Saturday, August 11, 2018

Blind Item #3

Speaking of drugs, this alliterate foreign born actress has been told by her people to ONLY party at her house or in a hotel room where she hires someone to clean the place for her other than the hotel staff. No one wants to jeopardize the big gig she landed. Our actress has a reputation for not being discreet about her partying or the aftermath in locations of on her body.


  1. Enabling her to keep the money train rolling.

  2. Rose is trash. Her publicists are enabling addiction.

  3. She should be required to be drug tested but she won't.

  4. Gorgeous woman. terrible actress.

  5. Little too emaciated right now but gorgeous face.

  6. Not a good actress and too small for Batwoman.

    Classic PC case of casting lesbian in role of lesbian, even if said lesbian could be out-acted by most straight/bi actresses.

    Show will fail.

    1. Agreed. The show will be canceled after the first season. If it even makes it a full first season. They’re going to realize she will be too difficult to work with.

      Her team should not be enabling a user.

  7. This will be a disaster. I am convinced that decisions in Holywood and fashion industry are 100% made by gay men. How else do you explain what is pushed as attractive in that cesspool? Mass appeal depends on appealing to straight men and what I see does not and will never. No wonder the industry is in severe decay. Well.....that and the insane TDS.

  8. Ruby Rose IS attractive to a lot of us straight men. We like to think that her lesbo thing is not a personal life choice, and is solely for our entertainment.

  9. Boom! Tricia dropping it! +1

    Mad H I haven't met a single guy (straight like myself) who is attracted to her. But I don't hang out with cucks who like to sit in the corner and watch. And no, her being a lesbian isn't something she does to entertain cucks, no matter what fantasy loop is running n your head.

    1. Love your comeback! I'm a girl who is attracted to girls and I don't find RR attractive either. Her tattoo collection is corny and too random, and I don't particularly like that anorexic beanpole look.

  10. To me Ruby R looks like she could be cast as Rachel Maddow's younger sister

  11. Why is Cat Woman now a lesbian? Cats aren't lesbian. Cat Woman was always interesting because of the tension between her feminine allure and her malevolence when crossed. If she's just a butch with a chip on her shoulder, there's no interest.

    1. The character is Batwoman, not Catwoman. She's been a lesbian since she was reintroduced in 2006.

  12. That last sentence - yeesh!

  13. very unfair some of the stuff on twitter

  14. *Puts hands up as another straight guy who thinks she is hot*
