Monday, September 10, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #5

August 14, 2018

You know a death we don't talk about much is the death of this Academy Award winning/nominated B list actor who was killed by his celebrity girlfriend. Oh, sure, she was not charged, but those closest to him know she was poisoning him and gaslighting him to the point he had no idea what was going on and made a will naming her as the sole beneficiary. Previously his family members had been named. Our celebrity also took out millions of dollars of life insurance policies on him and raided his bank accounts. When she cleared out everything she could while he was living, she upped the dose of what she had been giving him and he died. Then she cashed in on everything and moved on to the next victim.

Michael Clarke Duncan/Omarosa



  2. I don't know if any of it is true, but she sure seems capable. She's another one who's been a pretty awful human since we've become aware of her.

  3. yep saw daily beast article

  4. I was about to make a snarky comment here...

    Then, I realized, I don't want a call from the Secret Service!

    Enough said.


  5. She's probably one of those sociopaths that are 1 in 20.

  6. Q-Anon conspiracy theory strikes again!

  7. I need to see an autopsy report. Wishful thinking Trumpsters. Nurses do not even get away with this. Show me the proof!

    1. Everything circles back to President Trump to you small-minded cat ladies. TDR syndrome in action.

    2. Not into cats @ small peen michael lance. Nice try. How it going with your self employed self?

    3. BUT This was said long before Trump was in office. This rumor has been out since his death back in 2012. So now what? And Fyi I don’t care for Trump but I hate the constant reaching people do to bring him into everything.

    4. Yeah sounds like another QAnon blind.

  8. I fucking LOVE the show going on between Trump and Omarosa, right now. Two terrible venal people, who will win this contest folks! Definitely Omarosa. She's a smart snake with some media savvy and who used her minority status to hoodwink the whole administration. They thought they had their representative African American who would show up, once in a while, to support while waiting patiently in a tiny office the rest of the time, doing nothing. Nuh-uh! Omarosa is too damn self serving for that shit.

    Love it, Love it, Love it.

    1. She seems smarter than Trump..I'm enjoying the battle of the bozoos too

  9. If this is true, then I'm saddened by it. My heart goes out to Michael Clark Duncan and his family. They appear to be good people and again, if this is true, then they did not deserve a malicious person like Omarosa in their lives. Hoping good will prevail someday.

  10. She always did remind me of a dinosaur, like a t-rex or raptor.

  11. She's an ugly beeeatch.

  12. According to a past reveal of Enty's when she got married she was bummed he died because she wanted to be the wife of a famous actor & go to hollywood events, etc.

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  15. As I said in August, that's another blind that makes no sense.

    Omarosa definitely sounds like a huge narcissist and opportunist, but Michael Clarke Duncan died in the Cedars Sinai Medical Center, where he spent two months after his heart attack.
    Spoiler alert: Usually, hospitals are full of people named "doctors". "Doctors" tend to do exams (that's actually part of the job description...), and stuff like toxicology reports.
    But I guess it must be another instance of a magic ultra-secret poison that leaves no trace in the body and only makes appearances in blind items.

    Then, this blind was published here just at the time Omarosa was doing promo for her tell-all book on Trump.
    It was painfully obvious that the blind was intended to smear her reputation. The writer just forgot that this fable also made look Trump and his administration look like complete dumbasses.
    Basically, they hired a known criminal (at least from this blog) at a high-ranking position, and she stayed there for nearly a year before she resigned? Have they heard of something called "vetting"? This is a man who claimed, "I'm going to surround myself only with the best and most serious people." In whose definition does an unconvicted murderer belong to the "best and most serious people"?

    Trump apologists here then explained that he must have known about the murder, and it was a smart move. He had dirt on her, so she would obey and be loyal to him.
    Problem is that she then secretly (and illegally) recorded 200 conversations before publishing a book, because she was able to gather some dirt on him. Hey, that's no big deal, I'm pretty sure you have to be a rocket scientist to guess that a murderer would also commit some light treason...
    And neither the Attorney General nor the President have been able to indict her for this supposed murder despite the evidence they supposedly have. They weren't even able to get the book cancelled or censored.

    tldr; Omarosa is most definitely an obnoxious person, but the blind item was obviously put up together to protect Trump, and it does an even worse job at it.

    1. Mosy hospitals arnt gonna chevk for poision just normal stuff...blood cell that the,bare minimums

  16. She's dirt. Everything she does is dirt. She is a sociopath and worse. She is a malignant narcissist. The family should exhume and get to the bottom of it. A wrongful death lawsuit in civil court should follow her murder conviction to completely destroy her. Put her away for life and take every dime back that she stole.

  17. @Angela, Doctors? Hahahaha, even the good ones are too busy to play amateur CSI, and that's the good ones. How often do you think they actually screen for poison in patients that present with normal conditions?

