Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Blind Item #6

It was a fishing expedition put on by the PR team of this A list rapper and her husband. There are no tabloids willing to pay six figures for baby pictures any longer unless you are guaranteed to sell magazines by the truckload. In the age of social media, those days are long gone. The PR team was hoping some tabloid would bite at the rumor. Nope. Not going to happen.


  1. Just get some IG sponsors, it's all good.

  2. I don't get why anyone cares about what some rando's baby looks like. Okay, it's a baby. There we go. Great.

  3. They are already out there. ???

  4. Seriously, who would pay for a pic of Kulture?
    I just can't with that name.

  5. I knew she was not sharing a photo yet because she's waiting for the magazines to come hahahaha it's not 2007 anymore sweetie.

  6. +1 @parissucksliterally

    No offense to the new parents. I wish them well.

    BUT.....Every time i hear that name, of course, i think of a petri dish. Kulture = culture = petri dish.

    That's where my mind went.

  7. Why on earth do people want to see pictures of babies with famous parents?

    They look like other babies.

  8. I think for awhile there famewhores were getting knocked up just to sell the baby pictures to the tabloids.

  9. Yeah really, it's a newborn... they all look kinda scrunchy and damp.

  10. @Low Key- lol! Scrunchy and damp is sooo much going into my lexicon

  11. Sharti ZZZZzzzzzzzzz

  12. Why would people to pay to see their mistake? It's not even unique, Offset has a whole set of them, it's like baby of the month club for him.

  13. That is funny because TMZ is reporting that the offers are pouring in and she hasn't agreed ton sell any as of yet.

  14. Kulture. Seriously, these rappers must have incredibly low IQ's (as do the Kardashians I presume) to name their babies these stupid, fucking names!

    I'm really surprised that she didn't spell it 'Kultcha' though. Isn't that more gangsta?
