Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #2

September 17, 2018

It wasn't her who died, but the manager of this A list singer makes sure there are a handful of articles published everyday that show how amazing his client is and diminish who the dead person was and how he was well known before and after the celebrity. The singer just always needs it to be about her and it is tiring and disrespectful to the dead person.

Ariana Grande/Mac Miller


  1. I'm all about the Ariana "hate train."

    Not for this. His death WAS NOT HER FAULT. I don't care how much you want to make it her fault. It wasn't.

    She's done nothing to capitalize on his death. She posted a picture of him and then took a break from social media. I'm struggling to see how his death is about her.

  2. So there are articles saying she supported him cuz troops like to blame young girls for bad bots behaving bad..move on drug addict oded surprise..she didn't snort thst pill for him why should she be blamed should we blame his parents they failed to raise him as a functioning human being .his grandparents for not raising the8r kid to raise him Better? Where does the buck passing end?

  3. Anonymous9:05 AM

    agreed. the only articles ive seen are ones saying to stop blaming her, and honestly thats what most of us are thinking.

  4. +1. The blind also states that it's her manager putting out all these stories then totally switches gears in the second part to push blame off of Scooter & onto her.

    She also said she's postponing tour dates to cope & tours are the money makers not hiatuses.

    (Side note: didn't Himmmm comment on a blind before that Ariana didn't like how Braun played ball & tried to fire him at one point but it backfired on her so she took him back?)

  5. If you look at all the articles the hidden message is she's carrying a lot of guilt around for him dying.

  6. Anonymous9:09 AM

    i bet she is carrying alot of guilt. she literally posted "im so sorry i couldnt help you. weve talked about this so many times" I would feel guilty too.

  7. With all the folks putting blame on her, of course her people are going to try to counter it with some positive buzz.

    However if Pete dies from an overdose while they're still together that will be on her.

  8. It wasn’t “she” who died. Holy moly.

  9. Anonymous9:26 AM

    no, thatll be on him. its still his choice.

  10. ..and if Pete Davidson dies, the fault lies with Pete Davidson.

    I'm so sick of the double standard. Demi OD's and everyone says "She's a grown-ass woman. It was her own dumb decision." Then Mac Miller OD's and the response is, "How DARE Ariana leave him? This is all her fault!"

    Frankly, it's bullshit. Grown men (and women) make their own decisions. Their decisions. Their consequences.

  11. Part of me selfishly hopes Ariana does use this grief because I think she's one of the few singers that does have a large bit of raw talent but her songs are all such shallow & generic pop hits & want to hear more of her voice with some real emotion & soul. I turn into a wreck every time I hear audio of her singing "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" at the Manchester Tribute in honor of the victims <3

  12. @Ophelia-- I agree. Girl's got some pipes.

  13. Okay, do we really need to see pics of Ariana ‘cuddling’ with Mac’s dog?! This is getting ridiculous.

  14. Hey if she enables Pete's drug use, she gets part of the blame while they're still together. That guy seriously loves her, or just loves getting her tattoos all over his skin, he's like a love-struck puppy. It's like letting your dog eat poisonous house plants that make it sick, not good. But if you keep replacing those poisonous plants for the dog to eat and it dies, that's on you, you don't get to play the "well everyone has free will" card.

  15. The donut licker is a manipulative cow, dancing in the rain for the paps and doing interviews and flooding sm to wring out every last tear of sorrow...for HER. She is lazy artistically, and a drugged out mess not equipped to be in a serious relationship. I fear for Davidson well being.
