Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Blind Item #1

Not being shy about it at all, this one named singer says she carries Narcan with her at all times now that she is back with her A- list boyfriend.


  1. She's back with what's his name?
    He is A-?

  2. If geeljire doesn't appear today, it's because he and his family will be celebrating the 17th anniversary of the mass murder of 3000 infidels. If he does appear, it'll be to indulge in his favourite hobby of making anti-Semitic comments as part of his celebrations of the mass murder of kuffars.

    But things may soon be getting a little ICEy for him and his family of terrorists.

    1. Time to grown-up and stop.

    2. I'll stop when he stops posting anti-Semitic propaganda and stops doxxing people like he did the other week which even resulted in Enty removing his post.

    3. Then you are feeding into him. Ignore and move on. Its called growing up.

    4. Hamid, that sounded a lot like "Neener Neener"
      Seriously, grow TFup

    5. Go suck a dick hamface

  3. Aww it's like dating a diabetic and carrying insulin and glucose tabs.

  4. Anonymous7:42 AM

    Whoever it is. Congratulations.... you are now an Idiot.
    I suggest you visit a long term care facility. See some people who, unfortunately, thought they could 'play' with drugs. Now in wheelchairs. I know one.

  5. @Hamid - How did those pesky mudslimes manage to knock down 3 buildings with 2 planes?

    It's time to play, "Shill or Stupid?

    What does this look like to you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=15&v=kqG6v7KZ_s8

    A: A 3rd invisible jet striking building 7
    B: A Space based plasma Weapon smashing building 7
    C: A raging 57 story fire melting building 7
    D: Every controlled demolition ever filmed around the world

    Thank you in advance for playing; we know you will be here all day dissimulating, and pretending not to believe your own eyes.

  6. Hi geel,

    You're absolutely right. No muslim has ever killed anyone. 7/7 was also an inside job. Bataclan, Charlie Hebdo, Manchester Arena, Bali, Madrid, Westminster Bridge, London Bridge, Miami, New York, Berlin, Brussels, San Bernardino, Paris every couple of days and the rest of the 35,000+ terrorist attacks in the last 17 years were all hoaxes. Muslims are all fuzzy wuzzy teddy bears. ISIS aren't throwing gay men off buildings and selling Yazidi women into sex slavery. Muslims peacefully co-exist with everyone and don't rape and kill kuffars at all. It's all the fault of the joooos. Joooos are to blame for everything. Muslims are innocent little petals.

  7. Every single FACT presented here can be independently verified:


    Wake. Up.

  8. Listen, when you carry a drug that counteracts the effect of the other drugs you want to take, it's probably time to stop.

  9. Will you GDMF-ing 911 Conspiracy theorists take a fucking day off? ONE MFGD DAY!! We get it! You're smarter than everyone else! You're woke!! Every person but you are sheeple!!! (clap clap clap clap!)

    Crawl back into your hole and take THIS fucking day off!! If you have ANY respect for anything or ANYbody - T O D A Y!

  10. Some people are just really smart.


  11. @Dahling - Yep, nothing honors the victims more than shutting up and not questioning the obvious lies about who murdered them.

    The first step is realizing Building 7 was felled by a controlled demolition. I'm not saying who planted the explosives, what their religious motivations were if any, etc.,
    just pointing out that one indisputable fact, and provided a video clip as evidence of my assertion for you to watch and evaluate as valid or not.

    And I do feel you, the real world isn't easy.

  12. Just the FACTS, Ma’m...to wake the genuinely deceived...and shame the ones who knowingly push the bogus official narrative



    Wake. Up.

  13. Who is going to carry Narcan for Halsey? They are both addicts. It's the blind leading the blind

  14. Building 7 was weird, nobody poured jet fuel into that one.

  15. Dahling + a million

    You'd think that by now somebody like Assange or Snowden would have come forward, considering the sheer amount of logistics and Human Resources which had to be involved pulling off an inside job like that.

