Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Today's Blind Items - The Encounter

I like the way this tipster told the story, so am leaving it as is.

Quite a few years ago. Fashion week. New York. Was party hopping with a buddy of mine who was a DJ. He was looking to network, I just wanted to enjoy the free drinks and the celebrities.

We hit this invite only party pretty late at night. The atmosphere was like something out of one of those old Hollywood movies. You could just tell everyone there was “someone”.  I was a chain smoker at the time and I immediately grabbed a drink, and ran off to the balcony to smoke.

The view from that balcony was indescribable. I just soaked in the wide panoramic view of the cities skyline while I enjoyed my cigarette and gin and tonic. Amazing view. Amazing moment.

I turned around to head back in to the party and I saw someone. “Where do I know them from?” I kept thinking to myself. “I KNOW that person from somewhere”. And then it hit me who they were. I was standing face to face with one of the biggest celebrities on the planet.

Feeling confident with all of the drinks I had been consuming throughout the night, I decided I would go talk to them. And I would mess with them.

“Hey, you’re from that big show on TV, right?” The typical “tell me something I don’t know, buddy” eye roll was the only response I received from the celebrity. “I personally think shows like yours are pointless and a waste of time but my friends are BIG fans!!” The celebrity smiled and appeared intrigued. “Big fans of mine, you say?”

“HUGE fans! They are excited for the new season. You guys are shooting in Italy, right?”. The celebrity then got a very confused look on their face. “Italy? Unless you know something I don’t, I think you are mistaken...”.  I was going to let it go at this point, but I could tell the celebrity was oddly intrigued so I continued.

“Yeah, they’re sending you to Italy.. you, the whole crew.. Pauly D, The Situation...”. The celebrity burst out in a roar of laughter for what felt like a few minutes and said “very clever... VERY clever..nobody has EVER used that approach to me before..” the celebrity was smiling from ear to ear.

I then acknowledged the celebrity by name and said I was just messing around. The celebrity told me I had a mischievous grin on my face and they sensed I was up to something when I came over. I told them that they looked bored so I figured I would go over and see if I can get a laugh.

“You did... and thank you for that” the celebrity replied. We spoke for another 15 minutes or so until my friend came back to get me to hit another party. The celebrity was incredibly nice, incredibly down to earth and to this day, and despite things written about them, I have nothing but good things to say about this person.

“Well, see you around, kiddo” I said to the celebrity. And off in the night my friend and I went to our next party and our next adventure...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Or maybe Trump(Apprentice was on then I think)

  2. Seinfeld? No gender given he was the biggest star on TV back in the day.

  3. Reality TV show star I think based on the Jersey Shore joke. Kim K?

  4. I think Tricia's on to something with Trump and a reality show.

  5. I agree. I get the sense that the celebrity is an older male from the way this is written and the "kiddo" part, & someone that's been written about negatively

    1. And he was often at NYC Fashion Week events back then.... Apprentice was huge for a while.

    2. Definitely not Trump then. The writer is older than Trump by the way he speaks. Trump is definitely not down to earth type.

  6. It's tough to nail down since no gender is mentioned of either the celebrity or the writer.

  7. Anonymous10:19 AM


  8. But “Well, see you around, kiddo” I said to the celebrity" is what the writer said to the celebrity not the other way around. So I think the writer is older than the celebrity in question.

  9. has to be trump. It says celebrity, not actor not singer.

    1. Don't think it is him. Writer is older than him at the party.

  10. I have no interest in these celebrity run in stories.

  11. I think the Trump guess is it.

  12. InsideHER redux.

    "I saw a famous person, and of course the famous person owed me their time and respectful attention. Because I'm just fabulous ME!"

    1. + 1 And because I'm so special and cool I will retell this story in a jaunty manner for the rest of my life.

  13. Trump. He does the fake bake just like Pauly D and the rest of the Jersey Shore crew and he appreciates a good con. Heh.

    1. The author wrote it very much the way I’m
      Sure it went down... I could see it. He is disarmingly regular /and down to earth IRL

    2. Nah. He isn't. I believe this celebrity is way younger han Trump.


  15. Fake J, it's pretty awesome that your life is so empty that making a tribute account for some dude on the internet creates satisfaction for you. Really, it kicks ass.

    But now what? You have a whole day to survive, then another, then another.

    Glad I'm not you, and me instead. :)

  16. Trump would fit in with the story, and he does inspire the urge to mess with him.

  17. I take away from the joke, is the celebrity he was speaking to looks like someone from the Jersey Shore....

  18. Maybe someone from popular show at that time that resembles Snookie.

  19. @Tricia

    "He is disarmingly regular /and down to earth IRL"

    I'm sure. And I'm sure you know all about it.

