Monday, September 24, 2018

Blind Item #13

This closeted foreign born permanent A+/A list singer has decided to commit to her girlfriend. I think the next time she emerges because she misses the limelight, she will be married to the girlfriend.


  1. announced she's leaving her vegas residency

  2. Hope so!! Good for you Celine and hopefully others will follow.

  3. It's never too late to come out of the closet.

  4. @brayson i wonder if kevin spacey would agree with you

  5. It's okay, Celine, come on out! You don't have to say your marriage was a lie. (Although people thought it was gross anyway.) Just use the "sexuality is fluid" line.

  6. Good for her! I was 40, and it was well worth it. Terrifying but worth it

  7. hope she really does it, it would be a very posiive thing...and, yes, hoping others will follow

  8. @painkillr, It's the pedo stuff that got him, that's a submarine not a closet, open that door and you're fish food. Plus like Wanda Sykes said, "You do not get to 'choose' to hide under the rainbow!"

  9. Do we know who the girlfriend is?

  10. She is leaving to join Van Halen

  11. Ha! Lurky, that would be awesome.

  12. So when she inevitably starts another residency in a couple of years, I bet Enty's going to say she changed her mind?

    René himself said the residency would last until 2019 so it's not like it's been a spur of the moment decision....

  13. i was going to say Taytay but this is more realistic! love for Celine to be happy.

  14. Yay, Celine, and Yay, @Rosie. 40, Really? So great!

  15. Live your best life celine. Since you have actual talent and are a vocal powerhouse, your fans will be there when you leave that dusty closet.

  16. Nothing wrong with being gay, but gay men who trap women into sham, loveless (and often violent) marriages should go to prison. Happened in my family. Everyone applauded him for being "brave" for coming out when he dumped his wife, my cousin. She, on the other hand, was slagged off for being a single Mother. If that wasn't enough, the prick tried snatching her children because "just" because she carried them, gave birth to them, breastfed and raised them, while he was out drinking with his friends every day, she had "no right to custody" but he did, in his head, because he stuck his dick in her.

    But it's "homophobic" to talk about the practice of gay men using women then dumping them and it's treated as a joke in sitcoms...

  17. @Lurky McLurkster - She would do a better job than Hagar.