    Motherfucking retards.

  16. I don’t like to jump into these conversations, but I do want to say one thing:
    For those of us that were there-
    For those of us that knew someone there-
    For those of us that lost someone there-
    Show some damn respect!

  17. geel is working overtime with his sock puppet accounts. Of course he'd use today to peddle his anti-Semitic conspiracy theories whilst privately celebrating the murder of 3000 infidels.

    1. Geel doesnt need to do that, fool.
      Theres plenty of us that think youre a moron.

  18. The looney toon conspiracy theorists are out in full force today, I see. I'm gonna go ahead that you nutters are flat earthers, too.
    Like Dahling said, just take a fucking day off.

  19. @Hamid - And you're working overtime to not answer a simple question, exactly as expected. Again, enjoy your day of dissimulating, and pretending not to believe your own eyes.


    1. Earth is flat, thunder is an angel, shooting stars are missiles fired at devils, and islam is peace.

  20. @Hamid - So, you're claiming it's anti-Semitic to believe building 7 was imploded?

    Please expand upon your line of reasoning for that - it sounds very interesting.


  21. Geeljire isn't a real muslim, Hamid. He's a millennial twat with multiple sock accounts who is indulged by some of the thicker posters on here. I usually scroll past the utter drivel he posts.

    Islam doesn't need any help from bored American kids when it comes to advertising their insanity to the world. That death cult has managed to do that perfectly fine by itself for 1400 years..

    1. Oh he definitely is a real muslim. He revelled in quoting at length passages from the koran about how infidels like me will be sent to hell by allan.

  22. Well said viking.

  23. I was under the impression they partook in coke, Narcan is for opiates.

    1. Thank you for saying this. All I’ve ever heard is him being crazy for the coke... and obviously Narcan wouldn’t help an overdose in that situation 🤔

  24. Halsey FTW, 9/11 battlefield here for the losers. There's another thread for that, people.

    PS: Bush did 9/11. WTC7 video proof.

  25. But I thought they were playing a tour in Europe at the time?

  26. Wait I thought his drug of choice was coke??? You wouldn’t need Narcan for that

  27. Halsey wants to be every young person's role model but is out there doing coke and heroin and idk what... gurl it's time to stop and stop hanging out with those "toxic cis white males" you hate so much

  28. There's a reason @Hamid isn't able to comment on my questions. The truth is damaging to their failing myths.

    1. I'd take you seriously if you didn't have a history of posting anti-Semitic bullshit. You hate Jews, you want to blame them for 9/11.

  29. @hamid - Facts aren't hate speech, at least not yet entirely every where. It must be weird for you hanging out on unmoderated USA gossip sites. I sure all this free-speech is entirely offensive to you, and to cry "mods, holocaust, racism.." etc. only for it to fall upon deaf ears, disabling.

    Hey, but at least you can talk all the shit you want about Mudslimes here, unlike in that future shithole you live in, amirite?

    Do I tell you to stop posting? Have I ever told you to fuck off? Have I ever dismissed any you said as crazy conspiracy theory, etc. (whatever you go to arguments are). No, because free speech is worth a few uniformed or ungenuine opinions.

    Obviously you're afraid to answer the question, or your shill bosses don't allow engagement with building 7 questions. Either way, your silence about proves my point as well.

  30. The Saudi's did 9/11, they straight up admitted it when they threatened Canada a while back. Now if they got help/support from US agencies is open to question. Plenty of people have made a LOT of money in the ensuing 2 decades.

  31. @Brayson

    Yeah, WTC 7 is the one left hanging for me, too.


    Gee isn't Muslim, just a busy copy/paster. Throw a question at him that a Muslim should be able to automatically answer and he falls apart into a mass of cursing. He's a fake who thinks he is cute.


    "The Saudi's did 9/11"

    Yes and the USA has thanked them now for decades. The military industrial complex couldn't be happier. What victims?! Stocks surged!
