Friday, June 15, 2018

Your Turn

Which do you celebrate more - Father's Day or Mother's Day?


  1. Personally, both.
    But universally of course mothers day is more commonly celebrated, because, Mothers ❤️

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Father's Day, generally. Mom usually works on Mother's Day, but we do celebrate Mexican Mother's Day.

  4. Mothers' Day. My dad passed away about 5 years ago from cancer, and I don't have kids to be a father to.

  5. As there has been a cult of hatred against Mothers for the last 20 years, led by ungrateful, deluded, attention seeking scumbags, which has been normalised in the West, I honestly care more about Mothers day.

    A few seconds of ejaculation is NOT equal to nine months pregnancy (while the Mother MADE the baby), life risking agonising childbirth, or the sleep deprivation and exhaustion of 24/7 breastfeeding and nappy changing while barely being able to walk or years of dedicated childcare. That's not forgetting women who also endured agonising miscarriages and/or painful IVF too.

    Then there's the preferential treatment Fathers inexplicably get where they're not berated for being too young/too old, for staying at home/for working, for being single/unmarried/divorced etc. They don't get the blame for unwanted pregnancies/child's bad behaviour. And despite the fact that virtually every legal document/form/letter etc., lists the Father first, while the Mother is relegated to second place (if mentioned at all) and the fact that every TV show, film and advert etc., features the Father with the Mother in the background (if she features at all - hello, Disney..) today's spoiled, entitled, ungrateful, deluded, attention seeking Fathers cry faux victimhood and shit on Mothers every day on the internet, especially on Mothers day. They disgust me.

  6. If I ever stop changing my name and address, probably Father's Day ;)

  7. I'm no fool:

    Mother's Day is more important!

  8. Haha Geel, yeah that second paragraph

  9. "Victory has a thousand fathers, but defeat is an orphan."

  10. Anonymous2:15 PM

    groundhog day, again and again...

  11. They're both celebrated equally in this house. And between hubby and me, we've only got one parent left anyway (my mom).

    @Viking I'm genuinely sorry for whatever it is you've apparently been going through, but absolutely nothing you've written speaks to my experience of life or parenthood at all. I look around in my world and see LOTS of involved fathers, who are sometimes even better parents than the mothers. Whatever has created this bitterness in you clearly skews your vision.

  12. My dad's passed do it's kinda a private day for me on father's day at the graveyard so mother's day

  13. Damn, a lot of people with mommy issues up in these comments lol
    I don't really give two shits about either.

  14. you have made some pretty cuck comments but that may just be the cuckiest cuck comment of all. congratulations you are officially king cuck (as if there was any doubt)

    before you hand her purse back, reach in there and grab your balls =)
