope whatever it may be that the truth comes out.

  11. I just wanted to say, Fuck Rose McScrounger for this quote:

    "Anthony’s depression didn’t let him, he put down his armor, and that was very much his choice. His decision, not hers"

    It isn't a choice. It's an illness, not a decision.

    (I don't think it's right to blame Asia either. Blame her for any cheating or whatever, sure, but not his death. Unless she pushed him towards deeper depression intentionally, I think it's unfair to put that burden on someone)

  12. I'm sorry but I'm finding it a big coincidence that mostly everyone that has committed suicide in the past year or so all of a sudden there are blinds about it maybe not being a suicide. Cornell, Bourdain, Spade...I guess it's easy that way, since the dead can't speak.

    1. I agree with you on ppl jumping to conclusions. Depression and suicide are VERY REAL. I would venture to say that a good deal of the Overdoses are not an accident but in anticipation of suicide/death...

      But, that being said... there are certainly some weird instances of questionable activities. Mark Salling is a good example...

    2. It minimizes the impact depression and addiction have on these folks. It’s pathetic.

  13. Answers my question in the other blind. Thanks Enty!

  14. morning y'all happy thursday.
    yes, miss tricia called it, anthony bourdain. how unfortunate and we may never get the truth. something just ain't right.

  15. @Guesser, some of the skeptics will never see the red flags, because they're not really skeptics, they're just on the other side.

  16. sucks to be asia right now. for sooo many reasons. not saying she's innocent, but what a cross to bear.

  17. I can't find anything online anywhere to suggest this is something that took place against the wishes of his family though? If someone else has, please do link to it.

  18. You do realise Bourdain and Asia had an open relationship and that he was fucking other people too? You're scapegoating Asia for Bourdain's suicide, assuming it was suicide, because she hugged another dude but have you considered that he may have killed himself for other reasons?

  19. I thought it was suspicious when I heard it.

  20. Only the police is authorized to make autopsy in France

  21. @Katty, it is very unusual for someone to be cremated without a family member signing off on it. He has several living relatives,and suicide cases are usually treated like crime scenes until all test results are done. Even Avicii had his body taken home.

  22. the court of public opinion has already found her guilty. it sucks to be her in any scenario. whether its a suicide or not. people will believe what they want to believe.

    even the photog who pulled the images of her and the reporter dancing after dinner "out of respect", couldnt help himself slagging her and throwing some gasoline on the fire... in the same interview.

  23. I think her and Rose are basking in all the attention. Posting pictures of themselves grieving... What person does this? Yes I can see younger people doing that, but these are two grown ass women. They are being disrespectful of his actual family.

    1. I was thinking that... but the fact is we’ve been heading in that direction as a society. This type of behavior will become more and more common.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Avicii cause of death hasn't been revealed, everyone says it was suicide.. but recent articles are stating no cause of death has been revealed yet. Don't believe mainstream media especially TMZ..

    1. The blind here after his death suggested he stepped in /got on the face of a man and his child bride there... (he was an anti sex trafficking advocate),and that he was in turn targeted and murdered. Family threatened etc. The way he chose to end things(if in fact,he did)- was particularly violent. And he anything but...

  26. Thank you,out of 29 Comments they are reasonable, civil discussion of how this isn't making sense.
    When it first happened and Enty wrote about it I swear to God every asshole online that day came on here to yell HAVE SOME RESPEX FER CLINICAL DEPRESSION! YOU FUCKING DON'T KNOW ANYONE WHO EVR KILLED DEMSELVES! AND DON'T KNO MENTAL ILLNES !!!

    so at the very least, I appreciate all the posters who remember this is a gossip blog. Gossip. Not a support group for the national institute for mental health and suicide prevention.
    We always have Plot. He should be by any time to derail reasonable and pleasant discussion.

  27. No autopsies are ever performed if it clearly a suicide. If the person made a previous attempt, left a note or called someone before they did it and the findings are consistent with suicide. The only examination is external and that's it. Nothing unusual about it.

  28. Well maybe Himmmm could chime in on this? According to his twitter AB was a very close friend and Himmmm was the only person trusted and powerful enough to fly to France, pull some strings, cut through all the red tape and repatriate his body back to the States. Not sure how Himmmm heroicly saving the day to return AB’s body to his family fits with him actually being cremated in France though! 🤔 He also has no doubt in his mind/s that it was suicide. So that pretty much clinched it...foul play it was.

  29. Until the #metoo movement dumps all these casting-couch callets, consider me team Weinstein.

    Can't wait until his defense lawyers tear into Argento and McGowan.

    And, if he's found innocent, I hope he sues them all into the next galaxy.

  30. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Suspect he had a will and his wishes were to be cremated.

    If Himmmm was friends with AB, he is mourning right now. Let's respect that.

  31. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Bordain was a stranger from his wife but still had her listed as next of kin. She was in charge of arrangements. They apparently were still close. Even my husband, who hates all the theories on things thinks his death is on the weird side.

