Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Today's Blind Items - The Scapegoat

Apparently this relative took a break from madaming to float a new way to get the family off the hook in the eyes of the world. It was called find a new scapegoat. The family knew there would be lots of questions and the best way to make sure there were no answers was to do what every single murderer always wants done. Cremation. The thing is though, they wanted someone to blame and they have trashed the former employee again and again and blamed her while making themselves the victim in all of this. It is all just lies they create in their own insidious world.


  1. Oh shit, I'm here too soon

  2. Does Asia Argento have a relative who is a madam?

  3. This is like every other powerful or connected family, the blind really needs to narrow it down ;)

  4. Bourdain was cremated, and murdered. But the madame relative and female boss dont equate.

  5. How about Kate Spades family? Anything to look for there?

  6. Dennis Shields and Bethenny?

  7. OH HAI, VAPID CUNT! The lovely widow and her mother have been trashing Chris Cornell's assistant for MONTHS, but today they're accusing her of having him embalmed sans permission. Yeah, ok. Oh and of course his body was to be examined by that prestigious UCLA/Geffen med school.

    Last time I checked, you needed to show proof you had legal right to give any kind of direction to a morgue.

  8. I bet McCain was about to bust open the pedo ring and they got him.

    1. McCain WAS the pedo ring !

    2. Yea the Republicans pedo ring leader got McCain. Watchout.

  9. Not enough info for me, but maybe Dennis Sheilds, Bethanny F.'s boyfriend who O.D.? I guess it's come up in her custody battle.

  10. McCain and Neil Simon, Krab! LMAO

  11. Can't be McCain, his policies were a traffickers dream.🤔🤔🤔🤔

  12. Icky and her mother upset. They are turning the story over and over again. Now they point to Chris having a blow to the head that was not noticed by the coroner. They blame Chris's assistant and his brother's partner for negligence, as well as the bodyguard for the band members. They no longer know how to continue spreading their lies.

    1. Oh, you mean the blow to the head that everyone noticed when watching footage of the last concert? The blow to the head that we were told was a ‘bald spot’?! I fucking despise these people!

    2. The famous blow to the head is nothing more than a bald spot. Chris had it for years !!. There are many photos and videos from previous years that prove it.

  13. Definitely icky... Crazy MIL now trying to blame CCs brother, his wife and the body guard.

  14. The Kariayannises are now admitting that Cornell appointed his brother's girlfriend as executrix of
    his estate, with power over the body? Interesting! No wonder they're grubbing around for money. What's next? News that the two children weren't his, to confirm what everyone thought?

    1. Seems weird to appoint the brother’s gf; what if they broke up? Why not appoint Peter? The fact that Vicki wasn’t appointed speaks volumes!

  15. Gee, I was going to say Kris Jenner but now I'm all sad about Chris Cornell again.

  16. Mccain had cancer, there would be no need to "get him".

  17. [The details surrounding Cornell's case will be probed in the Reelz channel's Autopsy: The Last Hours of Chris Cornell, which will look at the theories about his passing, including suggestions that head trauma may have played a role.]

    Source: https://www.billboard.com/articles/columns/rock/8469056/chris-cornell-autopsy-episode-head-trauma-theory

  18. I thought the McCain thing was pretty clearly a joke, but there's no joke so obvious some CDaNer won't get it.

    1. You can just reply to me instead of saying "some".

  19. I hope justice is done for Chris Cornell as even though it's very interesting, he must have suffered and it seems as though he was a very decent human being.

  20. @Krab So what's confused me is that most jokes are at least a little funny. It's hard to believe DK was really "LMAO" at that one.

  21. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Yes, lies, lies, and more lies...I am pretty sure in order to fly and body it HAS to be embalmed so its just to distract once more from finding out the truth of Chris Cornell's death. He was cremated on the 5th day of death. All documented. This mil must be drunk when she posts...LOL

  22. The Queen dumbass and her little Merry followers are at it again.. Chris cornell's mother inlaw is a narcissist bitch and everybody knows it. . She has no fault or care at the lives that she ruins.. She's been very busy, spewing shit that her Merry band of minions like to roll in

  23. McCain had cancer yet never showed any of the debilitating signs that come with cancer treatment. He tore an Achilles Tendon yet the boot he wore to treat it switched feet two weeks after the tear. The media didn't question it.

