Monday, August 06, 2018

Blind Item #6

This Narcan episode slipped past everyone last fall around Thanksgiving time. A weight fluctuating A-/B+ funny guy was hit with Narcan by NYC paramedics after too much heroin.He ended up calling in sick for his an event the next day and apologized to his fans with a Tweet.  He was feeling under the weather alright.  


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  2. Replies
    1. Could be Zack Galifinakos too:(

  3. I think it's Jonah Hill. I think I found the tweet :( It was more towards November 6th, 2017, not the 23rd, but...

    1. Didn’t his brother just die and leave behind 2 kids he’s helping raise? Smt I don’t get why people do this shit to themselves when they have responsibilities

  4. Jonah Hill tweeted out an apology that he wouldn’t be attending the Xbox One X Launch at the Mixer NYC studio on Nov 6, claiming a fever of 102 ��

  5. Is that how JH list all that weight? I thought he had gastric bypass! Previous blind about how he was smokin crack and started a fire at Brad's place!

  6. Yeah I think even BG had an item about Jonah's weight loss/ drug use.
    When CDAN and BG are saying the same thing, there's probably truth to it. Quite often only one site has it, or they have conflicting stories.

  7. So we're all supposed to buy that stuff and carry it around to save idiot junkies we come across on the street?

    No thanks.

  8. My first thought was Artie Lang, but he's never been near A-list.

  9. Bobby Moynihan? Nyc = snl to me

  10. If only one site is reporting it, there can't be contradicting stories.

  11. I feel like if it was Jonah Hill the blind would mention he was "oscar-nominated", but I still think it's him
