Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Blind Item #13

There is nothing this former A- list mostly television actress likes more than a child molester/rapist. She seemingly will always find a way to support/work for them while pretending to do the opposite. At this point she is just a caricature of an activist. 


  1. I think this one is more about her support of Asia Argento instead of that POS.

  2. Rose attacked Asia. She's bought and sold, even though I think Asia's guilty, I also think Weinstein is using that to discredit her for his trial. He's the devil.

  3. When you dance with the devil you also play with demons

  4. "Actress Rose McGowan has spoken out in support of Jimmy Bennett, the former child actor who claims he was sexually assaulted by Asia Argento in 2013."

    ""Do the right thing. Be honest. Be fair. Let justice stay its course," McGowan concluded, entreating Argento to come forward and "be the person you wish Harvey could have been."


  5. What a thoroughly useless person.

    Does nothing worthwhile, only makes the world worse with each word she speaks.

  6. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Rose is a cockroach.

  7. Is this supposed to mean that she gets off on pedos or that she just doesn't care if they are pedos as long as they can help her career in some way?

  8. Those who would subvert due process of the law, hypocritical idiots like Rose McGowan and Mira Sorvino, are very real dangers in our society.

  9. What J? What's going on in that tiny brain of yours this time?

  10. thank you @plot. Jaysus what a haterater. beyond the normal gossip fun.

  11. lol... plot, you have a groupie! One who says "haterater!"


    1. I never agree with plot and this time im ALL IN. You do indeed have a tiny (brain).
      Hateful tiny man.

  12. Hollywood Liberals killed feminism and set women back 3 decades.

    1. Right because there aren’t millions of women who work to make the world a better place. Apparently Hollywood women have a monopoly on feminism and women.

  13. There's more to Rose than meets the eye. I believe there's devastating background on her, more than we already know about. She's standing beside Asia and others for a BIG reason. AND she cooperated with Ronan. What more does BlackCube have on her? I'm betting Ronan and Rose have a deal together, put together by someone.


  14. rose (like river phoenix) was in a cult

    she will have an "overdose" soon

  15. @BRAD PITT she was in the Children of God, the very same cult as River and Joaquin Phoenix. It was a very sick and disgusting cult (aren't they all😠)that openly practiced pedophilia and required it's members to give up their children for the cult to practice it's insanely fucked up perversions on✊😠

  16. ugh,now that I think back on when Rose was first being hyped in a big way as a new Hollywood "It" girl, interviews would more often than not mention that she was raised by unconventional hippy😠 parents and grew up in a cult in a whimsical way to make her seem edgy and unique.
    I wonder if any of these publications, shows, writers or interviewers knew the true nature of the cult she was trapped in as a child back when these interviews/hype pieces happened in ye olde 1990's

  17. We sure this isn't Lena Dunham signing up with Tarrentino?

  18. A crazy broad's next bitter enemy is her current closest friend.

    1. Omg...how true! Women are fucking scary!

  19. My thought (besides RM) was Susan Sarandon, but no idea who the director would be.

  20. You just say that because you're a Sagittarius. lol

    You, plot, and Viking Song are quite a trio.

  21. Rose's message is confusing.
    Harvey has been accused of many things, but not pedophilia. I feel that he was exposed to distract from the many pedo scandals that are about to break.
    Is she in league with the pedos?

    1. She's not calling harvey a pedo, she's telling asia not to ignore/pay off her accuser and go to take responsibility. That's all.

      She's (rose) also alleging that Asia told someone she (asia) was getting pics from the boy since he was 12. The article is worth reading if you haven't.

      Now if shes in league with anyone? I guess we'll find out, but Enty doesnt seem to put it past her I guess.

    2. Havent seen picture evidence of this particular text admintance, tmz seems to have different ones:

      [McGowan also introduced a third character into this tangled web of allegations—Rain Dove, a model whom McGowan is dating. McGowan said that Argento confided new details to Dove while consulting with them over text message about her relationship with Bennett. Per McGowan, “Asia had stated that she’d been receiving unsolicited nudes of Jimmy since he had been 12. Asia mentioned in these texts that she didn’t take any action on those images. No reporting to authorities, to the parents, or blocking of Jimmy’s social media. Not even a simple message ‘Don’t send me these images. They are inappropriate.’]


  22. Viking Song's here to share a racist's perspective on today's unfoldings.

  23. Lol Viking loon not only thinks men cant be raped, but also doesnt belive statutory rape is a crime.

    Mental illness on full display for the world to see. God bless the internets.

  24. @Viking

    Yeah, teenaged boys can be raped by women. They can even willingly partake, as you put it though it makes me sort of ill to repeat it.

    Young men are fed a diet of "go for it" from earliest childhood. Often, they can't admit to themselves or anyone else that they really didn't want to have sex with a teacher or older woman. But it happens and I can assure you it screws up young men as profoundly as it screws up teenaged girls who are also many times convinced that they are equal partners with the older men who have sex with them. They might even be told, both girls and boys, that since they orgasm they wanted it. This is simply not true.

    I've seen the aftermath of young men as young as 12 who were raped by older women. It wreaks havoc on them for the rest of their lives and damages future relationships just as much as if they were girls with older men.
