Thursday, July 05, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #7

February 14, 2018

It takes a lot to get fired from a hit network show. It takes even more to get fired from two hit network shows on completely different networks. That is what happened to this B+ list mostly television actress and she says she is blacklisted from getting any new work. You know, the middle of the night rants against your bosses on social media while you were working for them might have something to do with other bosses not wanting to hire you.

Diane Neal


  1. Ever knew her name just googled her under “resting bitch face/no charisma “ and poof -there she was!

    1. You aren’t holding back today at all!!! On 🔥🔥🔥🔥

    2. 😂triggered lol!
      The Kubrick blind put me over the edge(though I had heard things over years:(((

    3. Where’s the Kubrick blind?? I didn’t read it last night and can’t seem to find it today! Thxs

  2. Isn't she supposed to be running for Congress?

  3. Who is that? What shows?

    1. @Cold in Ct

      Law and Order: SVU


  4. Ouch, internet says she went Harvard, yet she managed to fail Social Media 101.

  5. Supporting actor on NCIS and Law & Order.

    We all rant about work, but you do so NEVER in email & NEVER online. This chick is just stupid.

  6. Seriously, Casey Novak.

  7. Oh wow! Wouldn’t have guessed this one. I liked her...

  8. This makes me sad, although not so much as the Kubrick blind. I always kind of liked Diane Neal. Her 'look' seemed to have changed a lot, though, so maybe some surgery that didn't go well.

  9. I like Steve Czaban's line: "Twitter is a 140-character resignation letter." Although I guess now it's 280 or something. More room to stick your foot in your mouth.

  10. I liked her on SVU, had a huge crush on her actually.

  11. Definitely not one of my favorites on SVU.

  12. I loved her on SVU. She was probably my favorite ADA. I had no clue she was fired from the show since she made some guest appearances.

  13. She was a guest on SVU portraying a woman who chokes herself while getting off. Her character and others conspired and killed another woman.


  14. BWF = "Blogging While Female" = the new offense that draws severe penalties if you point out things that should be better, using social media, even though admittedly you *are* female.

    Are we as a society being too soft on BWF offenders?

    Also, what rival candidate for Congress in the current election paid for this blind to be posted to CDAN? Are the rates truly that affordable???

  15. Went to Harvard? Wikipedia sez: She began attending Harvard University's Extension School in 2009, and graduated with an associate's degree in May 2018.. Nine years to do two years' worth of coursework. The Extension school is nowhere near as selective as Harvard: to be eligible to apply for admission as a student to their degree granting program, students must "earn [their] way in" by passing the CRWS test, taking three classes, and earning a B or better in each..

  16. Its the Blind Item revealed no-6 today.

  17. Omg! Her face...while it looks fine, she looks NOTHING like she did on SVU. Did she have a transplant? Damn. I hope Stanley Kubrick is rotting in hell.

  18. @BlondieJ The Kubrick Blind is showing up on my iPad, right below this one

  19. She looks like a whole different person :( this is weird
