Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Blind Item #2

This A- list comic actress just keeps buying jokes and material from others and passes them off as her own.


  1. Replies
    1. Or Sarah silverman

    2. http://amp.tmz.com/2018/09/25/aziz-ansari-amy-schumer-jeff-ross-stand-up-comedy-cellar-club-louis-ck/

  2. Replies
    1. My good friend used to do the comedy circuit with her in NYC before she got famous (the competition she won). He said she always borrowed stuff and claimed she was making it her own. Also said she wasn’t very clever at all- it when she got her show she insisted on getting friends to work on it which redeems her a bit.
      Still don’t like her though lol

  3. Amy Schumer for sure. It's an open secret.

  4. What do you think Amy will say when Chuck's career blows up and not in that good way?

  5. Tricia - I heard from someone that she snitched on parties in highschool too lol

  6. If Sarah and Amy can afford writers then they can afford a life coach and plastic surgery.
    This is next level wretchedness. our eyes and ears should not have to be subjected.

    1. YOU'RE A MISOGYNIST!!!!!!!

    2. Well I'm guessing your a dime piece..I get taking shits at her talent but to take shits at her looks says far more about you. .May you find your happy place and accept yourself as awesome and stop feeling the need to destroy others based on looks .

    3. Shits...πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£autocorrect is potty mouthed

  7. I cannot tell you how many comics do this. Especially successful ones who aren't as tethered to everyday life as they used to be. It's really not a big deal.

  8. Fred Allen: "Jack, you couldn't ad lib a belch after a plate of Hungarian goulash." Jack Benny: "You wouldn't say that if my writers were here."

  9. hahaha @Stupidpervs your autocorrect was anticipating a yachting blind this early!

  10. Hey Amy the CDAN crew will hook you up, Enty doesn't pay us sh!t! ;)

    1. Speak for yourself BraysonπŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰

  11. Jokes and donuts.

  12. Nothing new here.

    "Struggling Comics" are always buying/borrowing or stealing jokes from each other.

    Way back when, I was approached by a famous comic's "manager' to write jokes for the comic.

    The offered pay was lousy. I declined.

  13. @Tricia, dammit I knew they lied when they said everyone here was paid scale lol

    1. πŸ˜‚Uou need an agent dude!

  14. 25% of telling a joke is the joke itself. 75% is delivery. Just because someone can do one, doesn't mean they can do the other. That's why comics hire writers. And that's why joke writers are generally failed comics.

  15. (Fred Allen was an old friend of my family. Hilarious guy.)

  16. She's the female equivalent of Carlos Mencia. He stole jokes for so long that he doesn't have a career anymore.

  17. @Sara, that may be true, but you could say the same thing about Amazon. Yes you're not getting that box without the delivery guy, but you're also not buying unless you like the product.

  18. This is all some Marvelous Mrs Maisel comedy drama going up in here!

  19. Has to be schumer turning old dick jokes to pussy jokes πŸ˜’

  20. Buying jokes is standard

  21. I was going to tell the White Knight up there, "Sorry, she's still not going to sleep with you," but then I realized in this case she just might.

  22. I think Sarah is adorable!

  23. @ rosie riveter - are you KIDDING ME? They are supposed to be eye candy to you. They do COMEDY. Say that about Louis CK or more famous UGLY male comedians. Why does everyone expect women are supposed to be perfect and plastic to succeed in entertaining us? Such a low blow and sad stereotype. Both are way nicer to look at than Louis or Carlin or Stiller etc etc.

  24. Robin Williams - infamous joke thief, no respect on the comedy circuit because of this.

    Chris Rock - where to start! He used to watch Chapelle to see what material worked and what didn't, copying his best stuff.

    Even the supposedly original Louis CK - tons of reworked bits and jokes.

    Dennis fucking Leary???? - wouldn't have a career at all without stealing jokes, couldn't come up with a set of his own if he tried.

    But I see, women are worse for taking anything, somehow. Is that the rule?


    "Why does everyone expect women are supposed to be perfect and plastic to succeed in entertaining us?"

    Because it's decided on by the crowd here that imperfect looking women are the scourge of the earth, worse the their favorite pedos it looks like.

  25. Oh Plot, relax with the faux misogyny. Just because nobody is calling out Robin Williams or Chris Rock on a post about Amy Schumer on a gossip site does not mean that they aren't criticized. This is about shitty comedian Amy stealing jokes. You don't need to make it some gender/political thing. Stop skreeing and scroll on.

  26. Well, Abe, you know those small Pennsylvania towns...

  27. At least she's paying. Isn't that a common thing?

    If it's Schumer, if she could buy some jokes that aren't about being a gross messy ho, that'd be greaaaaat.

  28. I quit paying attention to Amy Schumer once she got on my mother in law’s radar. 2 things I absolutely refuse to share with her: people or things that I find funny and underwear. It’s just a good general practice, really.

  29. Stop screeing and scroll on.

    Plot stop the screeching too its unbecoming.

  30. That is completely normal. Few big comics crank out large volumes of material like Louis C.K. does. So they (nearly) all work with writers from time to time.

  31. This always bothered me about her.

  32. There's a pretty good compilation in youtube of all the jokes she's stolen throughout the years, look it up, she's shameless.

  33. If joke stealing is good enough for better comedians (who have already been listed in these comments) than Amy Schumer, it's good enough for Amy Schumer. Why should she work harder than friggin' Dennis "Every joke I know, I stole from Bill Hicks" Leary?

    Joke stealing is the lamest "gossip" you could ever have about a comedian. They ALL do it.
