Friday, June 15, 2018

Blind Item #8

During the police investigation of this permanent A list mostly movie actor regarding a case I wrote about first, the police have interviewed several other people who say that the actor's denial is pretty implausible since there has been more than one female teen they remember him doing the same thing to.


  1. Replies
    1. Sickening. My uncle was friends with him throughouthe 70/80’s We used to let him stay at the family house in Palm Springs (winter breaks etc).. thouggh my sister and I were only 10/8 we were still star struck-makes my skin crawl a bit and good thing my uncle didn’t know. He would’ve wound up swimming with the ol
      Fishes somewhere πŸ˜‰

    2. I want to read your memoirs!

    3. Ha :) someday maybe,somedayπŸ™πŸ»

    4. Anonymous9:21 AM

      Is Frank as dumb as he looks? And sounds? Jesus his bit part in Staying Alive as the rock singer.

    5. Yeah lol. Definitely not working with a Mensa member there!

  2. Sly thinks he's being sly.

  3. Stallone again is accused of rape

  4. With all the steroids he's abused over the years he can still get it up? All hail Viagra!

  5. ha!
    hardly anyone left with a clean record.

  6. Tricia you need to write a book.

    1. You just really pissed some bitter CDAN commenter off for even suggesting this.

    2. Hope not y’allπŸ˜‰It’s the weekend-break out the sunshine and Happy Hours☀️πŸ₯‚

  7. Yo, Adrienne! It's Stallone.

  8. Wonder if he hits on his daughters friends? Slimy Sly. Tricia's book would be awesome.

  9. I'll never forget seeing him and Brigitte Neilsen walk out of Bloomingdale's one day and everybody on both sides of the street stopped and looked. That's unusual in NYC, and there were at least a couple of hundred people out there.

  10. Yeah BUT what proof do these women have? It is their WORDS against him. Sly Stallone is a wealthy man if you think Hollywood is not a town full of gold digging sluts who want a pay cheque you are sadly mistaken. Just because a WOMAN accuses a MAN of sexual harassment or assault DOES NOT MEAN THE WOMAN OR WOMEN ARE TELLING THE TRUTH. It annoys me this feminist bullshit!

    1. Well Andrew, it has been insinuated her over the years about behavior. I get your point about the shakedown but he is the popular guess. Wifey just looks the other way.

  11. Well that's why these things very rarely go to court because the rich guy's lawyer digs deep into her history finds something questionable and uses it against her. It could be something from 10 or 20 years ago, but it's there and puts her character in question.

  12. Another payday mob, another day.

  13. This implies that there were people the police talked to, not the women who allegedly are victims?

  14. OMG @Normal. Staying Alive! WORST MOVIE EVER. And I LOVE it.

  15. New to this site - what's a CDAN? I'm so obsessed with this! I haven't done work in 3.5 hours.

    1. Stands for Crazy Days and Nights... We all would be more productive at work without it but damn we love our Hollywood gossip

  16. Michell, CDAN is this site.

    Stallone is fucking gross.

  17. Oh Michelle. Three and a half hours? Stick around girl, most us haven't worked much in 3.5 years

  18. @ andrew simpson, 100% agree, this whole fame-seeking Sluts making random, unproven claims and destroying males in the completely unproven court of public opinion, where pathetic nobody bitches, who spend their entire life surfing gossip sites and hating on successful people (re: a bunch of regulars on here...) because of completely random, unproven chatter made up by completely unproven sources... it's a fucking disgrace!
    The people here that hate on and mock the 'religion' of scientology, but worship their own bullshit false idol known as Himmmm, are every bit as braindead, retarded and easily mislead as the scientologists they hate on...
    The pathetic, snowflake man-hating dykes and soy-boy beta-males on here are desperate to destroy any and all men at Any cost. While the Himmmms remain hiding in shame at their failed predictions, Don Henley is laughing his ass off, successful as ever...

