Friday, September 14, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #4

September 8, 2018

This one named singer has made it clear that she is doing this network reality show with the intention of either winning it or making it a long way and hooking up with anyone on the show that will get her more tabloid coverage. Many people have no idea who she is, and she wants to use the platform to make herself a big star.

Tinashe/Dancing With The Stars


  1. Well, she's right about people not knowing who she is. I don't watch DWTS though so I don't think I'm gonna know who she is after, either.
    Either way, happy fucking.

  2. Well Val won't be sleeping with Nancy McKeon so she might have a shot there. Maks can always hang around when he's not busy.

  3. Why doesn’t she just use payola to improve her music career since it’s possible to create a career using it

  4. I kind of feel bad for her. She can sing and she's pretty, but her songs are sooo boring. If she's looking to hook up maybe she can find someone to help give her music some edge.

  5. Just take a to... Sanjaya...

  6. Good luck with that, the entire season is full of no names. I feel like she's one of the most recognizable.

  7. Tinashe is the next Rita Ora. Gets around for publicity and songs.

  8. I only know who she is because of Hot Ones.

  9. Luna Lovegood is on this season! That's gotta bring in a new set of fans.

  10. I guess because both Zendaya and Normani raised their mainstream profiles a bit after that show she thinks it will work for her too.

  11. It’s funny- I just read the reveal and thought, don’t know her, don’t care about that show, so cruised on to comments directly and, voila! That’s exactly the blind in a nutshell.

  12. I’m just there for Grocery Store Joe. Sorry, Tinashe. 🤣

  13. She is so dumb She’s just gonna get used and abused There not gonna help her in any way tinashay who? Oh that one girl giving free pussy backstage? I tought she was a paid escort lol tinahsi dont hunnie your just gonna be the human toilet with no fame
