Thursday, June 07, 2018

Blind Item #8

In one of the better PR moves I have seen in awhile, this foreign born new reality star on a show that is not even airing here, this PR company of an A list mostly movie actor told the woman to claim she had dated the actor. Their idea is that people will stop referring to him as closeted. 


  1. Chris Pine and that chick

  2. Samira Mighty or something like that

  3. +1 nonya

    1. I wonder if he goes both ways or just likes men?

  4. I thought he was with Annabelle Wallis

  5. Chris Pine and Samira off "Love Island" everyone is calling her out on twitter as a liar

  6. It's amazing what lengths PR firms will go to to make sure their clients are seen as fine, upstanding, TOTALLY HETERO bro dudes. Made up relationships are just the tip of the iceberg.

    How shitty do the men feel? How shitty to the women feel?

    Makes me want to vomit.

  7. Yeah the gaydar def pings when I see Pine on screen. I'm not sure if he's 100% homo but for sure his ass ha accommodated a dick or ten down the years. Never heard of the woman, and the reality show is appalling. I have no issue with coked up thots having sex with mentally handicapped men on TV, it's just that this show is so fucking boring, literally nothing happens except the very occasional blowjob under the blankets. Rather watch porn.

  8. I don't give a fuck if Kirk is gay please just come out and I a straight man think you're a really good actor big fucking deal fuck the studios fuck the agents FUCK THE GUILD

    1. Like shit 2018 and this?
      I got sewage ditches that need digging for any and all unemployed publicists with MFAs or Eng Lit papers.
      It'll do you good.

  9. Someday closeted actors and actresses will stand up for their rights and freedom. At least a bi soft coming out.

  10. Maybe my viewpoint is skewed from living my entire life in urban areas on the two coasts, but I don't think many people care whether their actor is straight or gay nearly as much as Hollywood thinks they care, which is incredibly ironic.

    I like Chris Pine as an actor a lot. He's a solid Kirk, in a different way (which is presumably the intention) even if the "Star Trek" movies haven't been very good. He was fantastic in "Hell or High Water," which was important because it was head and shoulders better than everything else he's been in.

    I don't care if he's gay or bi. His private life, as long as he's not abusing men, women or children, should bear no weight on whether his screen presence is charismatic and the characters he portrays emotionally affecting.

    Most Americans think that way. I have the sneaking suspicion if actors and Hollywood talent were more open about their sexuality and less adamant about their politics and ideologies, the box office backlash would be much less.

    I may be wrong. I thought Grant Gustin was a decent, earnest fellow, too.

    But it's sad to see these people living such fake lives. Concocting these ridiculous PR myths which are becoming more and more easily sussed by the internet army of savvy cynics.

  11. @DDonna- You've got it right there. Does anyone care? All fake relationships do is cause a ruckus.

    But that's what they're for, right? If stars are boring, especially in a boring, loving relationship, they don't generate interest, and clicks, and money.

    God forbid the people in the relationship in question be taken in to consideration. No wonder people in showmances always look miserable.

  12. It isn't the US or European audiences they worry about. Many big budget films depend on international revenues to break even. Having said that, Americans are more tolerant about bad behavior in straight people.

  13. It seems like Pine is utilizing a mustache agency instead of a proper bearding agency. That's why his PR people are constantly running around trying to hide what's really on his chin.

  14. YOU may not care and I don't care, but the reality is, I'm sure research shows that those that come out may not have the same success as an entertainer compared to those that stay closeted. If coming out increased their ratings or kept them the same, wouldn't you think more people would come out? We don't need to know these people's private lives anyway. They don't owe that to us.

    We can just assume 70% of Hollywood is gay and move on! 😂

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Not really supporting the community though are they? I'll agree when they're up and coming sure, why not chase that fame and money undercover. But once they're already established, what's the excuse then? Got to afford that third mansion? Meanwhile brave out teenagers are being bullied, discriminated against and driven from their families.

    Safer to assume 70% of Hollywood are greedy cowards.

  17. I wouldn't care if he were gay or bi either, but I see why they continue to beard. They'd lose a lot of their audience. Look at Shawn's desperately obvious he's gay as fuck, but if he came out? Bye bye $$$$.
