Sunday, August 12, 2018

Blind Item #7

One of these one season wonders will not ever be returning to the spinoff while his male companion last night is welcome. The two were wasted out of their minds in Catch and decided the entire restaurant needed to listen to them screaming Boyz II Men songs at the top of the lungs. They were about two seconds from being kicked out and are banned from making reservations for six months.


  1. Colton Underwood and some other loser from Bachelors in Paradise?

  2. I don't know. They also sound closeted gay. Catch is a restaurant in West Hollywood - the gayest city in the country. Yes, it's its own city. I believe actors like going to these WeHo places because they can say they were just at a restaurant, not at a gay bar, but then they go a hop away to Vasoline Alley and get boned by trashy guys.

  3. How the fuck does two drunk guys shouting Boyz II Men sound 'closeted gay?' West Hollywood has plenty of gays, sure, but - you might need to sit down for this one - not all men who hang out with other men are secretly bumming each other. Shock! Horror!

  4. Doesn't everyone get blasted and sing Boyz II Men at the top of their lungs in restaurants, or is that just me?

  5. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣

    This is hilarious. People getting persecuted for singing ‘90s boybands songs.

    Here have a rose: 🥀

    1. +1 Could've been worse. Color Me Bad, anyone?

  6. Ah, they need to relax. Whomever this is can come to Gibby's in Montreal with my aunt - she managed to find wax paper somewhere, pulled out a comb and used it as a gazoo. My uncle invited the wait staff to come to their table during their breaks and bought them drinks. Hmmm, maybe that's what he should have done.

  7. Well I guess the Viper Room, The Roxy and all of those other West Hollywood CLUBS must be Vaseline alley proper using your logic.
