Monday, October 22, 2018

Blind Item #10

This foreign born one named A list singer who is probably permanently A list should check in with her A+ list significant other. While she is on tour he has been seeing a barely barely legal escort who sometimes brings her sister along for the fun.


  1. And soccer dude Pique?

  2. Whats barely legal in entyverse? 17 or 18? Or less than that?

  3. Depends on the country.

  4. Thats just nasty! Incest is not hot it's gross!

  5. Pique is definitely not A+ list. Maybe A, but not A+.

  6. I thought Shakira was bearding?

  7. Robin. I think her significant other is a famous cage fighter. Picque is def A list in world futbol. World cup winner, Barcalona Defender, down low lover of Zlatan 😉

  8. Hey as long as they're not your sisters, they're legal and they're hot, who can judge them or you? It's not like you're showing up for Thanksgiving to meet the rest of the family, however much thanks you may be giving ;)

  9. legal age in Spain used to be 13, not sure if 14 now. Really Pique that young?

  10. I just checked it is 16 now

  11. Pique is not anywhere near close to A+ list in the football (not soccer) field. Either Enty is giving that moose faced fucker too much credit or the guess is wrong.
    As a football fan I'm actually having a little snowflake moment being offended that anyone can think that Pique could possibly by A+ list.

  12. Why any straight man would cheat on Shakira is beyond me, but maybe she’s a nagging harpy at home and won’t let him put his feet on the coffee table.

  13. Shakira is on tour right now ...
    it all fits and there was a LONGGGG list of rumors of pique cheating on him, what a coincidence also her previous bf-manager the son of an argentinian president used to cheat on her all the time, karma for how she built her career?

  14. Orangesoda - yes he is pretty much a+ list and for well over a decade as well, you clearly know little about the sport. Very few can match his medal haul.
