Saturday, September 01, 2018

Blind Item #5

This former A list athlete/current lightning rod is cheating on his long time girlfriend with a reporter.


  1. Johnny Manziel?
    No idea about the lightening rod

  2. +1 to Kaperneck (whatever the fuck it's spelled)

  3. Poor Kap. It's so tough being an icon.

    Seriously, though, it was the girlfriend who was supposedly his political thought leader. Wonder how his philosophy on government will evolve without her.

  4. Nessa is gonna lose her mind vb over this!

  5. If Kapernick was a great QB he'd be on a team no matter what. As it is, he's not good enough to overcome the baggage he brings. He was marginal on average as a Niner. Why would anyone take a chance?

  6. He never had a political thought until his incompetence made his career crash and he began banging that WOKE bitch. He literally cannot walk and chew gum at the same time. Have you ever actually seen him speak. It's painful to watch.

  7. Yep. I was initially glad to hear he was protesting police brutality, because that's a real, growing problem in this country. Then I heard him talk, and realized it was just the usual race-mongering and t-shirt Marxism. Disappointing.

    It's been fun to watch as it took on a life of its own, though. Black players say "We don't want to show respect to the flag and anthem because America sucks," and white sports commentators say "They're not protesting the anthem, really, it's totally not about that." And the NFL seems determined to handle it as badly as possible, while blaming President Trump for hopping on a bandwagon that was already rolling.

  8. I've not heard him speak, only look vaguely into the middle distance. The GF is a piece of work, this gonna be good.

  9. trump exacerbates everything.

  10. OB-
    There are more than 64 QBs on NFL rosters. Kaepernick is easily in the top half. Don't pretend that anything is going on other than that he is being blackballed. You can think that's ok or not, but his not being on a team has nothing to do with how good a player he is.

    Vick played 13 years in the NFL. No, he's not a Hall of Famer, but it's ridiculous to say he "didn't make it." And Christ, what are you talking about with Kaepernick having a, "barely 50% completion percentage"? His career CP is a tick under 60%. Same for his post season record, his CP is 58%.

  11. Donald Trump is Hortensia Nobody's president.

  12. I don't watch football and I don't know if Colin Kapernick is any good or not, but even from my distant view I can recognize that the NFL players and the league have handled the protests just about as badly as any PR snafu I've ever seen and President Trump has been scoring against them again and again.

    The thing that makes me maddest about football is that it's obviously damaging many of its players forever, mentally and physically, and not a lot of people seem to care about that nearly as much as the protests.

  13. Kap was never A list.

  14. These comments are hysterical. Thank the football gods Kap is gone and Jimmy Gorgeous is here to stay.

  15. Revisited this after Kaep was announced as the face of Nike today. Could that be a craven political decision to go after a market of people willing to spend $250 on sneakers that can be made for $15 in a sweatshop? Maybe Nike is looking for margin over volume.