    1. Awaiting the sequel...

    2. Sounds like Mudspunky needs a new hobby. I hear Scientology has a massive recruiting effort going on right now. They are hemorrhaging money & members that Miscavage & all his hired goons can't seem to stop. Can't imagine why. Xenu seems such a sound founding principle, proposed by such a stable individual. 🀷‍♀️

  19. Sly Stallone is a key character in "You'll Never Make Love in This Town Again."

    According to that book, the steroids ravaged his ability to get an erection and he now has to use some kind of pump.

    It also claimed he has a scat fetish and installed a huge retractable transparent plexiglass ceiling in his bedroom that is lowered until it's just above his face. He makes women squat on it right above him as they poop and pee while he gets off.

    Maybe a total lie, but it's in that book. Other good stuff in there about other famous men. Only the late John Ritter comes off fairly well, as I recall.

    1. Oh God, I have got to read this book @DDonna!! But I have no free time...will someday

  20. My girlfriend and I were "little sisters" to a fraternity back in the late 80s. We're at the top of the Las Vegas Hilton in an exclusive ballroom having our end of the year banquet. Just standing around talking when this elevator, which is the only elevator to the penthouses, opens and out walks David Letterman and Sly Stallone. Ya, we were pretty star struck, but didn't move. They walked right over to us. I don't remember what was said, but I DO remember, as pleasantries were exchanged, Sly reached out and touched my friend's face mid sentence. I think he might have said, "Wow, you're so pretty." This exchange was only a minute or two but, I've always thought how strange that was to just think it was ok to violate someone's space like that. Then again, we were 19, so I guess we were fair game.

  21. And misogynists annoy me, Andrew. They're nothing more than parasites who should have been aborted by the women who grew them, risked their lives giving birth to them, breastfed and wasted the best years of their lives raising them. Have all men been accused of rape and sexual assault? Nope, but look at the mentals going spastic over a HANDFUL of men being accused of rape/sexual assault. And all because none of you can take responsibility for YOUR failures...

  22. @Spudmonkey. "Men" like you are worthless and irrelevant. I pity your mother. You are a loser and that is your fault. Deal with it.

  23. @Andrew, feminism is about equal pay and rights. It has nothing to do with allegations against men or the "Me too" movement.

    1. We have equal pay and rights now so will the feminist movement have a retirement party and go away? πŸŽ‰

  24. @Spudmonkey, no words.

  25. @parissucksliterally Omg I'm an idiot.
    @rosieriveter I cannot wait!

  26. hahaha thanks for proving my point you pathetic dykes...
    DDonnaTarttty, yeah, that book sounds like a quality read... Head back in the sand, love...
    Chaps, wow, what a nasty raping that must've been for you - congratulations, there's your #metoo moment, hope that makes you life feel better, sweetheart...
    VikingSong, always raving on about aborting men, are we a crazy fucking bitch much?... If anyones poor mama should've been given a knitting needle while pregnant, it's Yours (i feel like you are really just sandybrooks 2nd account, i'm sure you are 'both' the same person, surely no 2 people could be as equally fucked in the head, stark raving lunatics as you "two"). Enjoy your fucktard delusions, babydoll(s)...
    Unknown, and that you shall stay, heffer. Sorry, but only attractive girls get to abuse the casting coutch for fame, sugartits....

    1. Jesus loves you, monkey.
      The females might not, sure that's true- but Jesus does. He loves you and wants to embrace you with the white light of his love.

  27. According to a friend of mine who worked on the set of Rocky IV back in the 80s, Sly Stallone spent most of his time in B.C. wondering where he could find 15-16-yo girls to fuck.

    Dolph Lundgren, on the other hand, was the nicest, most easygoing guy you could possibly want to work with.

  28. So many single-digit-I.Q., women hating pigs, so little time for them.

  29. Anyone who thinks the WOMEN are the abusers in a casting couch scenario is too stupid to be left alone.

    1. So you don't think it's possible for a powerful Female executive or producer to victimize women?

  30. @Do Tell —

    Anyone who thinks the WOMEN are the abusers in a casting couch scenario is too stupid ...

    You make it sound like it's impossible. While I agree that most of the casting-couch activity is instigated by men, there are manipulative women in Hollywood who will also resort to the same tactics regarding sex.

