Saturday, August 04, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #8

July 26, 2018

Think this permanent A list singer is in control of her life? Whether she is at home or on the road if she orders food from anywhere other than her house, she has to get approval from someone higher on the ladder. They decide if it should be approved based on calorie count and what our singer has already eaten that day.

Britney Spears


  1. I feel so incredibly sad for her. She seems so checked out in pictures and videos, like she would rather be anywhere but performing constantly.

  2. She seems like a sad, empty shell of her former self. My heart hurts for her 😢

  3. I need that in my life.

  4. Donno, think for a lot of people it might be helpful.

  5. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Well... she hasn't had any major issues since her head-shaving meltdown. That was like 10 years ago I think. Maybe if others had this kind monitoring *coughDemiSelenaArianacough* maybe they wouldn't be mentioned in this page so much for their issues and downward spirals :/

  6. Jeez, let her have her damned Cheetos for crissakes.

  7. She's in Brighton South of London for a free Gape Ride concert

  8. It's better Jamey has control of her life people are lurking to take advantage of her because they know she's damaged, like KFed is trying now.

  9. Anonymous1:49 PM

    I’m sad for her. She’s just an ATM for her family.
    I wish her well. Leave poor Britney alone.


  10. I saw her play a few weeks ago and she really didn’t seem like a shell at all - involved, vibrant, energetic. I’m not denying the blind, but the woman per-forms in her shows.

  11. ....and this is why I think her "boyfriend" is bullshit, he is a hired handler.

  12. Have to say, she looked so trashy in front of Buckingham Palace.

  13. Years ago, I was in line at my fave restaurant (now defunct) in Marina del Rey, California, and i heard a clamoring behind me. Paparazzis at the window and yelling at something. And then I noticed Britney standing right next to me. Inches away. I saw her very up close. She had an energy field that seemed to me as if a lot of people were feeding into her ... really remarkable. I guess that is what you call "star power". She sat in the booth behind me with several others and spoke in low tones. I didn't see how she made her escape from the paps but I didn't see them again.

    Here's my point: the "Britney" we've been seeing lately is not the same girl. If you are hip to clones, then yeah, those are Britney clones we have been seeing these past few years (perhaps since her meltdown), with the dead eyes and lifeless choreography moves. If you don't get the idea of clones, then perhaps you should research a bit. HRC is a notable one with multiple versions.

  14. To me this does not sound weird at all.
    This aspect of her life,diet, is all about her fitness levels and appearance for her shows. She does perform A LOT and she is towards the end of her career so she and her team are milking her looks for all they are worth. This is really smart actually.
    And coming from the bodybuilding world, people here pay GOOD MONEY for this service, it's called a 'coach or nutritionist' this has nothing to do with her mental state.
    This is all about keep the money making machine lean and healthy.

  15. That is so sad. It’s all about the money. I feel the hair shaving incident was a symbolic move for her that just didn’t pan out. I won’t get too deep into it, but shaving the beautiful blond hair was a big f you to those in charge. She was trying to break free.

  16. I can’t believe she can’t eat what she wants. This is HER life not someone else’s money making machine.

  17. Holyshit ENTY! I didnt think it was going to be Brittney.

  18. chice, no - she shaved her head because K Fed was going to have her drug tested and threatening to take away her kids. She was on serious drugs back then and she probably thought that was the only way they could drug test her.
    That was when she was hanging out with that shady Lufti dude.

  19. @Brooklyn Girl I think it's pretty clear Britney CAN'T be left alone.

  20. In the last \presidential campaign, sometimes HRC seemed like a different person. I was wondering if the have hired a double.. Third world dictators have done this. I was willing to vote for her double.
    Britney seems to be one of those people who are only happy when they are performing.

  21. Oh dear Lord. Clones! XD

    Britney's the product of what happens when you become very famous as a teen pop star. The world you are pulled into overwhelms you and you end up coming out the other end as a different person. Because the stars that were once in your eyes were shattered.

    I feel bad for her if her diet is really being controlled like this. While I think it's best to be relatively thin there is just way too much pressure on women to lose a lot of weight and maintain a certain size no matter what.It's even worse if you are a celebrity.

