Friday, October 19, 2018

Blind Item #13

There is something about that city for this A list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee that makes her do coke there. Maybe thinking about the ex? Anyway, she was at it last night in that city during dinner after an event.


  1. Naomi Watts and New York?

  2. Emma Stone in London?

  3. Was there for Hugo Boss event.

  4. Right, it's the city that does it, talk about f*cking denial.

  5. Can't be Emma, all I ever hear is about how perfect she is.

  6. So the ex would be Justin T or Andrew G?

  7. What is wrong with doing coke once in a while???

    1. The problem with you buying a gram of coke, is that you are supporting the drug cartels which are decimating Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala and causing families to flee their countries for their lives’ sake. Have you ever seem on the news the mass graves filled with college girls? Also, your drug money is causing gangs, gun violence and child prostitution in the USA.
      To see what the drug cartels are doing daily in Mexico, go to the website:
      Your cocaine use is supporting narco violence, that’s what’s wrong.

  8. If she's hanging at the dog park it's Justin T, he just wanted to git it, git it boy!

  9. Madonna in Mianus
    Wait that's stupid
    That's not even a town.

  10. Andrew most likely in London

  11. It would be nice to be able to buy something that didn't support something horrible elsewhere in the world.

    1. @Brayson87 Agreed, it’s nearly impossible to not support bad people, corporations and countries in our daily lives. The most effective protest we can accomplish is who we support with our dollars in our purchases.
      The United States far and away lead the world in drug consumption. That money for cocaine, heroin and crystal meth goes straight into the hands of gangs, cartels, corrupt police and politicians.
      The widespread prevalence of cocaine use here in Los Angeles is incredible. It is also hypocritical for the same people that are using cocaine, to protest immigration and children being separated from their families by ICE at detention centers. It is the purchasing of cocaine by the people in Los Angeles and USA , which is playing a large part in causing the families to flee their own countries.
      Instead of marching, if all of Hollywood abstained from buying and using cocaine for one new week or even one day, it will be a far more powerful protest.

  12. Goodness, could you imagine if you cut the supply for a week? It would turn into The Purge with people looking for drugs.

  13. Is there not such a thing as Fairtrade cocaine?

  14. @ Unknown, I actually watched an interview with a guy who did research on the deep/dark web, and he said that there was free-trade coke for sale on there, where a portion of the money for your purchase would be donated to local schools. Crazy, huh?

    1. Hahaha...if you can think it, it's out there somewhere.
      Truly shocked.

  15. @Unknown, Mianus is not just a river in Connecticut ;)

  16. They produced the drug and pushed it onto Americans in the first place. It's high time third worlders started taking responsibility for their problems instead of scapegoating Western countries all the time.

  17. Who doesnt do coke in London?

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Cocaine being illegal is supporting narco violence, and all the other things you mentioned. If one wanted to end those problems tomorrow, they would legalize it (and all drugs) today. And then cocaine use would be our civic duty.

    Too many people in power are the ones benefiting from propping up the failed so-called war (in name only) on drugs.