    Example: there is gossip on the web about Nicole Kidman flirting with a female make-up artist on a movie set and getting super-pissed when the make-up artist didn't want to go to bed with her. No word on whether Kidman had the woman blackballed, but this wouldn't be the first incident.

  31. @Spudmonkey, if only the internet was really anonymous.....

  32. @Do Tell - alternatively: A series of successful men and a bunch of unwilling to take responsibility for their own actions, once pretty fame whore sluts who voluntarily rode the casting couch and CHOSE TO sell their cheap souls and are now bitter, washed-up has-beens trying to rewrite their history to heal their broken egos/souls that they themselves actually willingly sacrificed... + an army of fucked in the head spinster bitches wasting their lives online hating all males...
    Again girls, thanks for proving my point...
    Have a lovely day...

  33. No, too much time has gone by since the 80’s for Sly to go down for this.
    Doesn’t make it right. He got away with it because he was a big time celebrity
    Which the Average Joe’s commenting on this page,are not.
    Jealous much?

  34. Ha, ha never said it was a "rapey story". It was just a story. Lame ok, I get it. But you sure are triggered by it epileptic spudmonkey. Just so you know I am more pragmatic in my thinking, I have a great kindness blind about Eddie Murphy that I'm waiting to share, when a new blind about him comes up about him being "rapey"/cheater/lover of transexuals.

  35. @ Chaps - on the contrary, I'm laughing my ass off!
    ps Eddie Murphy IS a "rapey"/cheater/lover of transexuals (much like obama, so much in fact that he will probably run for president)...

  36. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Eh, ignore the prissy little 4chan spud, who's just using the blind as an excuse to call women "whores'. We get it. In Hollywood, either side of a MeToo blind has a 50/50 chance of being guilty or innocent. Not all of them are honest, and not all of them did what they're accused of.

    So, Monkey, tell us, how much time did you spend on /incel before it was shut down, hmmm? And what MGTOW forum do you hang around, calling women whores? You know you do, don't even front, little man.

  37. @Un - congratulations 100% incorrect in every accusation. That's a spectacular score, even for a poster on this site. Well done, princess. :)

  38. When people doubt the credibility of this place I remind myself that this place did have a story about Sly, his bodyguard, and a 16 year old girl 2 years before it was public, and revealed Sly from the old blind 6 months before the story was public.

  39. Sounds like somebody needs a hug.
    Here you go (((spunkymonkey)))

  40. Yeesh, shill or crazy, flip a coin.

  41. There is no doubt in my military mind that men are capable of deplorable behavior, not just in the entertainment industry but in general as well.

    On the other hand I also believe there are women who exploit their sexuality for personal and professional gain.

    The challenge is to determine when lines are being crossed. Unfortunately, when the only evidence is direct testimony the only people who know the truth are the ones directly involved.

    Sexual assault in various forms has been a component of human interaction since the beginning of the species. Strength prevails. Strength comes in many forms, one of which is power. The power to leverage consent and conversely, the power to accuse.

    I believe that most of the time, but by no means all of the time, the truth lies somewhere in the middle.

  42. @epileptic spudmonkey- perhaps you should call yourself apoplectic spudmonkey instead. Or how about Just another pathetic bitch surfing a gossip site like the rest of them spud-monkey? Maybe you could call yourself It’s real easy to be hateful towards women from the comfort of my mother’s basement spudmonkey. Or don’t- I don’t care, but you should definitely eat scat little man.

  43. Remie who has equal pay and rights and which magical land is this so I can immediately go for an exploratory visit?

  44. I have to remind myself that somewhere people are actually being nice to each other. Helping and making their world a more positive place.

  45. I would love to read a Tricia and Boo Hearne book!

  46. Anonymous1:35 PM

    They have sold their souls.

    An "A" celebrity has done the rituals, the ceremonies, sold their souls. There is no other way into the Organization;it is required.
    There will be ugly facts on all of them because
    They sold their souls.

  47. @Michelle- welcome. Also:

    Abandon hope all ye who enter here....

  48. @Epileptic Spudmonkey got some serious mommy issues
