Monday, September 10, 2018

Blind Item #10

This C list celebrity is being paid a lot of money to record every conversation she has with this A+ list mostly movie actor who also likes to direct. Yes, there are even recordings of them having sex. Only audio though. Illegal? Yep. Tabloid going to get its money worth? Yep.


  1. Affleck and Shauna

  2. Affleck and the Playboy model?

  3. That’s fucked up

  4. I wonder if this is what sent Affleck off the deep end lately.

    1. WHAT?!!? Did you not read past blinds?? He’s been drinking for monthssssss now

  5. But you can check out..

  6. That's like jail time f-d up. States are either one-party consent, or two-party consent. California is definitely the latter. The reason I don't think Alex Jones got in trouble for secretly recording his conversation with Megyn Kelly is because both New York and Texas are one-party consent states.

  7. Could be Affleck and Shookus. Couldn't understand why he carried on hooking up with her, thought the little girls paternity was the lever. Now, maybe she was using other leverage to gain more fame... threatening to share with the missus.

  8. There is no way she is C List. Z at best.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Ugh could you imagine being the one to have to listen to all those boring recordings? She doesn't come across as a great thinker or porn star.

  11. No shortage of money grubbing hoes.

  12. He has a tendency to find his way to women who are really desperate for fame. Nobody cares about this chick in the public and she's just another bimbo type of girl in the media that'll fade away.

  13. Does Playboy even exist still?

  14. NEGATIVE Z list! C list, give me a break Enty, wtf.

    Does Ben not have one brain cell left? Breaks during rehab, whatever dude. He needs to be put into the death pool.

    Ben needs to drop the booze and the whores then crawl 100 miles thru broken glasses begging Jen back. We know that will never happen.

  15. A lot of people at the tabloid will be on the hook for a conspiracy charge.

  16. @Unknown, I know they do a lot business with merchandising, that rabbit is probably the most valuable part of the company now.

  17. So sad Ben. I hope you get well.

  18. Apologies for the site im linking to but...

    Playboy is opening a new bar in NY

  19. brad pitt and amber heard?

  20. It's not a slip that will hurt Affleck unless it turns out he has a small dick, is a premature ejaculator, or cries and calls out for his mommy during sex. Or moans "Matt!" when orgasming.
    There's no such thing as bad publicity A bad movie could hurt Affleck much more. Everybody expected his Batman to suck and it didn't Now, that could have ended his career, and bad toupee decisions. Not some sex and chat tape.