    1. +1..I was in the hospital with my dad dying from cancer they only run what they are monitoring and yep hospitals get lazy and care less ..I begged for a brain scan on my sis and they said it wasn't needed 2 months later she's dead from the fluid build up in her brain with woulda been detected with a svan..😞😟😢

    2. Cedars Sinai is one of the top hospitals.... Not ur usual hospitals which are always understaff. Just saying

  18. Angela--so snide. This blind has nothing to do with Trump while it's timing is obvious (she's in the news). This is about his family and friends suspicions. This woman is clearly capable of murder and conspiracy. Cardio doctors do not do drug panels for poisons as routine. You act like every heart patient has a heavy metal panel done. That is ridiculous.

  19. Cedars Sinai is one of the top hospitals on the west coast. If you worked in the hospitals you would know that any medications dispensed monitored by the state and fellow nurse narc on each other. Maybe Alex Jones dropped by and gave him some of his stash. Try doing some candy striper work and see what a real job in a hospital is like. Silly millineals

  20. @Angela logic is wasted on the Trumplings their dear leader can do no wrong and anyone who goes against him has to be involved in some elaborate conspiracy.

    Omarosa is a horrible person and everyone could see it from the day she became famous apart from Trump, because she flattered him and he love's that,I so he kept her around and it's bitten him right where it hurts.

    I'm waiting for the blinds about Bob Woodward being part of some deep state plot to bring down Trump.
    I have no doubt that when the identity of the person who wrote the NY Times op-ed is revealed, will get a blind that they are working for the Clinton paedophile network because Trump is going after them hard.

  21. If the murder claims are true, why hasn't the source for this blind item reached to the White House with evidence when she was hired?

    That's funny. You have intel on someone who committed crime and you only share it when she gains some notoriety? Why not doing a favor to your country and prevent the White House from hiring a criminal when you had the opportunity?
    And the blind also suggests that the current vetting at the White House is terrible. These rumors about Omarosa playing a part in Duncan's death have circulated for years. Don't you think the Secret Service or the FBI would have at least explored this path before coming to the conclusion that these claims were fake and that it was OK to appoint Omarosa in an official position?

  22. Duncan was a high profile patient at a cutting edge hospital. For two months. Under active monitoring, days and nights.

    Doctors can get lazy and careless. Weird thing is that blind item writers here never are, especially when they push a story that serves some particular agenda.

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  24. @Sd, who said none of us have ever worked in a hospital?

    @Stu, sorry about your dad and your sister, at least you were there for them though, I like to think that's important.

    I've seen similar things myself with others, and heard as bad or worse from others, including nurses and doctors. Jeez nurses have the worst things to say about doctors, serial killing by incompetence. The good doctors admit they're overworked, not enough staff, not enough resources, they do the best they can with what they have.

    Medical Errors Are No. 3 Cause Of U.S Deaths, Researchers Say

  25. That comment was not for u brayson.back to subject, If anything, it's the nursing care and the quality of care. Just hope and pray you never have to go to a SNIF.

    1. So sorry about your dad and sister. And being an advocate for your relatives @ stupidpervs.

  26. The theory that she helped his death along was being pushed at the time BY HIS FAMILY, three years before the 2016 elections. How is it she ended up as his main beneficiary?

  27. She also waited way too long to call 911 when he had the heart attack, and he went for 5 minutes without oxygen.

  28. Now that I believe @ do tell. Like Gary Coleman and that monster he was married to.

  29. Then why would she marry some broke-ass preacher that ain’t even pay his HOA fees or afford to maintain his property?

  30. If any toxic medicine or poison were used,it would be out of his system at the time of his death. It was his family questioning his death. He was ill at the time he changed his will. And anyone who has worked in a hospital,been a patient, or had a loved one in the hospital knows mistakes are made All the time. Enty or whoever sent the story in need only Google the story. @stupidpervs,condolences💔

  31. Hey- this is the blind that sent poor Melvin off into orbit. Poor guy!

  32. Once again, as some of you (sometimes unwillingly) mentioned, the murder claims circulated years ago, long before Omarosa was appointed Director of communications at the Office of Public Liaison in the White House.

    There are two possibilities. Either these claims are true, or they are false. There's no in-between.

    If they are true, Donald Trump hired a murderer, knowingly or not, which casts a huge doubt on his abilities to be a good judge of people, and the skills of his administration to properly vet people and to give them top secret clearances. That's where the real scandal would lie. You should be irate against your President in addition to Omarosa. If he read this blog, he would have avoided so many missteps. And, by the way, if you had heard about this stuff before, why none of you ever complained about her being appointed at such a position before she resigned and decided to put together a book?

    If they are false, this blog rehashed a bunch of old accusations just to smear somebody who had just released an anti-Trump book. You should have instead a few questions about the agenda here, if Enty (or his sources) is ready to plant fake stories for a particular cause.

  33. This woman has no shame and is clearly a manipulative, terrible person. That said, I don't know if she's capable of murder.

