Saturday, June 16, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #1

June 9, 2018

This A list mostly movie director said he cast this former A- list mostly movie actor who bombed at headlining a movie because he thought the fact he assaulted a woman (and was convicted of it) brought something to the part that no other actor could give and he doesn't think it is a big deal. This director is such an a-hole and I hope this movie bombs.

Quentin Tarantino/Emile Hirsch


  1. Yes we hope the Manson movie bombs.

  2. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Why stop there? Let's have convicted felons reenact their crimes for folly!

    1. @Lyla

      "Let's have convicted felons reenact their crimes for folly"

      Check out "The Act of Killing" it can be done tastefully.

      But fuck Quentin Tarantino. The dude is a mysoginist. He came close to killing Uma Thurman.

      How many women does he have to mangle on screen before we're satisfied?

  3. Tarantino is so overrated. It's time for Hollywood to bring new names. I am so boring. And please, no more superheroes. What happened with real relatable storytelling?

  4. I totally agree Birdie! Not even one of them are irreplaceable. There are a lot of great actors even in my small city...hire people who haven't assaulted people! The whole Matt lauer being rehired thing is puzzling too, I don't even find him attractive anymore.

  5. They've got a nice little club for themselves and they've had to some pretty awful things to get there and they'll be damned if they'll let in anybody else, no matter how talented, unless they do awful things too.

    Unfortunately for them, that club is getting smaller and smaller and with less and less talent and the public is responding accordingly.

  6. Seems like they have a common bond. Too bad about Emile. I liked him

  7. Taratino is going to attempt a snuff film one of these days.

  8. In the UK famous Soap Star Leslie Grantham has just passed away the other day.
    Maybe Tarantino is following his line of casting...
    Leslie Grantham played 'Dirty Den' and in real life was a convicted murderer, was found master saying on a webcam to a fan, and today there's stories that he may have been facing charges of assaulting an underage girl.
    Somonly a bit relevant, but interesting I think.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Lucky for me, I've never been impressed by his work so I don't have to go out of my way to avoid any of his future efforts.

  11. Tarantino is not a misogynist. He is one of the few directors/writers who writes strong female characters. The reason he made Deathproof was because he wanted a film where the women got the upperhand on the killer/stalker archetype for a change. Not everyone in Hollywood is a misogynist, rapist or paedophile.

    1. I'm guessing Uma Thurman would disagree with you! you should look up her recent inverbiew where she discusses her awful experiences with him making Kill Bill. He's a sick puppy and treated her like shit

  12. Woody Allen's written some strong female characters. Joss Whedon, too. Bill Clinton put many professional women on his staff.

    One thing does not preclude the other, especially if your fantasy is dominating and/or degrading strong women.

  13. Gary Oldman wouldn't play Manson out of respect for the victims but he played churchill who starved 6 million to death

  14. The beloved Churchill ordered the fire bombing of Dresden- civilian men/women/children/babies all incinerated. So much for your 'heroes'.

  15. Not surprised, after all this is the same man who went on Howard Stern and said that Polanski didn't rape that 13 year old little girl because she was into it!

  16. @Do Tell - at least it will have a pretty cool soundtrack

  17. Did we catch Jameela Jamil's comment on IG about Emile choking her friend in a public place and nearly killing her? It was mentioned in association with this casting announcement.