  24. Well he had some debilitating signs that came from cancer treatment

    John McCain, battling brain cancer, in Walter Reed from effects of treatment


  25. Could be Bourdain or Cornell.

    The head wound thing with Cornell was spotted very quickly after his death when fans combed through photos and footage. However, he was in his 50s. And while he still had a good head of hair, bald spots happen. Plus his hair was naturally curly and I saw quite a few people posting on LSA and elsewhere saying that this normally happens sometimes if you don't brush curly hair out. It's just that the hair mats a bit creating a spot that look like there's no hair. There was no blood or bruising there. Nothing that looked like he had been injured.

    If it really was a bald spot created by scar tissue I'd think it would be years old because of that. But I think it's just a natural bald spot forming or just from matted curly hair. I read he was sleeping for awhile before his performance in Detroit and didn't brush his hair. So it's bed head and nothing more.

    I still think he committed suicide. But the reasons why are reasons that Vicky doesn't want getting out. It's not that some people don't see the obvious. It's the media that has to be convinced. Vicky doesn't want that.

    1. The spot on his head was very RED; not like a usual bald spot at all.

  26. Sorry, @Brayson, that picture doesn't look that different to me than any 81 year old criminal. Interesting the boot is on the left foot for that picture with no mention from The Post that it was the right foot that had the torn tendon.

  27. Especially with the aged when they injure one foot, the other foot becomes injured compensating. No real mystery behind McCain and the boot.

  28. Well, now it's known for sure that there are some folks with serious reasoning disabilities, and tenuously tethered to reality posting on this site.

  29. McCain was a debilitating cancer to his country, it's military and it's worldwide reputation with his limitless ambition, greed and warmongering. In fact, he was a debilitating cancer upon the whole world and one of the head trauma bringers for many truly unfortunate peoples victimized by he and his democracy spreading compatriots in the U.S. Globohomoerotic uniparty

  30. Yeah and old people need to compensate so bad that their foot with the torn tendon doesn't even need a boot anymore, even though a professional athlete who tears a tendon wears a cast for two months.

    Spare us all the lies, lies, lies. Justice was served, cold, to McCain. Justice for others lies yet ahead.

  31. It is actually true there is quite a bit about McCain which has supported human trafficking - his shindig with Ashton Kutcher was a bit of a farce as the money used was circular accounting and there was quite a bit of fishiness.

    As for the boot - I side with DDonna 100% - she's fucking right.

  32. I came right out and asked Vicky why the $100 mill she donated to ucla ended up being the david Geffen school of medicine. No answer yet!

  33. Cornell had no fresh head injury! That's stupid. He has always had a cow lick at the back of his head. There's lots of photos where it shows, with his straight hair from Euphoria Mourning period especially.
    There were red stage lighting and he had taken a nap and not brushed his hair. He was disheveled because of his problems with the Widow.

    Do you really think the other band members wound have allowed him to be on stage with a huge fresh head wound? They saw him up close. They would have reacted and had him taken care of. Not let their friend sing a concert with an apparent injury! That's just bizarre.

    And wouldn't he have been distraught if someone had actually attacked him? Would he just go on stage and do his thing, after such an assault? Unlikely.

    And of late his mother in law has latched on to this theory of a head wound as well. Anything to point the blame away from what her daughter said to CC over the phone just minutes before he decided to kill himself. If anything, she's to blame. Her 14 years of deception, scamming and grifting, pulling the wool over his eyes in some weird way.

    What killed him was most likely that he realised what he had got himself into, and that there was no way out. But death.

    1. I completely agree, Vicky's desperate behaviour is a smoke screen to cover up what a miserable marriage they had. She is deflecting blame as she does not want to be as vilified as Courtney Love is. Clearly appearances are everything to her.

  34. +1 Jack Benimble
    Icky Vicky & her family have pointed their finger at everyone & everything possible regarding Chris' death. Thing is, as you are pointing 1 finger out, there are 3 fingers & a thumb pointing back. They have done their best to blow smoke up everybody's ass to conceal the truth. Chris Cornell was murdered, just like Bennington, Bourdain, Spade & Cobain.