    Come on. Tell us another of your little stories.

    1. But, but, but... oh I bet she met him on one of her excursions she makes with all her celebrity pals and just knows Trump is a swell fella.

    2. Ikr..tell that to all the people who loathe him in person lol if say it's part of his con game

    3. I’m glad you all found each other:)❤️There is safety in lunacy, or numbers - one ☝️ of them.

  20. On the one hand you have Tricia, good-humored and polite; typically generous in her online dealings.

    On the other hand you have plot, a dingbat.

    I'll go with Tricia.

    1. Thanks J. It wasn’t that hard to run into him when one was living in NYC. 🤔Quite the fixture at Broadway Opening Night Parties ,Restaurants Events um he also owns a couple places I 👂 hear lol. Other than that he’s like Loch Ness or Haley’s Comet... rarely spotted him.
      But I digress😉

    2. @Tricia I appreciate your wisdom and input. Whenever I see Plot.... breeze on by👍🏻🤦‍♀️😊

    3. ✨🥂
      I do trust me.Thats been clear a long time.
      My life is so full and I truly wonder about people that go out of their way to attempt and disparage others , with complete lack of knowledge and acumen, keep trying so hard.
      They are no more than a passing a fart 💨 in storm , the stench remains unfortunately here. As for their posturing and 5 cent vocabulary ,they can keep that too.
      They’ll likely need that back

  21. Is Trump the kind of person you stare at wondering where you know him from? With that “tan” & that comb-over, I think not.

  22. I'm not a fake, I am a real J and my life is unbelievably full. I live for blind items on a gossip site that I can put my misogynistic stamp on because I hate women and think they are all entitled, narcissitic whores who deserve nothing by my utter disdain and ire. I spend all my time looking for stories of these types of "women" so I spread the word about how little respect they should be given. It's what makes me happiest and makes me feel so much better about my life.

    You should be elated, because I AM YOU.

  23. Well, I am elated, but that's because I just booked a kickass vacation in December and I'm planning some cool renovations to my house and the finest weather of the year is arriving now and my health is pretty good and I have nice friends and lots of books and music to enjoy. I'm really fortunate to be living in this time of comparative historical freedom!

    As for you, tick-tock, the day is moving forward. But tomorrow won't be any better. You didn't think it would be like this, where you found solace in pretending to be "J."

    lmao; it is really hilarious.

  24. I can see someone not recognizing Trump immediately in his pre-campaign days, maybe when his show was just getting started. Especially at a fashion show party, not what you'd think of as his scene then.

    Anyone who watched The Apprentice knows he's actually more down-to-earth than the tabloid caricature. I was hanging out on a very liberal forum for reality TV shows back then (TWoP, if anyone else remembers it), and the people there came in with generally negative assumptions about him as a silver-spoon, out-of-touch, old rich white guy. By the end of the first season, many of them had developed a grudging admiration, especially for his kindness toward the famewhores as he fired them -- even Assorama (her nickname on the forum then).

    He's a *terrible* actor. They'd do little scene-opening bits where he'd be on the phone pretending to get an important report or something, and they were always laughably bad. So when you watch him talking -- directly, not letting the media tell you what he said -- what you see is who he is, like him or not.

  25. @J

    Dingbats unite, honey, as you're part of our club.


    Oh you've been everywhere anytime it was important, I see.


    Tell it to all the people who he refused to pay for services rendered in his daily life - yeah, I'm sure disarming regular guys is part of their description.

    Tell it to the people he molested and harassed, sure, same thing absolutely.

    Tell it to the folks who were able to hang out with him, for weeks or months, while Trump was promoting himself for an article or a book, nope, not their description.

    Tell it to the cast and crew of The Apprentice. Oh I really doubt "regular" dude is part of their memories.

    But to our Tricia, he's such a nice guy, especially when he suffers utter humiliation at the UN.

  26. plot, George W. Bush apparently has some charm... just ask his friends and defenders the Obamas.

    Then ask those who loved the half-million or so innocents he killed.

    But thanks for your brilliant proof, really. No one does logic like you do.

  27. plotty, rhymes with potty

    Always guaranteed to slither out of its hole whenever the discussion winds around to President Trump.

    Are you part of the "resistance"?

    Doing your part to save the world from the" Orange Menace"?

    We'll see in about a month or so, hopefully it's Yuuugger then before.

  28. Person meets celeb, tells story for rest of life. Yawn.

  29. Hi Mike --

    Acknowledging that Trump may be likeable -- to some -- doesn't imply support for him. The guy's a disaster.

