Thursday, July 26, 2018

Blind Item #5

This former A- list mostly television actor from a now defunct hit show who does kiddie things now loves to say one thing and has been quote on the record making it seem like he cares about some recent events. The only thing he cares about is making sure he gets his daily quota of groupie lovin' and won't ever stop. He sure has heck never stopped when he was with the person he was lamenting about.


  1. Fez is such a skeeze

  2. Not sure if whomever this blind is about is clean now or whatever, but here's a news flash for you: junkies eventually either get dead or get real hypocritical. Trust.

  3. Can we please never use "kiddie" in blinds unless they're about you know what, that word is ruined, just ruined.

  4. What kind of groupies does Fez get nowadays anyways? 70's show was like 12 years ago, I imagine a lot of truck stop hussies and teen mom lookalikes.

  5. @Brayson Right? I like to use "tots" now since "kiddie" connotates you know what. Also, this blind is kinda hard to follow. I thought was saying, yeah when Wilmer was using he wasn't lamenting other people's drug use.

  6. Tots goes with tater. Why not just say children or kids?

  7. Anyone who has read CDAN for years can tell you, the blinds about wilmer treating demi like s*** are numerous and depressing. Get well soon Demi.

  8. Sounds like Arianna might joining her shortly, toss in a few more and we could have Rehab Musical.

  9. That's why he was so good at playing Fez. He was just himself.

  10. Wilmer is on one of those CSI shows. Even so, I just think of Fez too.

  11. He really messed Demi up. funny how he had a bit part in the lives of a LOT of that generations messed up celebs: Demi, Selena, Lohan...

  12. I see the guy every week on TV on CBS. Is there another option (ha, of course there is)?

  13. He didn't mess Demi up. She messed herself up. She chose to inject that shit into her body. There may have been contributing factors into her addiction but you can't pin that shit on her ex boyfriend, even if he is an asshole. She chose to do it.

  14. No, it's Wilmer Valderrama. Tricia guessed it, and as you should know by now, she is this site's leader. All hail Glorious Leader Tricia, Queen of the Blinds. So I'm not going to tell you that it's Joe Jonas, tweeting out support for his ex, the overdosed slut, Demi Lovato, because he isn't starring on America's foremost kiddie show right now, "NCIS," and so it's totally NOT him.
