Friday, July 06, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #3

June 27, 2018

Don't believe the hype. The former A list tweener actress turned B+ list adult actress/future porn star despises her probable soon to be ex boss and their feud is one of the reasons the show is going down. There are too many alternatives out there for a channel to have to put up with the feud. The whole thing was a gamble and the gamble failed.

Bella Thorne/I. Marlene King/Famous In Love


  1. I am officially old. When I read the answer, it was like reading a foreign language. No comprehension of who these folks are or what the show is. *sigh*

  2. If nobody knows the show is on and the star is too busy getting high and promoting shit on Instagram to let people know, the show is doomed to fail. Marlene King has a successful resume, Bel!a Thorne not so much. It lost 33% of it's ratings from one season to the next, and nobody was really watching the first season either.

  3. Bella Thorne is young and dumb, what's Marlene King's excuse?

  4. It definitely was no PLL

  5. Someone was very defensive of Bella on the original post lol. Girl has meth teeth, she needs help.

  6. I tried watching a couple of episodes. Bella Thorne’s acting was horrendous.
