Monday, October 01, 2018

Blind Item #15

You know that writer/actor/serial cheater/never saw a woman he didn't want to have sex with even while he was married to the actress all of you know? Yeah, that guy. Apparently one of his very good friends has been known to break a law or two and that friend was along for the ride so to speak this weekend with the writer/actor. There was a very large burglary that occurred there this weekend. You don't think? I mean it is what the friend specializes in.


  1. The Saudi Arabian Princesses wedding where 1 million dollars of jewellery was stolen.

  2. Definitely Theroux. He is in Paris where that wedding was held.

  3. Guess he’s gotta support himself somehow without Aniston’s money.

  4. They're going to make a movie about him one day.

  5. the wedding was sept 9 and the theft was reported sept 10. not to be argumentative but hsve jt and his pal been there all this time ?

  6. JT's incredible dream life thanks to his prodigious appendage has created a false sense of immunity and charmed life that could catch up to him very fast. The French police are not so impressed by a sizable ham as a jaded starlet.

  7. Bro, you do not want to be crossing people with the means to make you pay for it.

  8. Oh how edgy, Justin hangs with dangerous people Better rub some more diesel in his leathers and motor oil in his hair for authenticity.

  9. Enty, pay attention to times when you make this crap up. The burglary happened weeks ago.

  10. He's creepy for sure but this??? IDK...seems out there. He was sooo good in THE LEFTOVERS...I hope he doesn't do anything illegal...I've lost enough actors I once enjoyed b/c of Me Too and assorted crimes. Blech..I young woman I know on twitter was SQUEALING today over the Gaga/Bradley 'ship'...I started to text her the tea, and then stopped myself, who am I to take away her innocent, ignorant bliss? Sometimes, I feel reading this site is dangerous, as in, I KNOW TOO MUCH!!! LOL

  11. It couldn't have been Theroux. There were not any sightings of any douchebags with hipster hats in the area.

  12. will someone send me the link to the Cooper/ Gaga Tea?

  13. Plot, thank you for your comment!

    Yeah, he's a real jackass.
