Wednesday, July 04, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #41 - Guess The Athlete

February 1, 2018

There is an athlete out there who is a PERFECT comparison to Bonds. And this person IS in their respective HOF. (Not baseball) For most, I would say the “name” is as big if not bigger than Bonds in both sports and, I guess, pop culture.

Like Bonds, this athlete set records which will more then likely never be broken. Like Bonds, this athlete was better than their competitors (the best on the planet) by a VERY significant margin. Like Bonds, this athlete was widely speculated to be using PED’s on absurd levels yet never failed a drug test and always maintained their innocence. Unlike Bonds, this athlete is considered a groundbreaking athlete. This athlete is revered and loved. And, as I said, in their respective HOF.

Haven’t read any articles on the comparisons which are interesting and so similar. This athlete did this in our lifetime and on the biggest stage in the world. Who is it? (Note: not an obscure sport. One of the biggest sports on planet earth. “Real” sport, not pro wrestling. This sport is represented in the Olympic Games and has been for a very, very long time).

Florence Griffith Joyner


  1. So she was doped but nobody knew? Dayum

    1. @Thonker

      There is a PED known as The Clear. Back in the day no test could detect it, so the athlete was in the clear.

      A lot of athletes have talked about The Clear.

      Marion Jones used it and she was was never caught by testing. She admitted to using it when she testified before Congress. The women's Relay Team lost gold medal because of Jones was on the team.

  2. Thonker 30 years ago tests were never even close to detecting what they were doing. She improved so much so fast you'd think she was like Sammy Sosa, who did them and Barry Bonds who didn't need them to be great. Her records still stand now 30 years later. Almost hard to believe.

  3. @Enty

    Thank you Enty, please keep them coming!

  4. I see, thank god for you other commenters or i wouldnt know half as much as I do.

  5. She was most likely on The Clear.

    I think she died of a heart condition. That happens when you are on the juice.

    1. I take that back. She died of suffocation after having a seizure.

      The family reported she had her first seizure in 1990. Coroner reported she had CCM, a type of artery malformation in the brain. This made her susceptible to seizures.

      Would she have had seizures if she wasn't on the juice...

  6. Dirty Don Catlin didn't even test her or Carl Lewis. Just flushed the pee tests down the toilet.

    Do a Mayweather reveal too Enty.

  7. Did anyone not think she used PEDs?

  8. Several people guessed Flo Jo but Enty stated no one guessed correctly.

    Curiouser and curiouser...

  9. I respect Flo Jo and Jackie Joyner Kersee...

  10. @TW,yes,and the blind tried to make it seem like the person was living. I wonder if there may be another correct answer that can't be written.

    1. @Guesser

      I like what you said. That is something to think about.

  11. I'm confused. It DID come out that she was using PED and I thought she did lose medals and things.

  12. Dude I thought everyone knew that she used. I know I heard a lot about how she was supposed to have beaten the pee tests.
    i heard that she had a small balloon of clean pee you know where and pierced it with her long nails....... crazy conspiracies.

  13. Is it possible that She was a He? Which is why those records will never be broken??

  14. About 20 years ago one of her competitors was a regular massage client of mine. I asked her if she thought FloJo was juicing and she just phhhhtted at me as if to say "of course she was. How can you ask such a stupid question?"

  15. It should be noted that Flo-Jo's 10.49 was wind-aided, but was allowed to stand because the malfunctioning machine returned a reading of zero. That said, only one person has even approached her 10.61/10.62.

    This was no secret back then. Between the outlying results and her retiring as soon as testing grew teeth, it was always assumed that Flo-Jo was on something in 1988. And, that something was, current technology notwithstanding, more potent (for women) than what they've got today, as it could turn a would-be East German hausfrau into a world record holder. Check the record books.

    Anywhere you see outlying results, it is more likely than not that the performer is taking something the others are not. Serena Williams has put together an over-30 career that eclipses all but a few other TOTAL careers. As tennis is a sport where virtually every other player- male or female- is past their prime and breaking down by age 30, Serena's results (with that body mass, no less), even accounting for relatively weak competition as opposed to her (expected) prime, point to some type of enhancement.

    You can cut and paste some of that and apply it to LeBron. LeBron's GH beard can no longer contain his GH jawline. I don't even follow the day-to-day of the NBA and I chuckle when I see his face- he is far from the first athlete to sport the GH beard. I even remember that he tried to stop one season- the jawline retreated accordingly- but doubled down around mid-season when he saw that his incredible workrate left him (expectedly) drained. Now, the NBA has always been more show business than sport, so I'm not surprised he is getting away with it. But, it is scandalous that there isn't more chatter about him.

    The bottom line is, if you are bigger, faster and stronger than everyone, and you never get injured, even at a time when you should be on the decline and breaking down, it's likely that the fountain of youth from which you drink isn't dispensing just water.