    I don't know what Tricia's politics are, but I didn't read anything above saying she supported Trump. Only that he possesses qualities some find charming in person. This is the sort of thing only an idiot would dismiss out of hand.

    Which brings me to plot. Idiots like her with their silly hats and histrionics and absence of reasoning capacity are the reason we have Trump in office now.

    President Sanders would have done a good thing or two. Not enough to fix America -- way too late for that -- but at least something.

    Oh well, at least plot and crew got some cool "I'm With Her" bumper stickers.

  30. I'm thinking DJT, Jr. with that stupid helmet hair and bad spray tan.

  31. @J

    "George W. Bush apparently has some charm"

    Yes he does, which has nothing to do with Donny who has displayed nothing like charm to anyone, even his cronies like Manafort and Cohen and Carter Page don't describe him as regular or disarming. No one does. It's a floating myth to counteract the truth of this situation that no one can stand the guy on any level.


    "plotty, rhymes with potty"

    Is that your final answer?

    "Always guaranteed to slither out of its hole whenever the discussion winds around to President Trump."

    Or any time obvious propaganda is spread on this site, about anyone, for political clicks. See, I'm playing along. As Enty's bestie, you should encourage this.

  32. @J

    "I don't know what Tricia's politics are"

    Not paying attention then.

    "Idiots like her with their silly hats and histrionics and absence of reasoning capacity"

    Okay, so you represent reasoning capability with those charges to my character? Tsk. Not up on your game.

  33. The celebrity was very popular around the time of Jersey Shore, looks like someone from that show and is at Fashion Week so I think it's a Kardashian. I'd say Kim but the lingo doesn't sound like he way she speaks.

  34. Guilty as charged, plot. I don't pay attention to Tricia's politics. How on earth could doing so teach me anything, make my life better? She's some person I'll never meet, and the world is full of people with opinions I am grateful to know nothing about.

    Character charges?? No, inferences I'm bold enough to state. Let me know if they're specifically wrong, please.

    And are you suggesting that something's wrong with the character of our pink-hat-wearing marchers? Sure sounds like it.

  35. The blind is vague enough that it could have been any big reality tv star who is controversial and who wasn't on Jersey Shore.

  36. Oh FFS, Trump would have been the one to plan the show's trip to Italy. It wasn't him.

    1. Um There was no “trip to Italy” with the subject of the blind. It was a joke that pertained to the ruse/Jersey Shore jokeline.....
      You know-in the blind.

  37. @J

    "No, inferences I'm bold enough to state"

    Bold???? Is that what you imagine you are??? Oh lord, the humor is unintentional, I suppose.

    "Let me know if they're specifically wrong, please"

    Why? The common wisdom in dealing with delusions is to neither confirm or deny, just nod along until the subject finds another paranoid fantasy to latch onto.

    Boogity Boogity! Here come the Pink Hat! Mini Vaginas to eat you right up!

  38. They won't eat me up, plot. They'll just fail to get anything accomplished.

    1. Think you mean —continue to fail—@ J.

  39. Fake J or not. He/She does a perfect impression of that prick lol.

  40. Always elegant, VS. That's why hubby is so attentive.


  41. I do not think this is Trump. This reads like someone who could be easily confused with a Jersey Show cast member. Jersey Shore filmed in Italy in 2011. I think this is about Kim Kardashian. She shared a very similar look to Snooki and Jwoww back then. Love her or hate her, she's been one of the biggest celebrities on the planet for years. If not Kim, maybe Khloe or Kourtney.

  42. Could be KK or DJT. The "approach" makes me think it's KK; people are hitting on her all the time. But the "Huge" and "Kiddo" are both Trump terms. I'm going with Trump.

  43. @J

    "They'll just fail to get anything accomplished."

    Pink Hats aren't supposed to accomplish anything. People are. The fall of those like Les Moonves isn't any sort of accomplishment - I bet that is your contention. In which case, you are somewhat ridiculous in adhering to a personal definition of accomplishment just to besmirch others. I bet your views on such things are wiggly and slippery depending on your psychological needs of the moment, to feel dominant perhaps.

    Okay, how about election results? Should we wait and see?

  44. "Pink-hat-wearing marchers" are people, plot. Do you have a hard time distinguishing people from inanimate objects, e.g. hats? Or is it the English language which tangles you up? Your friend Rosie finds it a real minefield.

    Oliver Sacks entitled a collection of essays "The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat." He was an expert on neurological disorders, a great man. Unfortunately he's dead and not around to opine on your sad case. Maybe you can talk to him next time you talk with Anthony Bourdain while cooking something. lol

    As for waiting until the elections, by all means let's not chat until after them. We need to agree on an election year, though. How about 2080?

