Monday, September 10, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #4

September 4, 2018

One actress who has not given her salary to charity and has no plans to or any plans to say anything negative about the child molester is this A- list mostly movie actress from an acting family.

Elle Fanning/Woody Allen


  1. It's her money, she earned it, she can do what she likes with it.

  2. Maybe it's just me but I don't see Woody Allen being hurt by actors and actresses giving their salaries to charity thereby working on a movie for weeks for free.

  3. And then when she does eventually address it, Enty gets to say, "she wasn't going to donate money, but she was pressured to..."

  4. I hear Woody pays peanuts, and so most actresses who work for him are there hoping for an Oscar.

  5. she was always the worst fanning

  6. why should she give her money? she didn't do anything wrong, she's not responsible for whatever the old schmuck did.

  7. Ridiculous implying because she may know he's a child molester that she should give her income away to charity. What is her role in sexually molesting children? I could have unwillingly worked with nonces and predators myself....

  8. A lot of people are already suspicious of the case against Woody Allen.
    It all flows from Mia and she was very very very bitter.
    Why double down by indulging in guilt by association?

  9. That's the comment I was waiting for Amartel. Links for when you start bashing the victim or her mother.

    Read it for yourself:

    33-page decision from New York Supreme Court Justice Elliott Wilk in Woody Allen’s 1992 custody suit


    Full version:

    1. So your saying Moses Farrow is a liar.Hum doubke standarts here.A men can be rape and abused.Power to Asia fans like you

  10. Mia Farrow is abuser and pedo and nobody talks about that.

  11. Nanny recants testimony, says Mia slapped son over not being able to fins a dog leash. (Something Moses has said, and said that Mia had struck him on more than one occasion,but Dylan, wanting to play the star "victim", diminished and dismissed)

    The same nanny also said Mia had pressured her into supporting the charges:

    Even aside from that, the circumstances surrounding the time and place where it supposedly occurred are so full of holes, on top of a few other considerations, that there is plenty of reasonable doubt.

  12. JIMA, Mia's brother is the pedophile, not Mia.

  13. Don't hate on Mia because her ex it a child molester.

  14. Woody is *accused (by one accuser) of being a child molester.

    Mia is a witnessed child abuser.

    Mia's brother is a *convicted* child molester.

  15. Give it up, @Brayson. You're never going to accept that he's anything but guilty, and we're never going to state that he absolutely, definitively is.

  16. If you cannot spell, nor form a sentence that has a beginning, middle, and end, and makes sense, your comment means absolutely less than nothing.

  17. @JIMA Go fuck yourself, you sick shit.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. @Cee Kay
    You're still too fucking lazy to read the court transcripts but you've got plenty of time to bitch, bitch, bitch about what you know nothing about.

    @Do Tell
    The NANNY was hired and paid by WOODY. Another sloth too lazy to read up while spouting dumb comments.

  20. Mary, before you go throwing around baseless info, the nanny worked FOR MIA. The nanny also gave this information under SWORN testimony.

    I suggest you collect yourself before participating in discussions, because if you melt down like this, and how embarrassing for YOU, no one will want to play with you.

  21. Nope. You sound like Trump. Say it with enough conviction and you're surly correct, eh? There were three nannies, if I recall correctly. The one who testified for the pedophile was hired by Woody.

  22. And yeah, as if SWORN testimony means shit to a tree, where money is concerned. Are you new?
    I will point this question directly at your nasty ass, have you read the court transcripts? Woody's testimony was found to be FULL OF SHIT, he lied over and over and was contested with the grave results of his LOSING CUSTODY. Dream on as you certainly don't care enough to read the facts. Maybe you're a slow reader?

  23. Another nanny said she saw the pig's face in Dylan's crotch. See how that works? Was she telling the truth? Read the damn transcripts.

  24. now hang on a minute ... "child molester"??? that is slanderous, and not on

  25. Nor should she. Lets be honest, its not as if Fanning is getting movie roles left and right so she's gotta keep her money. Also all the people who donated their salaries or stated that won't work with Woody anymore are all established and far from broke.

  26. Mia's brother is a pedo

    Mia's friend Polanski is a pedo

    woody is a borderline pedo (at best)
