Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #5

June 13, 2018

OK, so the one named DJ who is missing half his name has been in a fight with a different DJ than the one I wrote about earlier. Honestly, their fights are so much better than some other feuds because people bring it. So, the missing half his name DJ was called out for having a STD which I previously wrote about. Now though, the DJ that was doing the accusing was called out for being a hypocrite because he has the same STD. And there was proof. This is way better than their music by the way.

Diplo/Max Vangeli


  1. herpes? probably. Diplo is gross, dude's must've been in hundreds of chicks

  2. Seems that most celebrities have the herp...

  3. herpes herpes EVERYWHERE

  4. reminds me of the vintage photo of paris hilton's valtrex

  5. Sheeit, DJ Jazzy Jeff is the only DJ I respect.

  6. @Brayson87 DJ Jazzy Jeff probably making bank dealing Valtrex

  7. The gift that keeps on giving! DJ Jazz Jeff is my favorite too. Saw him with what's his face at Sd Sports arena!
