Monday, September 24, 2018

Your Turn

Household chore you hate the most.


  1. A tragic accident, friends. My eye doctor fell into the glass grinding machine over the weekend. He made a spectacle of himself.

  2. Cleaning the bathrooms

  3. Anonymous10:03 AM

    toilets and shower

  4. The chore that Camille Cosby hates the most is washing the semen and female tears stained clothes worn by Bill.

    1. Yup. This. There's probably blood and poo she needs to clean as well.

  5. Hello, you've reached the Incontinence Hotline

    Can you hold, please?

  6. Getting up in the morning!

  7. Ekaterina, sweeping and mopping! I bought one of those new floor cleaners that supposedly does both, but it doesn't clean as well as the mop and broom. It's my most hated chore next to ironing.

  8. Dusting and it's a must due to allergies! Candy is on a roll today! 🤣

  9. I was going to say bathrooms, until I recalled the horror of cleaning out and organizing my shed. You see, this is Florida and god knows what’s in there and I hadnt cleaned it out since right before Hurricane Matthew almost two years ago. The palmetto bugs (giant ass roaches) and spiders, bees, wasps aint nothing. We’re talking snakes, wharf rats, squirrel families and even armadillos. It was ugly, but now its done.
    Makes even the dirtiest bathroom pale by comparison.

    1. U forgot about the fire ants no seeums stink bugs and giant grasshopper things and skink...well i like the that your finished i need some help in ne fl...b careful opening the door everything is just shoved in there...

  10. Cleaning the windows. UGH.

  11. Does mowing the lawn count?

  12. Cleaning the oven. Got spinal issues.

  13. Pots and pans. Don't mind the regular dishes but will leave pots and pans to "soak".
    Also getting pretty fed up with the laundry in this house full of farmers. It NEVER ends...

  14. Washing the walls.

    1. And cleaning the baseboards, i'd say they go hand in hand.

  15. Pots and pans or the three litter boxes.

  16. Better question would have been, "Did you wear black today?"

  17. Worse than pots and pans is the silverware. You stand there forever washing these tiny little forks and spoons, after they're done, the pile of dishes is barely smaller, and you have to change the wash water. At least with pots and pans the pile is significantly reduced after each one, and you can put soap and water in each one, so they each have their own wash water.

  18. All of it and fall cleaning is coming up as soon as the heat breaks and I can pull my windows out. Ugh. But I sure do love the end result.

  19. Anonymous6:23 PM

    But wait! 'We can be thankful that we woke up this morning!'

    OK. I am thankful I woke up.... so I can clean the cat box, and cut the grass

  20. @Bitchy You have to change the water after SILVERWARE? What the hell are you using it for?

    And cleaning the bathroom is the worst. Hands down. (Not that anybody asked, but my absolute most fave chore is mowing the lawn. I love it!)

  21. @TW I DID NOT know you were supposed to clean your oven until it caught on fire!
    I asked friends & co-workers if they knew & all answered, “Uh, Yes! Why?” 🤦🏻‍♀️

    My Mom died when I was 19 & was sick for @ least 4 years prior. So, this how I imagine a conversation in Heaven, went:
    “Shirley, I noticed C’s oven is getting really dangerously dirty, you DID explain that she needs to clean it every few months, right?”
    Mom: “Dammit! I KNEW I forgot to teach her some things! Well, maybe, I should really get her attention, ASAP! I know! I’ll cause a
    Fire in her oven! Not a HUGE one, just big enough to get her attention!” (BTW, it worked!)

    I love doing laundry! Yet, Hate vacuuming for some reason.

  22. Ironing. I’ll trade anyone else a chore.

  23. Does the lawn count? The weed wacker is really heavy. The line is always coming out. I get hot and tired within a couple of minutes. Did I mention how heavy it is? x.x

  24. Anonymous2:44 PM

    @adrastia +10000

    Yard work is terrible.

    The purple rash I got for two weeks, after fighting weeds last summer. (please don't anyone tell me it was from a black widow spider, even tho you're probably right)
