Sunday, July 08, 2018

Blind Item #1

The PR onslaught continues for this former A+ list tweener and this foreign born mostly television actress. This is going to turn into a Jennifer Aniston is pregnant each week type of tabloid coverage which is right up the alley of the television actress, who is seeing job offers pour in from her home country and in Europe, but I'm not sure the angle for the former tweener.


  1. joe jonas and sophie turner

  2. Always consider the possiblity of bearding

  3. Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas! Matching rings, awwwwwwww.

  4. Nick Jonas and Prianka Chopra I think we all know Nick's angle lol

  5. Priyanka and Jonas. One of the funniest pr stunts after HiddleSwift.

  6. Lala,nothing will beat HiddleSwift, but maybe Jonas can wear an I 💓 Priyanka tank top and try.

  7. i got the wrong jonas lol

  8. Priyanka & Nick.. Hiddleswift is Hall Of Fame PR stunts.

  9. Chopra and Jonas again! I don't know what he's getting out of this either. She seems to be profiting from this pr relationship more than him. My guess is he will want out soon. It's not benefiting him to be in it.

  10. The eyerolling pr relationship of Nick and Priyanka. Priyanka Chopra isn't really getting much offers in Bollywood. She got one movie opposite Salman Khan which will mean some silly short role (which she got because she cosied up to Khan's younger sister) and another she is getting is of a mother's role. She really has not many fans in the Indian industry. Aamir and Srk won't work with her. Ranbir won't work with her since she was the one who told Deepika that Ranbir was cheating on her with Katrina. Akshay Kumar won't work with her because his wife has banned him from working with PeeCee. She had affairs with both Kumar and SRK. So she really has burned some bridges in Bollywood.

  11. What European offers is Chopra getting? I’m not seeing how she’s a big deal in Europe.

  12. Silliest bearding relationship around,at the moment.

  13. @prixie I never thought she would work with any of the Khans, given the affair with SRK, etc., but she seems closer with the younger generation like Ranveer, etc. Still surprised she wants a Salman movie since she thinks of Bwood as secondary and his movies are trash. Must not be getting anything in Hollywood.

    1. While she does have a movie waiting to be released next year (with a presumably small role), she certainly doesn’t have any Hollywood projects lined up. With Quantico done, I don’t think it’ll be easy for her to get work now, considering she’s nowhere near a proven draw in Hollywood.

  14. This particular promance is the most comical... and her fans are falling for it. The most recent pictures with her fingers in his hair sends me into a tickle fit

  15. These two together are absolutely laughable together..

  16. I have to agree with most people here, "Hiddleswift" is the gold standard in PR stunts. who else really compares- MJ and Lisa Marie?

    Hey Enty- can you make this an "Your turn" question: What is the GOAT of all PR stunts?
