Thursday, September 27, 2018

Blind Item #2

There is a big rift right now between this former almost A- list mostly movie actress and a very close family member who keeps asking to borrow money from the "boyfriends" of the actress.


  1. Replies
    1. And her Dad Michael I bet...

    2. Or Dina-she just sold house I think

    3. Mom just filed bankruptcy

  2. πŸ™πŸΏπŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸΎ

  3. Dina's home has been up for foreclosure by the bank for years. When it went to the wire, and Lindz didn't save her, Dina declared bankruptcy so the bank couldn't get it. She will eventually be homeless. Boo f'ing hoo.

  4. Marhaba, my friend. Not for long. Alive? That's debatable. When you get to the Ariana Grande comment, you'll see I am done with this site. Finally! CDAN does not resemble in any way the CDAN of old. Reading the blinds now is like eating day old grits! Cold, dull and unappetizing. Hope my friends are all well and happy. Don't worry about Old Boo. I'm back on the ranch and happy. No Internet. No TV. Yay! Back in NYC today for a check-up. Stay safe, kids!

    1. Sad :( I love reading your stories! Take care, Boo!

  5. Dina shouldn't have tried to live a celebrity life. She was never a celebrity.

    And now even her cash cow can't help her anymore.

  6. Her bullshit performance on the Dr. Phil show revealed her true colors. What a majorly fucked up woman.

  7. I am sorry you feel that way, Boo. I certainly enjoyed your contributions. Stay well and happy in your journey. You will be greatly missed.

  8. Take care @Boo! I will miss you. +1 @Weekittylass.

  9. Good luck Boo! :)

    "Making your way in the world today
    Takes everything you got
    Taking a break from all your worries
    It sure would help a lot
    Wouldn't you like to get away?

    Sometimes you want to go
    Where everybody knows your name
    And they're always glad you came
    You want to be where you can see
    The troubles are all the same
    You want to be where everybody knows your name"

  10. There she is again, our narcissistic Boo...when she's not boring us with her little anecdotes of bullshit about she, herself, and her, she declares dramatically and very repetitively how she's retiring from this site. Wishing to be begged to stay. By strangers on the internet!

    Fyi, we don't need your announcements love, just piss off.

  11. @Depeche Model, aren't you just a ray of fucking sunshine?
