Thursday, August 02, 2018

Blind Item #3

In order to raise more money for himself, this former A list teen movie actor is hosting men at his home where he introduces them to his female groupies. Our former actor then takes a 90% cut of what the men to pay to be with the women. 


  1. Well in all fairness since the Playboy mansion went out of business, someone had to resume the mantle of playmate pimp.

  2. He's been on the big screen. That's all it takes. He will never be gross enough to stop the groupies from showing up.

  3. So, there’s a market for men wanting women who want Corey Feldman?? Gag. Gross.

  4. Unless I missed something, the women do this voluntarily.

  5. If women are still dating Charlie Sheen, then nothing surprises me! In my opinion Sheen is the epitome of ewww, and I saw a pic of him in the DM with his latest girlfriend. @Cail has it right, if they're on the big (or little) screen, that's all it takes!

  6. Lonely Bastard dying over Corey's whoreys. Too funny!

  7. After all he's experienced and seen is it any suprise he's not the full ticket-Corey Feldman?

  8. Corey, you were the Chosen One! You were supposed to bring balance to the Force, not whatever it is that this is!

  9. haha Geeljire you got a chuckle out of me today with that

    1. Any Episode III reference made on this site does it

      Someone else did it at least once this week

  10. Corey's Angles have facebook page and a website. Sad what these women will do for fame.

  11. wrecking balls, bulldozers, and flame-throwers need to roll over all things celebrity. salt that earth so that nothing ever grows or lives there again.
    i have not been a part of this site for long. please do not tell me if there's ever been a bad blind or a reveal about Betty White.

  12. Has anyone truly found CF remotely sexually attractive in the last 35 years? Still not sure how he landed Vanessa Marcil even back then.

  13. Didn't Feldman use to pimp out Corey Haim? He's not new to the trade.

  14. iffff it wouldnt have said FORMER A I would have said FURLONG the guy from TERMINARTOR II

    It s well known he pimped his gf
