Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #4

January 9, 2018

This former A- list mostly television actress from a long running almost network show has had a lot of trouble getting work the past few years. She likes people to think she is the head of a movement and is being noble. She isn't. She is the same as all the rest. She ignores what is inconvenient to her brand is the first to try and make a buck off the situation. She just wants fame and money and if she has to sell out for some reality show, then so be it. She will say it is for the movement, but it is for her wallet.

Rose McGowan


  1. You don't say? I think everyone with eyeballs saw she was batshit crazy about a week into the whole deal.
    Which is really unfortunate for the real and sincere people who need a platform like this.

  2. I dont like her. I am sorry for what happened to her but I really dont like her. She has a vibe that seems really fucking off.

  3. Well clutch my pearls!

  4. lol

    A bunch of useless, grifting casting-couch callets pretending to represent an oppressed class.

    Disgusting, and hilarious to see pitiful fools buy their toxic snake oil.

  5. This MAY be true... but you better have proof when publishing things like this.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Hey sometimes you cut deals with witnesses to get the real criminal. Sorry if the RAPE VICTIM isn't good enough for you, I can't imagine many of HW's other victims were competing for the spokeswoman role at that time.

  8. did she fuck and suck HW for roles? now playing the victim? give me a break

  9. I have trouble respecting the views and values of anyone who would intentionally date Marilyn Manson
    Stupid stupid STUPID
    And that goes for the other one
    Evan Rachael Wood
    Gawd ya can’t blame everything on drugs

  10. B626 I agree. I am a fan of his work (earlier , NOTHING studios/Trent Reznor days) But his book is page after page of messed up shit they did with female fans during those days. He was totally open about and wrote about it like it was a badge of honor. Twiggy got done during #metoo but Manson hasnt. Not sure why.... maybe being Manson everyone just things "obvs he is a creep"

  11. Brayson, aren't you sweet!

    1. He really is.
      In other facts-for-the-day,
      you're not.

  12. Rape and sexual assault occurs daily, across the globe, as it always has done. I honestly don't give a shit about the feels of mentally unstable "males" who faux cry victimhood because rape victims aren't silent. Misogynists are nothing more than parasites who should have been aborted by the women who had the misfortune to be infested by them.

    That said, I never believed HW raped Rose McGowan. I think she is a scheeming, greedy opportunist. The #MeToo movement needs to drop her ASAP.

    1. That's some nicem, psychotic man hate you've cooked up there.
      Holy balls,find a therapist!

    2. Do you think all men are misogynists?

      Her tirade is against misogyny. MOST men aren't misogynists. We just see a greater proportion here, both in comments and in blinds.

    3. So guess you don't give two shits about rape victims who are male since you're filled with so much blind hatred of all men. I really hope you are a lesbian and don't have children!

  13. Too late. She is the metoo movement. So is la ragazza puzzolente.

    Should have thought this thing through a bit more at the beginning, no?

  14. Hey Viking Song, I'm glad you've acknowledged that the advice to "just believe women" isn't good advice at all.

  15. I never said that, J, but it's very telling albeit not surprising that my post triggered you..

  16. J, innocent until proven guilty anyway. Taking anyone at their word is foolish and naive. Yes, even women, and yes, even when it comes to rape and sexual assault. Many get big pay outs for accusations (if they're telling the truth, they should) but some lie. That's reality.

  17. You said you don't believe Rose McGowan. She's a woman, or so we're led to believe. I think my inference is a defensible one.

    Also, this may be news to you, but people can react to things, have opinions about things, engage in ongoing discussions regarding things, without really experiencing the phenomenon of being "triggered."

    It must be hard for those who experience life's new revelations as shocks to their very cores. I'm not like that; I just find certain people incredibly annoying and poisonous, and I'm voluble enough to make my opinions known.

    Again, though, thanks for your authorization to call these liars liars. The "just believe women" standard which some disingenuous manipulators would foist upon us is really ridiculous. Glad to have you as an ally against lying casting-couchers.

    1. I assume you're a man @J.

      I won't assume ALL men are ignorant assholes.

      See the parallel? One woman's lies do not make al women liars. Just like one man's comments do not make all men disgusting pieces of shit.

  18. The requirement of sexual favors in exchange for a job is the definition of sexual harrasment whether or not the 'applicant' performed the favor.

  19. Hothot, good thing then that we know Rose and Asia and the others did indeed perform the favors over and over and over and over again! Clears things up!

  20. There's plenty of reason to suspect that Rose McGowan isn't being entirely forthcoming in the "Me Too" movement.

    This is part of an article about Rose's former manager, a woman named
    Jill Messick. This information came to light after Messick's
    suicide. The family spoke out re: Rose and her allegations:

    In January 1997, Jill was an entry-level manager at Addis Wechsler. One of her first clients was Rose McGowan, and one of Jill's first duties was to set up a breakfast meeting with Harvey Weinstein during the Sundance Film Festival. Following the meeting,
    Rose told Jill what had happened — that she made the decision to remove her clothes and get in the hot tub with him — a mistake which Rose immediately regretted. Rose never once used the word rape in that conversation. Despite this, Jill recognized that Harvey had done something untoward to Rose, if not illegal...

  21. Hi Liv! Please show me where I said anything about all women.


    1. @J You are a sum of your comments. Day after day, you paint this site with your hatred of women.

      And if this expressed hatred isn't your intent, then revise your strategy. Because you sure come off as the voluble voice of misogyny.

  22. There are no victims. Only volunteers.

  23. No atheists in foxholes, and no victims on casting-couches. Sounds about right.

    1. The latter is just as false as the former. But it's a convenient soundbite, isn't it?

  24. Why am I not surprised you can't support your accusation?

    Good thing I don't generalize, because if I did you'd suggest to me (incorrectly) that women as a category aren't particularly logical nor particularly honest.

    1. I can fully support my impression of you, J. It's substantiated by nearly every comment you post.

      Show me where you've shown sympathy or compassion for a woman here. Show me where you've shown condemnation for what a man has done to a woman.

      "Prove me wrong."

  25. Jesustakethewheel
    Plot and J are the same, I didn't see the connection before now

  26. Hallelujah Rosie plot and J are many many other alts on this site. Jesus fucking Christ, it's not like we have hundreds of different posters here to try and figure out who the board troll here is. Start with the fucking male idiot with 5 or 6 posts on every post since January and work the fuck back, ok? If that's too hard, try and figure out the motherfuckers I never acknowledge here, shouldn't be too hard.

  27. @rosie riveter

    Love you!

    As for Rose, just because a woman agrees to sex today does not imply consent for tomorrow.

    Maybe Weinstein couched her with her consent yesterday but he raped her today.

    This is why a lot of rape victims don't come forward. Their past is used against them.

  28. I'm sorry but she doesn't care about rape victims. Most of Hollywood don't. The ones that do care are the ones that donated money to rape crisis centers in suppling them with help and consouling. Most of the the people on the meto movement are their to get there name out.

  29. Hi Harvey! Glad you're still finding the time to hang out at CDAN between criminal rape trials.
