Sunday, July 22, 2018

Blind Item #8 - Reader Blind Item

This stand-up comedian is known as a “comic’s comic”.  He started on that long running show that launched so many careers and  has had a few failed TV series since. He is still probably most famous though for his stand-up.  He also has a problem very similar to another stand-up comic even more famous whose career has been completely ended.  Like that comedian, he likes to force women to watch him do things.  Unlike that other more famous comedian, he will pay the women money when he is done.  This may be why it has not come out yet although two of the women at least are talking to that female attorney who specializes in these types of cases.


  1. Well the ladies are talking to Gloria, for sure.

    1. John Mulaney fits, though I hope it's not so

  2. Colin Quinn and Louis CK?

  3. Or Kevin Nealon? Norm McDonald? Colin's a good one.

  4. the long running show i think is snl but idk which stand up in a few failed tv attempts.

  5. So they agreed to let him do whatever for money, which he paid them as agreed. Now they regret the choice they made, and we're all gonna be told to get real outraged over it.

    Must be nice, this option to reframe your own choices as always some oppressor's fault.

    1. In all fairness, the blind says they were forced but then paid afterwards. Doesn’t say they agreed

    2. The blind says he forces the women to watch and then pays them. They're not making a choice to watch whoever this guy is wank. Then he hands them money which makes them sound to have been willing participants should they tell their story, despite them not asking or agreeing to any of it to take place.

    3. Misti P - you beat me to it!

    4. Exactly. Paying someone after the fact hardly constitutes an agreement, @J. It's a pay off.

      But no need to worry. You wouldn't be outraged on the women's behalves either way!

    5. They didn't have a choice. Whip it out and then pay? Nope. That's wrong.

  6. Colin was famous before SNL, I believe .

  7. I'll second Norm MacDonald, but I'm gonna think on it for a bit...

  8. Chris Elliot. Started on the old David Letterman show.

    Did a few things but never hit it super big and is more of a comics comic. His stuff is a bit too intellectual / for the mainstream.

  9. @Herbert - I'm thinking the Tonight Show. Back in the day, Johnny launched everyone.

  10. Norm is a good guess but I think his big fail was talk show host?

  11. Wasn't Norm's fail cause he said something racist or sexist?

  12. Guys, I think this is Gilbert Gottfried. Which, yuck.

    1. Gilbert is too cheap to pay anyone! He has a girlfriend. I think he is hilarious!

  13. Bobcat Goldthwait? First major appearance was on Johnny Carson.

    He is kind of an odd duck and I never found him funny, but other comedians sing his praises.

  14. So he strokes it, the girl says yuck, he says wait, I'll give you $ if you don't go to the police, and the girl doesn't go to the police. Right?

    As always, first question is "what did the cops say?"

    Second question is "why didn't you go to the cops?"

    1. No. First question is, "why are you (comic/actor) such a scumbag rapist/abuser?"

  15. I think it's filthy Bob Saget

  16. Per IMDb, Colin Quinn doesn't fit the "a few failed TV series since" SNL. At least as a performer. He was a writer on "a few".

  17. But Kay, no one knows to ask that question because the victim became a vendor when she sold her silence.

    When she did that, of course, she also made clear her complete lack of concern for any others who might face the same situation later.

    1. Explain to me why you think a victim owes anything to anyone else?

    2. Also, when she does come forward and press charges, make police reports, etc she isn't villainized at all, is she? Definitely not by people like you, who will first blame her for putting herself in that position? For taking a pay off (which she probably didn't want in the first place)?

  18. Didn't realize this type of conduct was so prevalent in celeb world but it apparently is common.

  19. I hope not Norm McDonald.

    1. I hope not Chris Rock. He is the comic's comic.

  20. No, Kay. That would be a waste of time and boring.

    1. Which differs from your other predictable

  21. Long time listener, first time caller.

    How about Dennis Miller? He seemingly fits the “comic’s comic” description. He started on SNL. He had his own show which didn’t last. He was on Monday Night Football which was a complete disaster. I’ve always thought he gave off a creepy vibe. Seems like the type to do this.

  22. Maybe Doug Stanhope ? I saw him live recently and he just didn't seem very funny or interested in what he was doing (and he used to be amazing)

  23. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Miller isn't a "comic's comic", in any way.

    That label is applied to guys like Colin Quinn, Gottfried, Hicks.

