Friday, August 17, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #5

August 7, 2018

Since this film is historical in nature, the producers have decided to pull the release date in hopes that their A list star can get his act together, get sober and actually do press for the movie. Apparently he has little actual recollection of shooting the movie because he was so out of it during filming.

Johnny Depp/City Of Lies


  1. Hey now, he's been working overtime to alienate all of his fans.

  2. If true, this is really sad how addicted he is. I hope he has not permanently damaged his brain but I fear he has.

  3. He accused Amber Herd of defecating in his bed after a fight! If thats not true love i dont know what is?

    1. He accused her of putting dog feces in the bed as retaliation for him being 2 hours late for her 30th birthday party.

  4. What happened to that dude? Young Johnny Depp, handsome, idealistic, working for the love of the craft would look at old Johnny Depp with nothing but contempt. Was it the bitches? The money? How can someone change that much?

    1. Toxic environment of HW. Can ruin even the best of them.....

    2. Hollywood happened to him. Money, drugs and satanism, mostly. Look at his tats!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. He and Angie Jo should get together, they have similar personalities

    1. He can’t stand Angie. Remember the pics of them promoting The Tourist? He wouldn’t go anywhere near her. Now Angie & Amber I can see. Apparently they’ve already been together.

  7. According to the maid, the poop was to large to be that of her small dog's, but human. She is still denying it of course. I get it that people can get pissed off at someone but how in the hell does that translate to, I am going to show him by shitting on the bed LOL!

    1. Lots of drugs & alcohol combined with her sociopathic personality.

  8. LOL TrueDat @Aquagirl

  9. Did ya read the Rolling Stone article?
    Isolated from the real world
    Surrounded by payed for Yesmen

  10. He is now accusing Amber of pooping in his bed!

  11. She's a psychopath and a narcissist. Extreme versions of both.
    That makes a monster right there.

  12. I just think he has a lot of secrets he is terrified will come out so he is numbing the fear of it all. He went from well respected actor to loser over night.

  13. No, there are many onset pics showing he was alert and fine filming City of Lies. Johnny is executive producer, btw. The film was set to go up against The Nun - pretty risky. Also, there's a lawsuit over the right to use Good Films for the name of the film's producer, since another company says it's theirs. Depp's been more lucid and fitter than he's been in years. He just lost the weight too fast at 55 yrs old and his skin got saggy.

  14. I'll always love JD, but he put himself in a cage with sharks around it. If he sticks his head out--chomp. Had his family & accountants take advantage of him being loaded all the time and reckless spending--now he has own version of HS Thompson's lawyer, but minus the fun and adventure. Lots of sycophants. Below is a great interview--long, but lots of info.

    As for that Amber and the Turd, I am not surprised. Author, tattooist and JD buddy Jonathan Shaw painted her as someone with borderline personality disorder back when the SHIT hit the fan last year between the two...I haven't followed him online in eons, but take a peek at his facebook around that timeframe--- wrote a book "Narcissa" and JD i think helped him do a reprint, and not much more...

    Not sure if Johnny wants to get sober, he came out to H'wood to be a rock star, and well he got part of that dream. Oh, and his mother sounds like she was a monster

  15. "If Christy wants to act like a pedophile he should stay at home"

  16. @yepthatsme

    How much would it cost to have Amber Heard defecate in my bed? Of course I'm just enquiring out of a philosophical curiosity you understand...
