Monday, October 22, 2018

Blind Item #2

This one named singer who used to be part of a group wants you to believe the huge money she is charging for a meet and greet is going to charity. It isn't. When asked for a form to prove it to the IRS, they balk and say it is "their intention" for it to go to charity.


  1. Anonymous7:11 AM


  2. Anonymous7:12 AM

    theyre $2500 and "goes to charity"

  3. So I guess it’s sort of like Amber Heard saying that she ‘intended’ to donate her entire divorce settlement to charity.

    1. Amber actually donated her entire divorce settlement to two hospitals that confirmed it. She also donated 250k of her own money too.... if you wanna hate at least do your research

    2. I have done my research. She donated ‘something’, but the amount was never confirmed. She was just thanked for her ‘generous donation’, so people assumed it was the whole thing.

    3. I don’t know either way and don’t really care but there is no question in my mind that Amber Heard is shady as fuck

  4. It's Normani. She's charging $2.5k per visit. Even for charity, that's insane. Her fanbase is young girls, where are they getting that money from?

  5. It was reported everywhere that Amber Heard donated the full $7 million. It was split up between a children's hospital and other charities. Don't know where you're getting your "research" from, but you should find a new source.

  6. There is no celebrity that I would pay to meet. It seems disgustingly greedy to me, but that's just me.

    1. @jennifer totally agree with you. That’s some seriously narcissistic shit. Like they don’t already have enough money? Also, they could just be nice people and I don’t know . Meet their fans because they want to with no alterior motives ... just a thought

  7. Beyoncé doesn't do meets and greets. It's Normani

  8. So she was trying to dodge taxes on her meet and greet money, that's the blind?

  9. I looked this Normani up and still have no idea who she is or why any would pay $2500 to breathe the same air she does. What is wrong with people?