  22. Jeez... lay off the chick. This isn't sad at all, it's what a serious person who has set goals for themselves and has the money to hire a nutritionist. She's trying (by her own will) to hit a certain calorie intake... why tha f*ck would she want to go around counting her calories and protein/carb/fat %'s when you pay someone else too?

    It's called determination, commitment, accountability and perseverance to set and achieve her goals... Good for her. I'm sure she has a personal trainer to motivate and hold her accountable on her exercise routine as well.

    Ok, the haters can now go back to their couchs and finish that tub of ice cream and jumbo bag of Doritos.

  23. I really do not see anything wrong with this type of thing. The control over some parts of her personal life,that may be different. We don't know what she is like when she doesn't have this type of control. The difference between someone doing well on meds and someone who stops taking them is quite startling. I suspect they do not want her to remarry,for instance,because they do not what someone else taking control.

  24. These comments reek of hypocrisy Britney Spears has mental health problems she is bipolar I heard. Also, Britney has had drug problems people can say her family conservatorship is taking advantage of her but are they though. Look at Demi Lovato she is a drug addict in crisis who ALMOST DIED last week due to an overdose. Yet Demi does not want to go to rehab. Her family needs to do a 5050 on her. People on her don not know the full story on her and neither do I. I think things are going well for Britney she had a successful residency at Las Vegas making MILLIONS of dollars! It is due to Britney success why other stars like Jennifer Lopez and Mariah Carey decided to do it too. It is a way for veteran artists to remain relevant.

  25. There are no clones. There are body doubles. They've done this for centuries, it is a classic security trick. Hillary had doubles, but so does Trump, The Bushes, and so on.

    Several years ago, someone blew up a train carrying Kim Jong Il, except it turned out it was his double. Anybody remember that?

  26. She is incredibly lucky to be supervised and protected by a family member (her father in this case) She is very vulnerable to being taken advantage of and Dad is on the scene. He keeps her busy so she doesn't have worsening issues with her bipolar disorder. He monitors her diet so she is healthy and takes care of the money and who does/doesn't get it (Kevin Federline and that Arab idiot who tried to be her manager Sam somebody or other) So, she most likely is living a healthier, safer life because her family loves her.

  27. Eating certain foodstuffs can be another form of drug and what you eat can change your mood days later...

    Controlling diet would definitely help with depression and bipolar disorders, who tend to be more greatly affected by stimulants and have a harder crash after. If I have sugary food or say a double expresso I will not sleep that evening!

    This could be another form of treatment.

  28. Agree with those saying this is a good choice, and possibly as much hers as anyone else's: 'keep me away from that shit or I'll be on a downward spiral'.

    Round about the time of her head shaving breakdown I used to read The Superficial for goss. The guy running it actually tried to bait her into doing worse, almost begging her to top herself. It was appalling. Britney herself commented on that thread and ripped him a new asshole. I never went back to the site after that. Had great respect for her though. She was in a bad place but she pulled through.

  29. Groomed, abused, and reprogrammed by Disney and her handlers, just like all the rest of them. Shut Disney and Nickelodeon down, forever. Do we have the guts to do this? Apparently not. At least not yet.

  30. @M Styles - this sounds a lot like WEIGHT WATCHERS, no more no less. My sis has that voice in her head now from 'higher up the ladder', she has lost 60 lbs and looks and feels fantastic. You can't keep up that pace and your looks without treating your body right. Its finely tuned machine. Teens eating cheeseburgers need to grow out of the junk food mentality or they will grow up obese.

  31. Britney Spears time on Disney's Mickey Mouse club was loaded with child rape victims: Britney, Christina Aguilera, Justin Timberlake, Nikki DeLoach, Keri Russell, Ryan Gosling, Rhona Bennett, JC Chasez and a couple others.

  32. That doesn’t sound horrible to me. Non fat retried beans, eggs, seafood, fruit, and certain vegetables. Boring, yeah, but you lose weight.

  33. I don't understand this. I actually like Britney. Too bad what the industry and her handlers have done to her. She has real mental health issues and needs more help for that than what what her handlers are offering. She has plenty of money and she's still young and attractive. She should get herself a dude, retire, and enjoy her life.

  34. Knowing you're a cash cow must suck.

  35. Does every one agree with this statement, "Brit's plastic surgery looks like shit." ?

  36. Who is “HRC”?
