Monday, October 22, 2018

Blind Item #14

What do you when you are with your girlfriend and are confronted by a stripper you hooked up with a few weeks earlier? You put on happy faces and get out of there quickly. What is interesting to me is the stripper was there with a guy she was out with that night. What is the excuse she gives to get up and confront the former A list athlete and his celebrity girlfriend.


  1. Replies
    1. 🤙
      Yeah some pic I saw of them running out of a restaurant and having Bodyguard sign check.
      Hey man don’t eat where know what.
      Course then he’s have nowhere to eat 😉

    2. Didn’t they recently have to leave somewhere else because he was going to be served with paternity papers?

    3. "Can we get these herpes to go?"

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Yep that came up here too a few weeks ago.

  4. What a catch! (Pun intended.)

  5. He's extremely wealthy and is pretty good-looking with a good public personality

    1. I was referring to all of the ongoing drama of having to run out of restaurants, the constant strippers, etc. And by ‘catch’, I meant both the obvi (baseball), but also STD’s.

  6. BTW, why the need for the confrontation? She’s a stripper, he’s a client. Did he forget to pay her?

  7. Strippers have feelings too!!!

  8. Oh I see now, yeah he's that plus who knows if the roids he took affected his manhood?

    1. Hadn’t even considered that (was so focused on the STD aspect.) Maybe the strippers are a necessary requirement for arousal!

  9. Hey we haven't even considered that he may not have returned her Redbox movie that he swore he would and she got hit with a bunch of fees! Probably kept her umbrella too the moocher!

  10. He's not marrying J.Lo...the public humiliation for her will happen before they get engaged.

  11. A-Rod is reportedly very well hung, unlike his former shortstop teammate with herpes.

  12. I think it's a showmance anyway. And I find him rather weird-looking, with hideous veneers.

  13. And the great @Tricia does it again!

    Those two are gonna have to duck a lot of strippers!

  14. I’ve got this:
    1. DO NOT RUN
    2. Back away slowly
    3. Climb a tree if one is close by
    4. Use your pepper spray
    5. Cover your head if they attack

  15. What the stripper thought it was true love? C'mon, hun...

  16. It is highly doubtful that a stripper would confront a hopefully, continuing customer. Unless he didn't pay, but of course he did pay, if in fact this really occurred.

    A person doesn't have to be Sherlock to dismiss some of the fiction on this site.

  17. 🎵I'm still Jenny from the block
    And my boyfriend has a pus-filled massive cock🎵

  18. As good looking and successful as J.Lo is, she sure seems very needy, clingy and insecure! I'd rather just be alone than constantly have men cheating on me, not like she needs his $! She just keeps jumping from one man to another, i'm sure if they break up she'll have a new guy within 2 weeks!

  19. Aqua, I read that too and I now consider it to be confirmed, because a comment stating that there were RUMORS got a ton of complaints from the bot farm/pr and got taken down (not here).

    So now I know that that rumor and every other one are true, and I'm gonna tell all my friends (Hah! My friends don't care what AHole and JHo do)

    ... upon reflection, I suspect that the process servers rumor is true and that they are putting out this one to try to put AHole in a more favorable light than ditching responsibility for a child would do...
