Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #2

August 4, 2018

Even though they were told in advance, neither the feds nor anyone from the Embassy in this country or the authorities from the host country are following this former A+ list singer as he goes on a tween sexual assault spree. No one seems to care that he is out of the country specifically so he can target girls in the 10-12 year old range. Any possible authority who could be notified was when it was discovered what he would be doing. No one is stopping it. This is getting out of hand.

R. Kelly in Thailand


  1. Thailand exists for this
    Thank Bretton Woods

  2. So I guess R. Kelly and Russell Simmons are shacking up together over there right Enty?

    1. Maybe they are sword fighting......

    2. Thats actually something I can believe given the age they choose their wives.

  3. Remember, Gary Glitter only got in trouble because he was bringing too much fucking attention to the situation.

  4. Burn it down. Please.

  5. Russell Simmons is in Bali, Indonesia.

    1. Right and Thailand is a plane ride away. Bali is on my list to go to when the volcano stops erupting. I'll skip Thailand despite it having my favorite food. Too many kids selling themselves .

  6. Sadly, lots of people go to Thailand for exactly this reason every day.

    Suddenly global authorities are supposed to rally the troops to protect girls who would (sadly) be selling it to someone else anyway? i'm not sure there's anything to be done here.

    - hunter

  7. This is complete bullshit. If this blind was revealed in the early 2000s, I would tell you it's true.

    But it's 2018 now. And anyone that has actually been to Thailand lately will know it's not like that anymore. It's nearly impossible to proposition underage girls, without getting caught by the authorities or NGOs. Even online sex predators are getting traced by the authorities in Thailand everyday. I worked closely with said organizations and they have informants everywhere.

    Tbere is a reason why sexpats are in Cambodia or The Philippines now. Thailand is too risky. Plenty of organizations including Interpol have their eyes on Thailand because of its bad history, and the new Junta military ruled government wants to change all that.

  8. Kron, one of my best friends has been living in Thailand for two decades now and his job is to work with the underage girls in the sex trade. It is still a massive problem there. Every year more and more sex tourism businesses pop up in Thailand and the "market" there is getting younger and younger.

    1. Right on Lucy. I have friends from that country and they warned me not to go there. Makes me sick!

  9. can someone just take all these disgusting pedo's out??? these are small children , they need protecting
