Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Blind Item #15 - AMA

This foreign born A list musician who is usually behind the scenes in movie and television was apparently still really down about things in her life right now. Last night was the first time anyone remembers her talking about the affair with the disgraced A list director/producer which led to the breakup of her marriage. Her husband caught her with the director who dumped her two days later.


  1. Brett Ratner and ?

  2. She's got alot of soundtrack credits on her IMDB and she and her husband filed for divorce.

  3. I like that guess. She might have gone and just not done the red carpet?

  4. Sounds like she's made a bunch of positive life decisions.

  5. Brett Ratner as a side dude! Eww and just say no!!!

    1. πŸ˜’πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€check please!

  6. I definitely won't have what she's having.

  7. Good for her husband for throwing the cheating trash bag to the curb.

  8. Why..Why..Why is it always..and I mean ALWAYS the same people commenting ..Jesus.

  9. So funny how women are expected to forgive and move on but men just can't take the heat and run.

    1. Bingo!!! The male ego is far too fragile for that.

  10. Okay we know it’s probably Brett ratner but who is the girl???????? Does anyone know ?

  11. Wish ut were Kristen Wiig

  12. @ Tricia13

    did you know ratner and depp are working on a DSK movie ?

  13. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Avril Lavigne, Nelly Furtado, or Shania Twain...

    with a side guess of Joni Mitchell

  14. Bubbles: The reason that when a husband cheats and is discovered it results in a divorce about 2/3 of the time, and when a wife cheats and is discovered it results in divorce 96% of the time is that male cheating does not endanger the female's sexual strategy to the same extent as when a woman cheats on a male endangers the male's sexual strategy. Sperm is cheap, and wombs are scarce. If a man cheats spreading his cheap sperm, that's much less of an issue for his mate than if he were to leave entirely. This woman's risk is that her mate might develop an emotional attachment to the other woman. However, if a woman cheats, her cuckolded mate could be stuck raising another mans kid - an expensive mistake.

    The double standard evolved for a reason; men and women are different, have different sexual reproductive strategies, and, hence, different standards of success for those different strategies
