Thursday, August 16, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #3

April 27, 2018

This foreign born A+/A list singer was on a no booze mandate this time around at her favorite salon. Her last visit resulted in her passing out in the chair from drinking too much and the salon closing until our singer could be awakened from her drunken slumber.



  1. She appears to be already in george michael territory. I've already made my fame/fortune by my mid 20's, i'll spend the rest of my days getting drunk/high and living high on the hog. Can't blame her.

  2. Melvin would NEVER approve of this...


  3. Hey Adele it's cool especially if you're getting a body waxing, that hurts!

  4. Obese and drinking? Fatty liver in the future...

  5. She is hilarious when drunk. Was in the same pub with her and her group once. They were loud, animated and having fun. But clearly very very very drunk.

  6. Day drinking is a dangerous game, especially if you're still tipsy from the night before.

  7. Fat female Brits are prone to alcoholism.

  8. Never got the obsession with Adele. Everyone treats her unattractiveness like some sort of disability she was strong enough to overcome. Like seriously I had to double check her wiki just to make sure she didn't overcome some challenge.

  9. I love all three of Adele's albums but she is seriously one star I wish I knew nothing else about. Once I saw her cross-dressing her three-year old son, I was done with her as a human being. I'll still probably buy her next album, though. She's phenomenal.

  10. She wasn't cross-dressing her son he wanted to dress up as his favourite Disney character who was Anna, would you be complaining if someone allowed their daughter to dress as Jack Sparrow, Peter Pan or Mickey Mouse. Little children don't care that adults have decided some things are for boys and some things are for girls.

    Look at Edwardian and Victorian children you'd be hard pushed to tell the gender of children under 5 most or in frilly lace dresses.

  11. Why does it not surprise me that a person who uses a female first name and male last name is defending and rationalizing Adele's child abuse?

    Adele cross-dressed her very young son the same month Charlize Theron, Liev Schreiber and other celebrities were pictured with their young sons dressed as female characters, too. It was obviously planned and obviously sick.

  12. I post under my real name unlike some people hiding behind the anonymity and Norman was a surname before a mans name anyway to indicate ancestry either from Normandy in France or Norway the North Man.

    It's not sick some boys like to dress as a princess or play with dolls it's not a big deal, historically pink was a boys colour and blue for girls. It's not a big deal let kids dress and play in a way that makes them happy rather than forcing made up gender rules on them.

  13. Boys playing dress up isn't child abuse.

    I'd rather reserve my indignation for when it matters.

  14. @Ddonna Your stupid is showing.

  15. I like Adele and think regardless of her weight she can look beautiful but hey, plastic fantastics with anorexia have always been the ideal in America.

  16. She sucks. Only popular cuz music today sucks and Amy Winehouse died. And don't ever compare her to George Michael. He didn't suck and his best work, Older was released in his 30's, not even close to his 20's.

  17. I don't give a shit what Adele's son wears. But to like a person, based purely, and seemingly entirely, on them allowing their kid to play dress up, is mentally retarded.

    She's writes good songs, she's got some deep lyrics, she seems fun, there's a few reasons to like her, if you will. But to like her cause of her son's, girl's dress? You poor fucking moron.

    You know, Hitler loved dogs, right?

  18. But Hitler didn't let his dogs dress up opposite their gender, so he must not have loved them very much.

  19. @DDonna you're a bloody idiot. People like you should just sit down and shut up.

  20. I think you accomplished a complete triggering, donna. Thx!
