Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Blind Item #7

Good job moving on to our favorite former tweener turned A- list singer/bad actress. She has moved on from the destructive place she used to spend every weekend and found a place she can be herself where they don't pimp her out for donations. For those wondering about the barely legal guy she has been seeing, don't. She still is full on for the guy she met overseas, but in another wise move is letting things develop naturally and won't rush to make it legal in the States.


  1. Replies
    1. *Gomez/Hillsong? And that new dude

  2. Barely legal? Then why is she taking it slow until it's legal?

  3. Wondering if this whole Selena tale, besides the drug use, is fiction.

  4. Why is she hanging around that Caleb guy all the time. Is he like a teenage sober coach.

  5. 'won't rush to make it legal in the States.'

    so is that a confirmation she married the billionaire overseas?

    good for her!

  6. @donnatarty

    you wouldnt be here if you thought all of this was fiction

  7. Erm, what happened to the billionaire she was banging? The Count doesn't have that much money or is that young either...

  8. What's the new church/place she found? Good for her though!

  9. I've come to acknowledge at least some of the stuff on here is fiction, because it has to be. Selena's career is buttressed by fictions of her travails IF she ends up redeemed, which is now where the narrative seems to be heading.

  10. F*ckin' Hilljoke, it's like a poor man's you know what. I really thought one of the other groups would have gobbled it up by now for infringing on their territory.

  11. I wish her the best honestly. I hope she wont slip into drugs again and have all those bad experiences.

  12. If she married in secret and Bieber knows, it would explain his rush to the altar to save face.

  13. I saw that people think Biebs and Hailey got married in secret. Maybe he is trying to one up her ha

  14. Selena and Caleb Stevens. He's probably gay.

  15. Anonymous7:26 AM

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