Friday, July 20, 2018

Blind Item #4

While the cameras were rolling, this NBA player finally figured out he is just a pawn in the chess world of this momager and her desire to keep the reality money train going as long as possible. The ex showing up before was on him. The ex showing up this time was because the momager knew it would make for good ratings.


  1. Kendall, Ben Simmons and Tinashe

    1. I thought she was just a stalker but this makes way more sense now. PMK is quite the calculative one

    2. Ugh she’s insufferable... an ageing Famewhore
      Lady McBeth was less calculated lol

  2. Were they filming at Drake’s party tho? I don’t think he’d allow that but this will definitely be apart of Kendall’s storyline this upcoming season. It’s time Tinashe release those screenshots because that family is gonna make her look bad

    1. They all “showed up” at Drakes party.

    2. Smdh anything for fame.

  3. Whenever anyone from Bruce Jenner's family shows up, it's like a gonorrhea rash.

  4. I guess I just don’t understand the allure of the Kardashians to NBA players. It would seem to be a huge distraction, imo.

    1. I was thinking the same thing. Maybe they have an inside track to these b-ball players.

  5. Today's NBA stars are a bunch of needy Millennials who regularly get butthurt over minor slights on social media. Dennis Rodman in a wedding dress looks at them and says, "Man, you guys sure crave attention!" They fit right in with the reality TV crowd.

  6. You'd think at this point that everyone would know that the Kardashian family is only out to use people. I mean, if you have the NBA contract already, how exactly do you think you can benefit from that family of termites?

  7. The entertainment world knows that do tell but most of the general public doesn't. The NBA players use the whores as pass arounds nothing more than that.

  8. @sandy

    Sure, I'd buy that, but the Kards seem to have such a disastrous effect on anyone those women sleep with or fake sleep with, especially if they are in the NBA or rappers. I wish the NBA players were only passing those women around, I really do.

  9. She says, "Dance puppet, dance!" :)

  10. What's funny...Tinashe actually has a better chance with Kendall, than Ben Simmons does.
