Friday, September 21, 2018

Blind Item #8

Mich to his girlfriend's consternation, this alliterate A- list mostly television actor who is in kind of exile right now rather than being flat out disgraced has been calling paps to take pictures of him showing a woman likes him. There is always the forced PDA for the cameras and the whole thing looks more like a hostage situation than love.


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  3. aziz. saw the pap pics. sooooooo awkward.

    dude, we get it, its so obvious you hired a pap to follow you and the girl you want to call; your gf

  4. Oh, Aziz!

    I was going to guess Grant Gustin, but I didn't know why he was in exile.

  5. I was going to guess Grant too. Forgot all about Try too hard Aziz.

  6. Is it ironic, or ironical that they were photographed buying wine together.. didn't wine lead to his problems in the 1st place?

  7. That abuser?

    The guy who offered a girl the wrong varietal of wine?

    That monster?

    #believeallwomen... Ansari has to go.

  8. He is just a goofy guy with no game. It's ok Aziz. Hire a high class escort to get your game on.

  9. He's a goofy guy who thinks "the claw" is his big romantic technique. Must of been something he saw online.

    Even so, that woman who wrote the story of the bad but consensual date with him was totally out of line, and I wasn't too upset when her real name came out.

  10. It was absolutely the worst description of consensual sex I'd ever read. I'm pretty sure Forest Gump would have had more game.

  11. I habe never had thus issue ..if a guy tried to eat me out and I wasn't feeling it is kick him in head chicks have no self preservation skills

  12. #BelieveAllMisogynisticMalesAreParasitesWhoShouldHaveBeenAbortedByTheWomenThosePigsOweTheirExistenceToo..

  13. Not sure that that one is going to catch on, Viking S, not even in Berkeley.

  14. @Stupid, sounded like the creepo factor was that he kept sticking his hand in her mouth in a claw fashion.

  15. Ugh - I've been on my share of shitty awkward dates and she played her cards wrong and failed to have her own agency. That's not Aziz's fault she's basically a star fucking cock blocker.

    I felt bad for him with that.

  16. Just for fun Biebs. None of it looks real to me.

  17. What is this "Claw" maneuver? - asking for a friend.

  18. Haha ha ha haahahaha @Thot