  34. I don't know if this is true or not, but it's pretty stunning that Enty would just blast her name out here in relation to something this evil/illegal. All I DO know is this bitch recorded every conversation she had in the WH, indicating MALICIOUS intent from day 1, when this bitch was hired with good intentions by President Trump. I wish cancer on this malignant whore, I hope karma destroys her.

  35. @Brayson87 OMG, me too! As a matter of fact, re T-Rex/Raptor, I said that about a month ago!
    Do I know you?!!

  36. This was to be Johnny Depp's future if he hadn't somehow woken up. Was the excrement SCAMber left in the bed or his mom's immiment death the final straw? After discovering her cheating with other men and pocketing thousands of dollars from people in exchange for having Depp read their zcripts, etc. As Enty wrote here, Depp knew nothing about her scams.

  37. I can't stand this bitch, she gets away with everything. She's still releasing WH tapes, and if it were anyone else, they'd be charged or sued.

  38. Thank you Plot and Angela.

  39. trump has met his match and SHE is Victorious!!!

    GO! Omarosa!!!!!

    More dirt!!

  40. @Angela
    Why does it have to be either/or?
    Sure, Trump and his staff (ass kissing servants) have done a bang-up job vetting appointments, yes? In what universe? How many firings and resignations have there been? Is it over 50, or 60 yet, I've lost count. How many indictments? She was hired at Trump's say-so because they speak each other's language. She was FIRED, she did not resign.
    Omaroso was a backstabbing snake on the apprentice. I only saw a couple of them and that was enough to know what sort of human being she was. She was on another show, don't remember the name of it, and she was a freaking psycho. Only saw one or two of them and that's all I needed to, also.
    While the information she's leaking now is all fine and well (Yippeee!) and I've no doubt is true (recordings don't lie), how does that negate that she is a foul, vindictive piece of shit that, in my opinion, could and would do whatever it took/takes to serve her narcissistic self? It doesn't. Have you read what her dead fiance's family had to say about her? They're infinitely closer to the situation.
    Also, there are many ways to cause heart attacks, especially when a condition is already present. And yes, they are often overlooked, if even traceable. She would be a very good candidate to be someone who would be knowledgeable of such drugs/plants, in my observation.

  41. Add to that her untimely calling for an ambulance. I don't care how wonderful a hospital is. They do not test for poisons unless they're obviously indicated. I do not trust this woman and it has absolutely nothing to do with her recordings with Trump or White House staff (I'm sure she's saving the really good stuff and holding out for the big payout), on the contrary, it's because she is capable of absolutely anything.
    People kill people everyday. This one is smart. She, if she did, might just get away with it.
    Anywhich way, she did totally screw his family, there's no question on that front.

  42. Christ with this crap again?

  43. Trump lives inside libtards' empty heads 24/7 rent free.

  44. I said this when he died... made no sense, healthy ass man before her...

  45. I just don't believe you can poison someone and get away with it ... maybe in ancient Rome but now???

    Lovely man, what a loss

  46. What everybody wants to know is whether Trump banged Omarosa. Good for him if he did (Trump supporter here) but he's not the kind to stick his dick in the crazy.

  47. Very serious allegations for a gossip site. One wonders if caution would be prudent. Accusations of murder 1 deliberate homicide
    isn't something to play around or trifle with.

  48. If you lie down with dogs, don’t be surprised when you wake up (or not) with fleas.

  49. So you are openly accusing a woman of murder here. I wonder how the police investigation will play out.

  50. There was talk of this before Trump became president.

    Karma coming for Omarosa.

  51. @mary

    "I don't care how wonderful a hospital is. They do not test for poisons unless they're obviously indicated."

    Bullshit. Poisons would be indicated by routine blood tests that would trigger more particular blood tests. Very few poisons don't create imprints on the blood work spectrum.

  52. @LEANNE

    "I'm waiting for the blinds about Bob Woodward being part of some deep state plot to bring down Trump."

    Notice how there are some people who Enty will not touch? Like any real journalists (though I have my issues with Woodward) or anyone in the legal field? There are reasons.


    "If any toxic medicine or poison were used,it would be out of his system at the time of his death"

    Bullshit. Metals stay in the body for months. Organic toxins stay in the blood about 5 days, more or less, though they stay in the liver and kidneys much longer. There are very few (I can only think of one actually) poisons that leave no traces.

    Duncan would have had regular tox screens as part of his treatment. If any of his organs were failing due to poisoning, there was no indication of that by his doctors. It was heart disease and that alone.

  53. @Jack

    "his bitch recorded every conversation she had in the WH, indicating MALICIOUS intent from day 1, when this bitch was hired with good intentions by President Trump"

    Good intentions??? What would those be? To make Omarosa his Cabinet Mammy, the black rep to show what a non-racist the son of a klansman is?

    What was her job exactly, since no one else seems to know? What were her responsibilities as and employee of the people of the USA? Tell us.

  54. His own family accused her. That's good enough for me to think there's something to it.