    Most likely an SNL cast member. Quinn and Gottfried are both likely, and neither would surprise me. Comics are the degenerate's degenerate, they, as a collective whole, are not warm, healthy, happy people.

  24. Anonymous12:50 PM

    The only big show Stanhope was on was The Man Show, and that show didn't "launch many careers", and it didn't start his career. This is almost certainly an SNL alumni.

    If you want to know what's going on with Stanhope, just listen to his podcast. He's a degenerate alcoholic, is beyond burned out, and is "retiring" from stand up, again, so he can sit in his small town in Arizona and drink himself to death.

    If he was doing stuff like that, he'd admit to it. He's admitted to things most people never would.

  25. If he's got money, or there's a perception he has, then a lawsuit will be coming his way soon. I'm sure.

  26. I can think of a dozen suspects easy and only half of them are already dead

  27. Someone that got their start on Carson's Tonight Show. I think it's an older person.

  28. Is he just offering the money or are they accepting it?

    1. It doesn't matter. They didn't agree and then had money thrown at them. The agressor is the problem not the victim whether or not they kept the money.

  29. It doesn't matter whether he is offering or they're accepting. The point is that he is forcing them to do something.

  30. Surely this is Norm McDonald or Colin Quinn.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. I hope no potted plants were hurt.

  33. @Schneiderisnext had the same thought, and the same 'hope not' feeling

  34. Ray Romano or Jerry Seinfeld

  35. The description sounds like Ricky Gervais but I don't believe it was him so maybe Stephen merchant, the other creator of the office. Or Larry David because he probably would be awkward like that. #Speculation

  36. Norm McDonald is known as *the* comedians comedian. Other comic-louis CK.

  37. J is triggered again. Fuck off, J, you miserable, misogynistic cunt.

  38. @HotHotHeat, @DoTell: I am in no way supporting the aggressor, but taking money, before or after the ‘event’ could be considered ‘agreement’ in a court of law.

  39. What about Richard Belzer?? Law & Order has launched lots of careers. He’s got a long list of credits on IMDB but I’m not sure if any are failed sitcoms, guest star spots or what.

  40. Norm MacDonald. he's had 2 sitcoms. He is def a comedian's comedian. He's Canadian though--would it say "foreign born?"

  41. J has MAJOR pussy envy. All the fucking time. Oh, and he hates, no, HATES women beyond belief. That's what happens when you're too ugly to get laid, EVER.

  42. Jerry Seinfeld. I've heard of this kind of behavior from two different people who've never met each other.

  43. Bob Saget seems like a good guess here.

  44. I wouldn't say Colin Quinn or Norm M.ars known best for their stand up. They are best known for SNL.

  45. So what you are saying here is this could be anyone of 5-6 guys. Got it.
    Norm, FORCING women to do anything? I call total bullshit.

    Comedians are degenerates anyway. All of them. They are damaged people. But if they pay and the woman accepts the money. How exactly is that FORCED? By definition it is a business transaction.
    ENTY, fuck off when your logic contradicts the words in the blind.

  46. I don't think it's Dennis Miller, but I would *love* it. I used to love him on SNL, but he's turned into such a dick that I'd love to see him get taken down.

  47. This is totally Norm Macdonald.

  48. AAnon. None of it sounds like Ricky Gervais! You are so far off it's embarrassing. No long running tv show, no failed tv shows, Not most famous for his stand up??? Mental guess.

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. Yeh I think this is Norm as he's the only one who fits this bill (started on SNL, comedian's comedian, failed tv shows - he has had so many sitcoms) but not if it happened recently. In his drinking days this could be possible so up until 2011 or so. I have heard of two incidents involving violence and women (one who turned him down (and her boyfriend is adamant on suing)), one who was his assistant/best friend - she denied it but she would) but this is not the same thing. Seems like he decided to stop drinking as a result. I also find it difficult to believe he would have to ask women to do anything as he's really good looking. Where did this blind item come from??? I know he really went downhill last year. I thought it was because he lost his netflix show but maybe it's because of this. It would be very surprising because he is sort of asexual and he talks about having felt disgusted about going to a strip club. I just don't see this happening but I also don't know of anyone else who could fit the bill. He seemed especially angry at the Louis CK victims and also the guy who brought up Shane Gillis' past. Could read into that. Honestly, I would find this very surprising.

    Gilbert is a misogynist (or was - he spat at Kathy Griffin). But did he ever have any sitcoms?

    Has anyone else had failed sitcoms?