  32. Team Weinstein? Is there such a thing?

    Do you know the meaning of "controlled opposition," @J?

  33. Donna, I know the meaning of casting couch. I know the meaning of regret. And sadly I know all too well the concept of bullshit.

  34. AB and AA were clearly into some dark shit, if pictures still say a thousand words, see for yourselves, you too, "skeptics":

  35. @HH314 you clearly don't know anything about the medico-legal process. I worked for a medical examiner for 6 years and EVERY SINGLE POSSIBLE SUICIDE IS AUTOPSIED! I don't know where you get your half ass info from.

  36. Ahahahaha. You people are EVIL and STUPID. Constantly shilling "there's NO mossad connection here, goyim". Dah joos r gud-bois. Dey din do nutin.

    Macron is mossy-cointelpro. Yeah baby. Destroying the evidence for greater-ZIO-pedes.

    Asia's arm tat is just "artwork", goyim. Trust us.

  37. @Jon Feltman I agree that there was a lot of the occult, horror, blood, etc but couldn't it be explained as simply as Asia was raised by Dario who was fascinated by all this and Anthony was KNOWN for weird foot crap. I think we are 'placing' heavier purpose on perhaps someone's fascination with the occult or the macabre because of things now. It can as simply be explained by someone's darker more artistic nature. I am drawn to VERY dark things bur don't do sacrifices or have occult associations. It is why HORROR is so appealing. We are drawn to darkness in many ways. We fear it and yet we are mortal. I think a lot of this is putting put in hindsight into scrutinizing both Asia and Anthony's more odd postings. Both also have a ton of followers and are well known people so would be sensationalizing on purpose.

  38. Yeesh coroners in some of these foreign countries are not very helpful, guess they're too used to covering up tourist murders.

  39. @Iggy

    "Avicii "

    Yep. France wouldn't prevent a private autopsy (though the BI is bullshit to stir the Outrage Addicts, obviously.)


    You rang? You want me don't you darling?

    @Sal T

    "Well maybe Himmmm could chime in on this? According to his twitter AB was a very close friend and Himmmm was the only person trusted and powerful enough to fly to France"

    LOL! Is our Himmmm casting himself as the Super Hero again? The only one Bourdain's family talks to?

    Life in Southern Virginia is so boring, donjaknow.



    I was just about to say...thanks for being the voice or reason around here.

  40. So you're saying Bourdain was cremated post State autopsy? Or was cremated before ANY autopsy? And who decided it was to be cremated?

    While it's a different country (Italy), my US citizen loved one died on a dock in Naples. His body was taken to a hospital where the US Consulate was contacted. They in turn contacted his next-of-kin who reiterated no cremation of his remains. The Consulate got the process going to get a Foreign Death Certificate issued. Then the Consulate informed the family that if they wanted the remains returned to them, it will require embalming - but no cosmetic prep is done in Italy. So you're gonna get a wrinkly gross corpse. The Funeral Agent makes arrangements to ship the body back and this paperwork shuffle takes 10-21 WORKING days (Monday-Friday, unless there's a driver's strike where they take extra days off in the middle of the week). Because of the delay and the shoddy embalming, most families (said the Consulate) opt for cremation. BUT AN AUTOPSY IS REQUIRED IN ITALY, ESPECIALLY OF NON-ITALIAN CITIZENS. (Again, I know this is Italy, not France.) With cremation, at least the funeral agency admits it will take SEVERAL WEEKS to obtain the ashes from the crematorium. It's not a fast process.

    This Bourdain situation makes me feel like vomiting.

  41. they could have done the autopsy when his body is returned to the USA, so why did the cremate hiim?

  42. This is a bullshit blind. I feel like 90% of the stuff on this site is made up obviously just for entertainment purposes. I don't think there is some big conspiracy going on with the MeToo/ Weinstein stuff...Anthony was sick. He had battled many issues most of his life and it just became too much. It didn't help that his supposed girlfriend was spreading her legs for someone else while he was off working. It's sad business but i'm sure what we see is actually what happened. There's no need to turn his Life/Death in to something ugly.

  43. Has anyone considered auto-erotic asphyxiation? Bourdain joked about it a lot over the years; he was apparently found with a hotel bathrobe sash around his neck; and I know this is a bit silly but a friend read his astrological chart and it lines up (v. Michael Hutchence/David Carradine vibes). I genuinely doubt the Weinstein conspiracy theories on this one.

  44. Make sure you tell your loved ones if you would never kill yourself by strangulation/hanging, people are always ready with their suicidal depression/auto-erotic asphyxiation explanations when someone is found hanging around.

  45. I just hope Hugo is ok. Asia needs support now more than ever.

  46. It's weird how Rose and Asia made this about themselves.

  47. You can't just assume that every suicide is a cover up for something sadistic. People with mental illness, mostly depression, kill themselves. I wish they didn't but we'll never know unless we're themeeting how it feels to have no way out. I don't think this was anything sinister.

