Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Blind Item #7

This foreign born permanent A- list dual threat actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee is joining forces with other women paid by this studio to try to rehabilitate this disgraced former A list mostly movie actor who should stay in exile forever.


  1. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. And Spacey naturally

  2. Bam you got it MD

    Dame Judi Dench criticises Kevin Spacey's removal from film

  3. You scared me Tricia, Dame Helen Mirren is way too cool for that bs lol

  4. I know... what till sandybrook sees😢😫
    Truth is so is Judy Dench. Awesome ,kind woman.
    I have a hard time believing it....:(

  5. "I resent having witnessed the survival of some very mediocre male actors and the professional demise of the very brilliant female ones." -Helen Mirren

    1. She is legend.

    2. Oh they all say that stuff yet sit back and watch it happen instead of putting themselves on the line ...make no mistake Hollywood is all self love and ego

    3. No I hear ya... it is.

  6. Interesting Hollyweird dynamic evolving.

    Metoo shit = Throw the fuckers to the wolvescregardless of anything else!

    Rape underage boys and girls = Circle the wagons. Protect, Protect,Protect!

  7. @Tricia, I know, it sounds like maybe Judi Dench was speaking more philosophically about censorship and altering history.

  8. The truth was that Spacey got taken out of that movie because they wanted to win awards. I didn't see anyone throwing a hissy fit when Subway dropped Jared because they wanted to sell subs.

  9. Judy Dench is, sadly, very old now, with severely compromised eyesight and memory. I'm reasonably sure Mr. Spacey is aware of this fact.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. #metoo ends when the checks start showing up.

  12. I don’t believe this BI. If it’s true, it’s absolutely disgraceful and I really don’t see the point. Nobody I know will ever see Spacey in a movie again. Put him in jail, where he belongs & don’t wait 14 years which is how long it ultimately took to get Cosby there.

    1. Oh Cosby has been offending longer than that

    2. I didn’t say he only offended for 14 years, I said that it took 14 years to get him in jail.

  13. I wouldn't be surprised if both women worked with far bigger creeps during decades of theatre work in the UK. Kinda the environment they were brought up in.

  14. Judi Dench and Kevin Spacey.

  15. The majority of the women in the #metoo movement have never sought a penny, J, nor are celebrities. Again, Rose McGowan and Asia Argento are not the whole of the #metoo movement. I know you're thick, but this has been stated to you on numerous occasions.

  16. I remember when Judi Dench was best known as the comic female lead in "As Time Goes By," a wonderful show. In some ways, she was more appealing then, before she became a Grande Dame of Cinema.

    The acting community will circle its wagons best it can. They all know if it all come out, every one of them will be tainted.

  17. Kevin Spacey, Brett Ratner, Bryan Singer, steve Mnuchin and kevin Tsujihara should all be locked up

    1. What was Tsujihara accused of?

    2. Add Charlie Sheen in that group.@ Kris Taylor.

  18. Yes, Viking Song, you've expressed this opinion of yours frequently, along with your ideas regarding the superiority of the white race, the benefits of aborting all male fetuses, and the euthanizing of whole categories of people whose thoughts or behaviors you personally disapprove of.

    Makes your husband the most cheerful, carefree, happy-go-lucky chap in the County, no doubt!


  19. He's poison no matter what a studio tries to do, he's roadkill.

  20. Plummer should have had the role to begin with!

  21. yeah, read this 2 days ago somewhere and Dench has been taken out of context. Her defense wasn't of Spacey in particular but that is, of course, what the Outrage! Addicts! want so dammit, thair gonna git it!

  22. The dingbat has landed.

  23. @J

    Your descriptions of other posters, which aren't as clever as you imagine them to be, don't answer any questions or settle any matters at all.

    I get it. Freshman year writing prompts always stay buckled in for some of us.

  24. But I know all kinds of big words because of all the reading I do in my very full life. I am a man, after all, not some stupid woman who cries rape unless she gets a pay day, lol!

  25. plot, Viking Song, Rosie, and fake J... what a team!

