Saturday, September 01, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #6

June 25, 2018

BET Awards

It really disturbs me when I see this barely legal to drive actress being totally fine with guys double and triple her age hitting on her and her welcoming it and returning the affection. Where are the parents??? It is because from a very young age, she and her contemporaries, were groomed to accept this type of behavior as normal and they do.

Skai Jackson


  1. Replies
    1. But you've got no problem with muhammad marrying a six year old.

    2. There sure aren’t any Christians who molest kids.

  2. Oh Jessie, I mean, oh Geeljire.

  3. Grooming people to accept behaviors that should not be normal just saddens me.

    1. Your "god" made the human body mature for reproduction around 12 or so. Who are you to argue with her?

  4. And she doesn't look older than her age either. So the pervs know

  5. This is just sick

  6. Disney family values again. But remember, as Plot likes to repeat, there's zero evidence of Disney child stars being groomed, molested, drugged and passed around. That is the reason it's unknown for a former young Disney star to become addicted to drugs, booze, casual sex and to end up in rehab or overdose. It just never happens, because Plot tells us so.
    Who are you gonna believe, Plot or your lying eyes?

  7. Of course there are Christians who molest kids. But it's not socially and religiously acceptable and/or legal.
    In Muslim countries this is legal and normal, while in western countries this is not!

    The fact that Muslims see a pedophile as the perfect human being, and worship him, and his rapey ramblings of 1,400 years ago, is more than disturbing. And the fact that so-called progressives and liberals DEFEND this shit, is fucking psychotic.

  8. @Depeche You a lie! I ain't never defended miss like this and I am a proud liberal. You might want to go and take your pills and come back when you are feeling better because you sholl gotta be sick to say some sh** like that.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Paul Saint John: How about letting the women themselves confirm something that serious instead of automatically assuming based on un-Christian lifestyles + gossip that someone was trafficked as a child? Imagine what a mess the justice system would be if we went around looking for someone to lock up based on no evidence but the sexcapades and drug/alcohol use of college students on every campus in this country (and other countries), without those students even saying that they were victimized as children?

  11. Sounds like Azaela Banks was on to something.

  12. Yeah bunny honey, I lie. Those ten of thousands of liberal 'feminists' who marched several times, with a known pro-terrorist, who is for child marriage, pedophilia and ironically, the total subjugation of women, must have been a dream...

    Get the fuck out of here, you and your pussy hat brigade of braindead morons.

  13. @Prepare

    Ok, fine. Do you believe Rob Schneider left Disney on his own, or that where there's smoke there's fire? We're not in a court of justice here. McCurdy, Bynes, Spears, etc. might have been bought off or coerced not to come out. And there are worse offenders, people actually convicted for pedophilia still working at Disney. Namely, Singer' s pal, I can't remember his name.
    Disney=pedo machine

    1. DAN Schneider worked at Nickelodeon. McCurdy and Bynes were also Nick. The pedo friend (Peck?) I think did work at both Nick and Disney.