    1. Not all those with depression kill themselves but hopefully you know what I mean!

  48. Kiki, define "weird foot crap" please...

  49. @Amy Casey you must not read. There have been at least a half dozen experts who have said most people who commit suicide do NOT have a mental illness. But you're the expert :)

  50. Drkdragon777 I am a pathologist, so I do have some knowledge. Clear-cut suicides with notes/phone calls etc are only photographed and an external is done. If there is any question about the manner of death then an internal exam is performed. I am not going to go into any details but the offices I rotated through were far too busy with actual homicides, accidents etc to spend time and resources on suicides. I personally worked on a case of a young guy who called his wife before putting a plastic bag over his head and an older vet who shot himself in the head and left a note. They were accessioned, described and photographed and as far as I remember that was it. There must have been absolutely no doubt about Mr. Bourdain's manner of death or else there would have been some additional investigation done. As I said, nothing unusual about this.

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. It is very difficult to repatriate a body to the US from France. French law says burial must take place within a six days. If this criteria can't be met, then it must be cremation. Considering the small jurisdiction, the circumstances and red tape on both sides, it may have been the only option.

  53. Oh and a comment about this blind. The next of kin laws are very clear so if the family wanted an autopsy they would have definitely gotten it, either by the French state or their own private doc. And the disposition of remains is entirely up to the next of kin, so cremation was performed because the next of kin requested it.

  54. If you read the Himmmm twitter feed, I think Bourdain can't be the subject of this blind. It sure sounds like he was repatriated intact.

  55. People Magazine is reporting that Authorities found no Evidence of Foul Play with Anthony Bourdain though, and that an autopsy will be performed...

    "A medical expert did not find any signs of violence on Bourdain’s body and toxicology tests are being performed, the AP reported. Rocquigny explained to PEOPLE that “an autopsy is the priority” as police in Colmar, France, continue investigating Bourdain’s death."

  56. Using someone's death for entertainment purposes is fucked up. Enough already.

    Let the man rest in peace ffs.

  57. @DumDumPop by all means, we can always believe the authorities and for sure, the media. Nobody is "using this man's death for entertainment." If it was weird, which it seemed weird, who wouldn't want people to ask questions. Lucky him that people care. Millions die all the time and nobody notices. It's clearly a very emotional time for people, but you're lucky people caring about it in any way.

  58. Another fake blind by Enty & Co, and pretty vile and ghoulish to try to get clicks off of a tragedy. If was true, why aren't Bourdain's estranged wife or his mother screaming about it in the press?

  59. @Unknown you might want to make sure you know who you are talking to, since you are confusing my comment with Green Tea's, so yeah...try to keep better track of who's who.

    And personally, I am not one for "alternative facts" and it does no one any favors to pretend like everything being reported isn't true. That article I linked wasn't some puff piece, it's just a matter of fact reporting that they are doing an autopsy and was reported by AP and Reuters. I'm just here to point out that if Enty wrote this blind with Bourdain in mind (and I'm not sure he did, this could be about literally anyone) then it makes no sense. As for myself, I'm not into conspiracy porn.

  60. @J F

    " there are certainly some weird instances of questionable activities. Mark Salling is a good example... "

    Questionable that a person, who had tried to commit suicide before at least once, finally succeeded?


    "I'm not into conspiracy porn"

    +1000 with bells on. TY.

  61. Again, was he really cremated? I thought Himmmm had gone to France and got the body brought back to the states?

  62. I had read that toxicology report is pending on him. Must all be lies. Not all suicides are staged murders for Fucks sake. Go read a Nancy Drew novel..

  63. sd auntie - yea, cos a toxicology report can't ever be faked...
    back to sleep you go...

  64. "cos a toxicology report can't ever be faked"

    So let me get this straight. You think that all the various agencies and individuals involved in AB's autopsy AND the investigation into his death are ALL, EVERY DANG ONE OF THEM, involved in faking his suicide to the point that people will fake documents on both sides of the Atlantic and somehow get his loved ones to chip in with the deal.

    Oh the conspiracy porn dreams are all yours, sir.

  65. just takes 1 person, dingleberry

  66. Just one person to fake AB's suicide, fill out a fake death cert, make sure there isn't an autopsy or a fake autopsy, coral his relatives and friends into telling the same story.....?

    That's a heck of a person right there!

    1. I can’t with this bullshit. And these people just blindly accepting anything that’s accused here. It’s buzzard.

  67. You LITERALLY got this from reddit. 1. Stop it 2. The police said TO THE PRESS that the first priority was an autopsy 3. There is NOTHING that implies this was against anyone’s wishes nor that an autopsy didn’t happen 4. Stop it. It’s incrddibly pathetic you can’t let anyone Rest In Peace.

  68. @Where are my dragons

    Yep. The Enterns plunder Reddit often...but not the remarkable threads where users have collected evidence for things like the abortions Trump has paid for or the timelines and graphs of Russian mob connections to US celebrities and politicos. Nah, building bullshit around suicides is more their thing.