  45. This probably is Trump, but I don’t know if I’m ready to rule out Tila Tequila just yet.

  46. I'm getting the Trump vibe from this.

  47. Lost the plot is trying to figure out how to make her lot rent whilst self-admittedly addicted to fecebook and right-fighting sentence by sentence on CDaN. Meanwhile, Tricia is living in the BVI with a hot husband and adorable kids. I think Tricia wins this round. Winter in a trailer in Traverse City must be a bitch or contain one.

  48. Tricia commented 48 times over a 10 hour period today. So much for a full life. Doesn't look like she's spending much time with her husband or kids. By the way Weekittylass, how do you know so much about her personal life? Seems creepy.

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. I guess blinds and follow occasionally with comments later I The day.
    How much time did it take you to attempt to quantify/enumerate my prescence here.
    That’s actually scary @“unknown”
    Slow day at the stalker table today?

    1. Or all your alters just unable to keep it in control Derek?

  51. Come back as MD Anderson/ its”not obvious at all”🙄

  52. Charlie Sheen or Ashton Kutcher.

  53. @ Jen S I like your guess. I would agree

    @J hey Bernie has some points but sadly HRC made sure he didn't have a fighting chance. Yup hubby was one of the million + people who tried to change their affiliation to democratic to vote for him in the primary.
    Remember GWB saved millions of lives as well. Only President in my lifetime to do anything of value in Africa and the fight for HIV/AIDS. Yep he had bad Intel given to him by the CIA who came out and admitted it. Learn history and legit history. It's people like you who make politics disgusting to talk about. Bernie would not appreciate your attitude. Plus the first lady would have just as many shadows cast upon her and mess up his presidency too.

  54. Enty needs to get a hold on the Russian poseurs. Trump is a pedophile rapist and a traitor. He's a psychopath. He can fake nice like Ted Bundy and any mob boss. He's still a monster.

  55. Jennacheryl, half-a-million dead, for no reason.

    June 1, 2002 In a graduation speech at West Point, Bush advances a new strategic doctrine of pre-emption, stating that the United States reserves the right to use force to deal with threats before they “fully materialize.” Preparations for war with Iraq are not yet publicly acknowledged, but earlier in the spring, as Condoleezza Rice discusses diplomatic initiatives involving Iraq with several senators, Bush pokes his head into the room and says, “Fuck Saddam. We’re taking him out.”

    He had decided to attack Iraq long before "bad intel."

    People like you male conversation tedious in general.



  56. “See ya around, kiddo” sounds like a Han Solo reference. Google tells me Calista is a longtime fashion week attendee, so Harrison Ford is my guess.

    I enjoyed this blind. Whoever the writer is, I hope you have more blinds.

  57. @J

    " to opine"

    Sacks was not know to "opine". Look up words before you use them, son.


    "My life is so full and I truly wonder about people that go out of their way to attempt and disparage others"

    Oh is that why you are here, laying out your luxuries and pretend island fantasies for all to see? Because your life is "full"?

    First, some of us don't buy it, cuz the queen of CDAN protests too much.

    Second, if so, then why crow about it on an anonymous message board? So your subjects will worship you? And, btw, why share photos of your alleged blond children AND their locations, while also claiming to have stalkers?

    A "full life" is not what is associated with behaviors like that.

    1. Crow about it?
      Well that’s just too funny and awkward to even approach😂
      My @alleged “blond “ really children have to put that one in the ol vocabulary lesson. Again so sad and disconnected form reality/humanity you go after kids and are incapable of comprehending people have spouseS,kids happiness that you so evidently lack (still after all these years here eh?)
      I actually am sorry for you.
      I am.
      Hope the plot takes a better turn one day doll

  58. @Week

    "to figure out how to make her lot rent whilst self-admittedly addicted to fecebook and right-fighting sentence by sentence on CDaN."

    Take a breath. Try again, slowly, carefully, to write something sensible.

    No Facebook for this one. Do you really hand over the details of your life so Zuckerfuck can sell them?

  59. @Unknown

    "Tricia commented 48 times over a 10 hour period today. So much for a full life"


  60. @Jenna

    "Remember GWB saved millions of lives as well. Only President in my lifetime to do anything of value in Africa and the fight for HIV/AIDS"

    That was Bush 1, not Bush 2, and both Clinton and Obama gave far more in African aid.