  26. Hey fake J, surely you know that Cicero said if you have a library and a garden, you have everything? Actually, surely you don't know that. And besides, Cicero didn't have the ghost of Anthony Bourdain to discuss peanut-butter sandwiches with.

  27. @J, thanks for that mental image hahaha now I'm going to have to avoid my kitchen

  28. I don't want to see Spaceys smarmy face again....please!

  29. Actually, none of what Judi Dench said was incorrect. But damn her for having a POV that goes against the current narrative, right?

  30. "Hey fake J"

    Which one is that? They seem so damn alike, could be the same guy.

  31. Ahhh,,, Kevin Spacey...
    I am so worshipful (sic) that you do not rape and suck out the spinal fluids of fresh baby kills. You Rock Dude!


    And the formidable Judi Dench who likes to watch, if not hold down some drugged up child who foolishly resists that brutal "loving".

    Sick fu©ks like her is why Pedowood can enslave, rape and murder any child actor within 12,450 miles of Tinsel Town.
    How simple to entice hero worshipping parents with star struck child actors. Nothing better than pimping out children who get the privilege of private couch lessons.

    Organized and supported by Hollywood lawyers with spooks for security.

    Anyone making coin in Sin City is a Pedo Protecting Pimp because the Industry DEMANDS this sacrifice.

    The blood on our hands is free flowing. Fu©k Me!

  32. I read what she said, that she doesn’t excuse Spacey’s actions, but that if he was replaced in a movie for his bad behavior, should we go back and replace all actors that have behaved badly in all movies? Well,I say hell yes!! I think it would be awesome if these jerks had their performances scrubbed and replaced with muppets, teletubbies, or Charo, even.

  33. Helen Mirren is married to Taylor Hackford who signed the Polanski petition

  34. So IndieWire has a link to some story of Dench talking at a film festival in Europe, waxing nostalgic about the film The Shipping News, how her husband had just died & how Spacey was a comfort to her in grieving her loss. I am glad for her that she got support in her grief & that, if true, is admirable of Spacey.

    That however does *zero*to make up for what Spacey did to Anthony Rapp & apparently dozens of other young boys & men for decades. Dench is entitled to her good opinion of Spacey but thanks to my chance personal experience & knowledge, I am equally entitled to my poor one.

    Mine goes back ~10 years when I became a Facebook friend of someone who is one of Rapp’s childhood friends. These 2 friends surreally & freely discussed amongst themselves on Facebook pretty much everything Spacey had done to Rapp without specifically naming his name (at that time, they just referred to Spacey as being an otherwise well-regarded & powerful/influential actor in that top tier of their profession).

    You can of course imagine my horror at hearing about this incident. It was sickening & you bet my sympathy went to Rapp.

    I get that Dench does not think it is okay to be after the fact scrubbing abusers from films & projects but that has *not* happened to Spacey.

    Spacey was only scrubbed from in process & future projects, & he is just now he is being hit with his first civil suit for his unacceptable behavior with a masseur in California in 2016 (see Deadline Hollywood for the pleadings). I have *not* seen versions of The Usual Suspects, Swimming With Sharks or completed & previously aired episodes of Netflix’s House of Cards. But in addition to not wanting to revisit any of those projects (or in the case of HOC, watch it for a 1st time, I was a huge fan of the UK version with Ian Richardson & just think the US version would have disappointed me before this whole other real life scandal erupted).

    Spacey did bad things, bad things Dame Judi might not well be fully aware but things that caused other people harm & grief. Her very public defense of Spacey leaves me seriously questioning her judgment of Spacey’s character. To think people in the public are not going to & should not be judging the personal characters of those whom the business shoves into their consciousness via mass media is the height of absurdity. To say I think it is admirable to stick up for a friend is true. but in this case Dame Judi is not doing Spacey any good. Frankly I am disappointed in her judgment & her willingness to be stubbornly blind to Spacey’s dark side.

    I really do not know if I want to watch her projects old or new, I am going to have to do a lot of soul searching on this & get back to you all on that. But at the moment I deeply resent being in this position of having to face a moral dilemma I did not ask for.
