Saturday, June 02, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #3

May 26, 2018

This alliterate basketball player is still cheating on his celebrity girlfriend with the same woman he has been seeing for months and months.

Tristan Thompson/Khloe Kardashian


  1. Eh, Khlozilla deserves it. That whole family should be lined up and shot like Ceausescu.

    1. No woman deserves to be cheated on. No matter how much you hate the family. @cheesegrater

    2. She got with him when he was still seeing his at the time pregnant, mother of his son. I do not feel sorry for her at all. Karma is a bitch.

    3. @boldblonde I beg to differ in this case, and actually all cases where the woman/man knowingly gets together with someone in a relationship.

  2. I'll start caring about the Kardashitan family tree (typo and it stays, as Michael K puts it) the minute one of them can actually (a) play an instrument or (b) gives a competent acting performance in a series that isn't reality TV.*

    *sex vids don't count.

  3. Khloe knew what she was getting into. I don't imagine their relationship is much more than a signed contract for Khloe to have the babeh she always wanted.

    When it becomes advantageous for the TV show, Khloe will dump him, come home, tearstearstears, Voila! Five episode story arc!

    1. NONE of the Kardashian/Jenner “relationships” have been about love. Not one.

  4. What a waste of both their lives, if he wants to sleep around break up with her. I don't get why she's staying she has the baby she always wanted and she must realise he doesn't love her.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Khloe is going to be an NBA pass around. As far as playing instruments they all fiddle around with the skin flute. Sperm is good for a complexion, just like the shit products they endorse on Instagram.

  7. Let’s be real, she’s known about this for MONTHS. Tmz and the Kardashians are in bed together. They simply waited to release the photos so on the upcoming season they’d have something to actually talk about because those ratings are in the toilet. Next season will be Kylie finally finding out Travis is cheating and has more kids

  8. Her story is not going to have a Walt Disney ending. It will take only one of the girls imploding emotionally for the whole family to go down. I worry about Kanye losing it one day and .... well, I don't even want to say it. We can't say we don't see it coming.

  9. This story line isn't doing her any favors. She lost a fair amount of sympathy and now people are sick of her.

  10. The Kard/Jenners think their public is stupid and will buy any story line... and you know, a lot of their followers are.

    I'm not even convinced he's the bio father. Khloe wanted a baby and a deal was made, for the show and to cover for Khloe and keep her surrogacy arrangement under wraps.

    AS IF Khloe was going actually to raise her precious in that ugly house in Cleveland, away from her mafia of a family.
