Thursday, August 30, 2018

Blind Item #3

Apparently there is a new woman in this A- list reality star's life. It has been a torrid two weeks so that probably means the "boyfriend" is out the door and a new one will have to be found. The original plan was for him to stick around a little longer. 


  1. lol didn't they buy a house together?

    +1 andrea

    1. I think they just rented a place.

  2. +1 andrea “Like sands through the hourglass,so our the beards of Kendall J”...

  3. Anonymous7:05 AM

    I don't understand, if this is true, why they are hiding it? With all the disgusting and horrible things the K's have done, Kendall maybe being gay is the least of them. Look at the Jonathan character, he hides it too, yet no one believes it when he parades his "girlfriends" around. It amazes me what people choose to hide in the entertainment world. Yet cheating, drugs, alcohol, threesomes, foursomes, sex tapes, etc. are just another regular day in Hollywood.

    1. Maybe kris will not accept it or just will not let her talk about it publicly...

    2. PMK is old school (and old), a women's worth is her sexuality. To be dsired by men is the height of everything she wants. There is no room for lesbians in her world. Kendull comes out and she's cut off, maybe even by her former father.

  4. Actually I'm wondering if they're building up to it because I don't watch the show but saw that they're planting drama on this season with Kendall getting upset about how they've been treating Caitlyn.

    1. This is the only thing that makes sense to me. Theyre obviously open minded enough to have gay friends and accept their now mother's transition. No other reason to drag this out other than ratings.

  5. So lame. Who gives a shit about Kendall liking girls?

  6. Amen to all that, Sandi. I thought being a Lesbian was so chic these days. All the kids I know are either swinging both ways or implying they're willing, just to look cool. Being hetero is so quaint these days.

  7. Seriously, who believes in kendall's relationships? The only boyfriend she was seen kissing was Harry. I do not understand why she's supposed to be lesbian is a surprise, she's never been seen with any man.

  8. wait, the mother transitionned??

  9. Kris Jenner leads a double life as the human ken doll Rodrigo Alves.

  10. Is Kendall even in the show very often?

    I thought it was mainly the other 4 and PMK.

    Maybe Kendall wants a private life (shrug.)

  11. Who cares ...Let the girl chase snatch in private

  12. US magazine is already reporting that their relationship is “fizzling “ because they are so busy and that they weren’t exclusive anyway. So I guess the ‘schedule’ excuse will be used. Once the season starts, look for her to be sitting court side to pick the next one.

  13. Even though Bruce became a female as Caitlyn, the kids still call her Dad.

  14. I feel like Kris wants to use it as a story line and frankly, it just keeps getting pushed to the back burner. Even my friends who love the Kardashians admit Kendull is the most boring. No one cares about her. But Kylie having a baby, Kim posing naked, Kourtney's relationship drama while permanently on vacation; those are marketable story lines that actually interest people. I feel like people would shrug and move on if Kendall came out. Maybe once they get real desperate for material, we'll see it.

  15. In my country Kendall is the most famous of the family. I do not think she's the most boring, just has no polemics about her life and the internet always point her as the best in the family. Her sisters are always breaking news for the most ridiculous situations possible, that's what people like.
