Friday, June 08, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #2

June 1, 2018

This soon to be A list mostly movie actor/superhero recently walked off a film because he was told there would be hundreds of female extras for the married actor to interact with. Once he saw the script and realized there would be very few, he walked.

Jason Momoa


  1. The Last Straight Man in Hollywood
    Summer 2020

  2. I guess "Creative Differences" has been overused as an excuse to NOT do a film.

  3. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Never remake a movie that killed its lead actor

  4. He would have been so hot in this.
    But nothing beats the original.

  5. I said it before and I’ll say it again. JM doesn’t have the track record to leave a project for such a petty reason. Yes, he’s a cheater, yes he posted a clip on Instagram of him kissing a woman not his wife. But he’s not famous enough or this to be true, IMO.

    1. Your comment makes zero sense... he wanted more women to be in the movie was told no so he walked. That’s it. He’s going to be even more famous once the Aquaman movie comes out later on this year so yes he has the clout to demand such things

    2. But Aquaman isn’t out yet!!! What if it bombs? What if he has a scandal? What if another movies does better than expected? My comments makes sense, you just don’t like what I said. Am a big fan of his. But name me another movies he was in that was good and did well? He didn’t advertise Braven earlier this year and he starred in it and produced it. Just one small mention on his social media.

      And please don’t mention Justice League. It did no one any favors.

  6. The the blame of The Crow Reboot not happening
    is on lack of extras for Jason Momoa?

  7. And people kept saying I and several others were wrong for saying this was Jason. Lol. At least we know he's straight though.

  8. BS The director also dropped the movie because of financial issues.

  9. Not sure "Aquaman" is a lock at the b.o. by a long shot.

  10. Almost everything he's been in has done horribly at the box office, either commercially or critically. The guy can't act, he's just decent looking and tall. That's all he really has going for him. I will see Aquaman because I'm a comic book film fan and a reader of superhero comic books in general, but I'm not expecting much going in.

    1. +1 nonyabusiness. He’s not bad looking, but he’s not a good actor either. And he has a lazy eye. I thing Aquaman will be fun because JM will play it as a version of himself which honestly I find OTT and exhausting. He and his wife are a little too fake for me.

  11. Yay no Khal Draven. How about we have a female Crow for a change? Or are we restricting female leads to the crappy comedies?

  12. C.mon..! your details is not correct! Jason is not A-list...

  13. This one is fake. Did "The Crow" movie fall apart? Yes, but it was because of money, not the lack of female extras. The director was leaving because he couldn't get the money he wanted for the movie and I believe the distributor backed out too.

  14. I'm bored of him now. Every interview I've seen he comes across like a douche. The way he spoke about seeing his wife for the first time and wanting that one as if she were an object. I dunno- I'm not feeling him he seems aggressive and like he smells lol

  15. @Nemo - It could be both, as in, maybe they didn't have enough money to hire enough female extras.

  16. Literally no way this could be true, for three entirely separate reasons. Whoever wrote it has never been on a movie set in their life.

  17. brayson you pandering PC faggot: "Let's remake everything but with females in the leading roll" - what a pathetic beta tosser you are...
    Please fuck off and die, you whimpering little turd!