    "he had bad Intel given to him by the CIA"

    No, Bush 2 demanded the CIA come out with a report to support the Invasion of Iraq. If you read it, you could tell it was lukewarm at best and certainly not a ringing endorsement for the invasion. The CIA knew there were no WMDs and said as much.

  61. @Tricia

    "Slow day at the stalker table today?"

    What stalker? The one you imagine to feel important in the world?

    "Or all your alters just unable to keep it in control Derek?"

    "Come back as MD Anderson/ its”not obvious at all"


    "here is safety in lunacy, or numbers - one ☝️ of them."

    The old girl is losing it.

    1. I embrace being called crazy by this sites most mentally unstable/disliked commentetor(s) (pause for aliases).

      It’s charming❤️

    2. This is just really really sad. I have absolutely no connection to plot or anyone. I come here for the gossip and the blinds but it’s obvious you don’t like that and try to lump me in with plot to discredit me. I’m actually make attempts to guess at blinds unlike plot. Thought you were better that!!

  62. "“Well, see you around, kiddo” I said to the celebrity. And then he grabbed me by the p*ssy."

  63. I don't know crap about Tricia, but I disagree about Trump's real life personality. I have waited on him several times and he was an ass. Rude to everyone, wouldn't even order, had his 'people' do it for him, was shocked to get a bill at the end of the meal and didn't tip. After pulling this a few times, the owner of the restaurant told his people that we could not accommodate Trump anymore. This was around 2001/2002.

  64. This is the "OJ was nice to me" explanation.

  65. Sad, sad fake J.

    And plot, by saying a neurologist who offered medical opinions for decades didn't opine, you've taken your idiocy to supernova. How in the fuck does anyone become such a dumbshit?

  66. @Tricia

    "Again so sad and disconnected form reality/humanity you go after kids"

    So sad that one has to invent children, stalkers, and a perfect full life for the masses of CDAN to get any fulfillment out of life. All or none of it may be true but your protestations, and your use of your alleged kids for sympathy, move it further and further into the fiction designation.

    Carry on. It would be nice if your fictions were more amusing however. Work on that.

  67. Says the certifiable nutcase who couldn't open a can of soup without imagining that Anthony Bourdain somehow gave two fucks in a cat's ass about her culinary activities.

    You see, they were having a "conversation."

  68. Oh, J, you little nutter.

    Do you imagine you can hurt me? Is this, along with the deep fear of pink hats and Dworkins chasing you into the abyss, how you help maintain male privilege? That's cute.

  69. @J

    "by saying a neurologist who offered medical opinions for decades didn't opine, you've taken your idiocy to supernova"

    And by saying Sacks "opines" you've proven that you haven't read a single book or article by him.

    Look up your words sweetie, or you make an ass of yourself.

  70. Thanks for the mic drop Tricia, it's refreshing to find a woman who agrees that women seeking equal rights and opportunities are just silly little gooses. lmao!

  71. @J-lol, Tricia is such an illiterate fool. I doubt she graduated high school .And that profile pic she uses looks NOTHING like her. You should see her mugshot from 10 years ago-she looks like Tan Mom and that was in her late 30s. I couldn't imagine how ugly she actually is now.

  72. Who gives a shit what Tricia looks like? Apart from women acting like the worst stereotypes?

  73. @J

    "it's refreshing to find a woman who agrees that women seeking equal rights and opportunities are just silly little gooses"

    Thus confirming for all what I suspected underlies all her posts, Tricia wants a big man to tell her what to do.

    1. That was fake J, you insufferable numbskull.

      In any case, I am a real person, unlike tbe imaginary Anthony Bourdain ypu discuss cat-food varietals with.

  74. Didn't care about "I think shows like yours are pointless and a waste of time" but lit up and was interested at "Big fans of mine"

    Sounds Trumpy, but also showbizzy in general.

    Whoever this blind is about sounds pretty narcissistic. Not surprised they had enough superficial charm to win over the person who wrote the blind.

  75. This reminds me of some of those really boring reader blinds about meeting a celebrity. Yeah we get it. It's your four touchdowns in a single game. Not that interesting really. I thought it was going someone. But it just fizzled out into absolutely nothing.

  76. Hey look, Derek's back.

  77. @all the Js

    "That was fake J"

    How can one tell? The difference is so minimal.

    If anyone who doubts the Tricia story is Derek, then all the J's may be you.

  78. Would Trump have known who Pauly D and The Situation were? .....Lady GaGa was huge around that time? And Justin Bieber. Kim K (but she was already mentioned).

  79. I think this is Sylvester Stallone... the "kiddo" line is a Rocky reference, and Sly does share some similarities with the Jersey Shore folks.
